BlogHide Reblurtsdarkfemme in # blurthispano • 4 years ago • 2 min readDOMADORA DE MIS DRAGONES - Poesía LibreFuí armando la trama de lo que necesitaba, Uniendo todos los hilos hacia mi vida, Aumentando las energías que muy adentro se acumulaban, Concentrando la potencia hasta sentirme…darkfemme in # blurtespanol • 4 years ago • 5 min readTHE MAIL SOME RARE // UNA CARTA MUY PECULIAR O.oBecause always to be the little boys and girls who want to fulfill our wishes. Today i remember My childhood, because @blurthispano brought us the speed Christmas contest on December, but i have…darkfemme in # blurthispano • 4 years ago • 6 min readMY PARTIPATION TO CONTEST "I PRESENT TO MY HEROINE"¡WOW! SO HARD! ¡QUÉ DIFÍCIL! There are questions that can make us feel in trouble, challenge us to see a little more inside ourselves. . In this case, I was able to find out…darkfemme in # blurthispano • 4 years ago • 8 min readREVIEW-MOVIE // HACKSAW RIDGE / HASTA EL ÚLTIMO HOMBREIf You asking to somebody that knows me would think that this movie would choose as one of the ones that has marked me the most in life... Mmm i don't believe it! Nadie que me conozca pensaría…darkfemme in # blurtstory • 4 years ago • 3 min readMY PARTICIPATION TO BLURTSTORY LOGO DESIGN CONTESTYesterday at midnight, a friend told me that I could participate in this contest and I only had these hours to finish a logo for @blurtstory, since I did not know what she did and when I saw that it…darkfemme in # blurtespanol • 4 years ago • 5 min readPROMOTING X'S SELF-ASSESSMENT /// FOMENTANDO LA AUTOASESORÍA DE X"Be your best client, get advice to give you effective answers and make yourself reflect objectively about your steps" "Sé tu mejor cliente, asesórate para darte respuestas efectivas y…darkfemme in # reflection • 4 years ago • 5 min readWE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT BE / SOMOS RESPONSABLES DE LO QUE SOMOS"Because we are not better than we are now, then we are what all are." "Por no ser mejor de lo que somos, somos lo que somos todos." This is an adage that, at some…darkfemme in # spanish • 5 years ago • 2 min readLA MÚSICA VIBRANDO EN MI ANDAR---> Sentí las notas coqueteando conmigo, Fluyendo cada bit simulando latidos, Vibrando mis venas ante la pasión, Esa pasión por reconocerme en cada son.…darkfemme in # poetry • 5 years ago • 2 min readSHE HURTS TO WHOM IT IS REVEALED <<FREE POETRY>>---> I'm holding on to the shadows of the night, Enjoying the moment when darkness is everything, Observing the sword with which I protect my heart, Being that sword the only…darkfemme in # welcome • 5 years ago • 2 min readWELCOME! - BLURT - ¡BIENVENIDOS!When the possibilities open up and everything invites us to create new spaces, at that moment we must be open to change and ride the wave. Cuando las posibilidades se abren y todo nos invita a…