iamfaith in # sports • last year • 2 min readA RewardA reward for a job well done! Running or even walking is a nice way of doing cardio vascular exercise. Spending atleast 30 mins a day if possible really be a good way to reduce stress, maintain a…iamfaith in # travel • last year • 2 min readMy weekendLast Saturday we have celebrated my friends birthday. We agreed to meet at Ayala Malls Central Block located in Asia Town IT Park Lahug Cebu City. We went to Kubu- a restaurant which offers Filipino…iamfaith in # travel • last year • 2 min readWhen in Pagadian City!Pagadian City is a coastal component city in the province of Zamboanga del Sur, this is also known as the little Hong Kong of the South as this place embraces different trades from neighboring…iamfaith in # travel • last year • 1 min readInambakan Falls in Ginatilan Cebu!Inambakan Falls is situated in the Municipality of Ginatilan Cebu. This is one of beautiful waterfalls you can find in Cebu. This place offers a view of nature's best views, cold water, beautiful…iamfaith in # food • last year • 1 min readPhilippines most popular dessertHere in the Philippines our Halo-halo is one of the best refreshments there is in the entire country with variations depending on where in the country one is situated as of course availability…iamfaith in # travel • last year • 2 min readMuseum VisitThis is taken on my travel in Aurora Zamboanga del Sur last summer, and I would like to share it with you guys as I always appreciate history and culture and the best way on how to understand the…iamfaith in # travel • last year • 2 min readBinondo ManilaAmazing Chinatown experience! We were actually in Makati Manila for work but still got a chance to explore Manila on our weekend. So I called my cousin to tour me around as I am so unfamiliar with…iamfaith in # travel • last year • 1 min readMy Zamboanga Tour continuesTafs Wonderland is situated in Romarate Aurora Zamboanga del Sur. This place is a bit off-road going to the exact location but the scenic view it offers is magnifico! I just sometimes pause in awe…iamfaith in # travel • last year • 2 min readPulacan FallsThis is one of the places I have gone to when I visited my cousin in Aurora Zamboanga del Sur. We have travelled from Aurora to Labangan I think roughly around 45 to 50 minutes as we road a Bao- Bao…iamfaith in # fruit • last year • 1 min readGarlic (AHOS kung sa Bisaya pa)What is garlic and its uses? Garlic (Allium sativum) is an herb related to onion, leeks, and chives. It is commonly used for conditions related to the heart and blood system. Garlic produces a…iamfaith in # fruit • last year • 2 min readLuffa cylindrical (SIKWA in Cebuano)Luffa cylindrica or( SIKWA IN CEBUANO)which is commonly called sponge gourd, loofa, vegetable sponge, bath sponge or dish cloth gourd, is a member of cucurbitaceouse family. The fruits of Luffa…iamfaith in # sports • last year • 1 min readMy hobbyRunning is a method of terrestrial locomotion allowing humans and other animals to move rapidly on foot. Running is a type of gait characterized by an aerial phase in which all feet are above the…iamfaith in # introducemyself • 2 years ago • 1 min readMy introduction post to blurt communityHello everyone, i am glad that I was able to be part of this community. I hope to share fun travels, hobbies, food delicacies in our localities and many more. I am looking forward to collaborating…