Retired in 2004 at age 40. Live on an island paradise with my teenage daughter, girlfriend and two dogs. Have MANY hobbies and interests (most of them too bo...
U.S., ASIA Joined July 2020 Active last month
Retired in 2004 at age 40. Live on an island paradise with my teenage daughter, girlfriend and two dogs. Have MANY hobbies and interests (most of them too bo...
U.S., ASIA Joined July 2020 Active last month
RE: Suveron, Prologue Part 1
RE: Goal to Build a Better Avatar on @risingstargame
RE: How did you come across blurt? - Take part in the survey and get strong upvotes
RE: Old mill treasures
RE: (JaiChai) "Micro-Warfare: Trojan Air Unit One, ISOC" - Original Sci-Fi and Digital Art
RE: Not supporting the midwit is sound financial advice - Here's why....
RE: (JaiChai) "Old Friend, New Life"- A story of Friendship and Forgiveness
RE: There's No Defense against the TOS Flamethrower, AKA Scorching Sunlight, go home Nazi, GG.
RE: (JaiChai) A couple questions from me - only two days on Blurt...
RE: It's always best to leave the party on a high....it's nearly Adieu time...