BlogHide Reblurtskamarudsteem in # iduvts • 2 years ago • 1 min readAnggek miniBunga anggrek menjadi salah satu tanaman yang paling sering diletakkan di dalam ruangan (indoor). Hal ini disebabkan karena anggrek memiliki warna-warna yang cerah sehingga dapat menambahkan…kamarudsteem in # instablurt • 2 years ago • 1 min readBunga anggrek ekor tupai warna putihAnggrek menyukai cahaya matahari tetapi tidak langsung sehingga ia biasa ditemukan di alam sebagai tumbuhan lantai hutan, anggrek tanahatau di bawah naungan anggrek epifit. Sebagai tanaman hias…kamarudsteem in # iduvts • 2 years ago • 1 min readKeanekaragaman Jamur Liar pada Hutan Hujan TropisHutan hujan tropis, sebagian besar ditemukan di daerah khatulistiwa, tipe hutan ini memiliki suhu dan kelembapan rata-rata yang cukup tinggi. Ciri khas hutan hujan tropis adalah curah hujan tahunan…kamarudsteem in # iduvts • 2 years ago • 1 min readIni adalah jamur kuning cerah yang tumbuh di rantik kayuNamun jamur ini cukup sulit ditemukan karena tumbuhnya secara berkelompok dan hanya bisa ditemukan saat musim hujan, Meski begitu, siapa saja yang menemukan jamur ini dapat menikmati rasa nya yang…kamarudsteem in # iduvts • 2 years ago • 1 min readBunga angkilBung angkil ni tergolong bunga yang langka, Seya ketemu pas main di pinggir hutang.kamarudsteem in # iduvts • 2 years ago • 1 min readThe beauty of the maroon wuluh starfruit flowerThe maroon beauty of this wuluh starfruit is beautiful. Although almost every day I see the many trees in the residential area, but this is the first time I have noticed the flowers. Thanks…kamarudsteem in # r2cornell • 2 years ago • 1 min readDelicious eggs with toastEggs with delicious crispy buttered toast plus a cup of coffee. what is strong is happiness, roasted using charcoal. which adds a crunch and tantalizing. Thanks for taking time to read…kamarudsteem in # r2cornell • 2 years ago • 1 min readThe sun has setAbout the sunset can be a release from the daily routine. The sunset is known as sunset. This moment is also often called twilight. When the sunset moment occurs, a beautiful atmosphere is created…kamarudsteem in # r2cornell • 2 years ago • 1 min readMiyazaki mango.Miyazaki mango is believed to have a very delicious taste, soft texture, juicy, aromatic, and almost completely devoid of fiber. Two years after planting, Miyazaki bore its first fruit.…kamarudsteem in # instablurt • 2 years ago • 1 min readRed hibiscus flowerFlowers are starting to bloom, red hibiscus flowers, even though they don't smell good, these flowers are beautiful flowers. Thanks for taking time to read my post i hope you enjoy it and…kamarudsteem in # instablurt • 2 years ago • 1 min readYou can still harvest peppers.Two more days, after the ripe red, and the big green looks like yellow peppers, I hope it's true, there are still small peppers that will grow big later. so the plants are still well cared…kamarudsteem in # iduvts • 2 years ago • 1 min readRed roses. The charm of the rose which is considered one of the most beautiful red flower charmsSpecies with wide open flowers are more likely to attract bees or other insects that aid in pollination and so tend to produce more fruit. Breeding roses produce flowers whose crown leaves close…kamarudsteem in # r2cornell • 2 years ago • 1 min read#Snails are gastropods. soft-bodied animals that use their stomachs to walk, and are part of the phylum Mollusca.Please note, biomineralization is a process carried out by living organisms to produce minerals that aim to harden their body tissues. The shell glands that snails have will secrete the organ…kamarudsteem in # r2cornell • 2 years ago • 1 min readThere are two plants I experiment, curious effect to grow it.Both of these plants require cold temperatures at night to form tubers, including garlic. well, of the three plants that I planted, only two grew, onions and granola potatoes that just sprouted…kamarudsteem in # instablurt • 2 years ago • 1 min readMost often this weed seed sticking when nature walk. Realized after the pants, clothes, and even the hijab were decorated by himWe don't know what kind of grass this is originally. looks like a bottle brush. because the seeds have thorns, teeth that can stick to clothes, children have always called it bottle brush grass. If…kamarudsteem in # iduvts • 2 years ago • 1 min readAdmire the Beautiful Panorama of the Sunset on the BeachSwallow birds flying around the beach make the scenery on this beach look so lively. The clear water seems to seduce visitors to immediately set foot on this beach. Moreover, the friendly waves on…kamarudsteem in # iduvts • 2 years ago • 1 min readFresh and delicious Ice DogerThe ingredients are according to taste, make pearl porridge according to packaging instructions, enough sticky rice tape, enough grass jelly, enough cassava tape, enough jackfruit, Cokro Krispi…kamarudsteem in # r2cornell • 2 years ago • 1 min readOld mushrooms are dark orangeIt's said to be dry but sometimes it rains. it's said to be in the rainy season but how come the weather is so hot. In the midst of uncertain weather between infrequent rains and scorching heat…kamarudsteem in # r2cornell • 2 years ago • 1 min readTomato PlantsIt's nice to see the shape of the fruit and the shape of the plant, both from the type of leaves and the pistils. that's basically the whole thing huh.. Each type of tomato has a different…kamarudsteem in # r2cornell • 2 years ago • 1 min readWild plants growing in the vacant lot in front of the house.Not all I know the name and take advantage of. What is certain is that cassava leaves and spinach are often used. Others have not been fully utilized, for sure the front of the house will be green…