reddenise27 in # food • 2 years ago • 1 min read"SAMGYEOPSAL or KOREAN BARBECUE"I can't deny that Samgyeopsal is our favorite Korean food. Many Filipinos are going crazy about it because of its unique concept of having various side dishes. Samgyeopsal is a popular Korean dish…reddenise27 in # food • 2 years ago • 1 min read"GRILLED BALUT in CORDOVA CEBU"Have you tried the Trending Grilled Balut? The Grilled Balut originated in Vietnam, where it is topped with chili salt. The dish is made by boiling the balut eggs first. Once the eggs are cooked…reddenise27 in # blurtpilipinas • 2 years ago • 1 min readSweet & Sour Fish for DinnerFish Escabeche (also known as Escabecheng Isda) is a sweet and sour recipe popular in the Philippines. Escabeche is a delicious dish and an easy-to-make recipe. A fish escabeche is commonly served…reddenise27 in # introducemyself • 2 years ago • 1 min read"Introduction of myself to BLURT COMMUNITY"Hi guys good evening! I'm Marysol Nabatilan from Cebu Philippines.I'm 37 years old. I love to dance and cook.Hope to have more friends here in BLURT COMMUNITY. ![beauty_20230319124225.jpg](…