Commentssmall1axe in # blurtnews • 11 months ago • 1 min readRE: The crypt of DPoS crypto - part 2 - Body or Soul ? .....If pretending something ,. do not start believing it is real . The main problem with those new age spiritual enlightened ones . They think what they pretend is real . I never think the…small1axe in # blurtnews • 11 months ago • 1 min readRE: Maybe a video series, to try and break psychosis ?(Or at least give some giggles to sane people).....Yep ,. it got me giving a giggle . ;-)small1axe in # news • 11 months ago • 1 min readRE: What would you change if you had only 6 months - to live?COUNT ME OUT! I will , and stand with you all the way . No bullshit , no tax for war ,. it is how i live my life . Stay free !small1axe in # life • 11 months ago • 1 min readRE: R.I.P Tracey NorthernSad to hear ,. gonna remember her ,. always . And good to hear she left her legacy ,. in books and writing ,. outside the blurt bullshit . For anyone interested ,... And thanks for sharing…small1axe in # blurt • last year • 1 min readRE: I Think I Cracked the Cannabis CodeYou stupid fuck,.. never give your plants chemical food in the last two weeks of flowering . if you do you will be smoking this chemical shit ,. and feel wrecked stoned as a penguin in a hot summer…small1axe in # blurt • last year • 4 min readRE: I Think I Cracked the Cannabis CodeLegalizing cannabis made it possible for every fuck up to grow some shit and sell it . I am from the Netherlands ,. grew up in the 80ths . Never did the government legalize cannabis growing or…small1axe in # soros • last year • 2 min readRE: 2024-02-21It is of no importance to me if she is a hottie or not . Julian should be free ,somewhere where he can recover in the love and care of this woman while enjoying the presence of his kids . Having…small1axe in # blurtnews • last year • 1 min readRE: A snippet of things to come, and my perspective...It's ALL about perspective...part 1I might have a disorder ,. i think it is L.A.I. . Will i ever cure from that ,. Or will i soon die of a killing joke ? ;-) Posted fromsmall1axe in Information War • last year • 1 min readRE: Tucker Carlson's First Discussion Since Putin Interview | World Government Summit 2024World Government Summit That tells me all i need to know . ;-) Posted fromsmall1axe in # blurtpolitics • last year • 1 min readRE: The funniest thing I've seen on blurt....and why Dein Kampf, will be my Mien KriegsspielVibrant ??? It hit the rail ,. somersaulted in to the bush ,. and lies there ,. vibrating still a bit from that crash . That kind of vibrant ? ,. i think it must be . ;-) Posted fromsmall1axe in # blurtpolitics • last year • 1 min readRE: Principles Remain The Same - Only The Terrain ChangesMother Earth is pregnant for the third time , Cause yo all have knocked her up . As above as below . Al cycles connect in some way . Civilization did not start in Greece ,. it survived .…small1axe in # blurtpolitics • last year • 2 min readRE: Principles Remain The Same - Only The Terrain ChangesSociety might be doomed ,. but human existence is certainly not . My spidy senses are going of like nuts the last days ,. something is pulling me back to the cold north . If the cycles - from…small1axe in # blurtpolitics • last year • 1 min readRE: Principles Remain The Same - Only The Terrain ChangesYep , society is doomed . Blurt is just a symptom confirming to that reality . ;-) Posted fromsmall1axe in # blurt • last year • 1 min readRE: I picked up drawing as a new official hobby.I need music. So bring one in the comments for to share. No problem , 😉 Posted fromsmall1axe in # blurtpolitics • last year • 1 min readRE: Tell me... what are you here for, again ?...It ain't work ethic, that's for sure..I am here to find some entertainment ,. witch seems almost impossible to find on here these days . really miss the times when MD and Tekraze where entertaining me with their funny comments .…small1axe in # wef • last year • 1 min readRE: Fuck you Klaus SchwabPosted fromsmall1axe in # blurtnews • last year • 2 min readRE: T-shirts, and eating steak.I do not deny the existence of the beast inside my head , I control it ,. the energy not wasted on it makes human contact less complicated . I do not deny the human instinct to reproduce , as…small1axe in # blurtnews • last year • 1 min readRE: Some times you need a good narc fart, to clear the air...and eye logo wise king eye symbol Vectors by Vecteezy If i close one eye ,. i can see with one eye to ,. it is just a tool ,. the looking glass . But i am not Alice ,. i am my own king , that…small1axe in # blurtnews • last year • 1 min readRE: Some times you need a good narc fart, to clear the air...and mind..Alice in wonderland ,. the looking glass ,.. all things very much related to MK ultra mind controlled slave creation ,. very evil shit . but i can forgive you ,,. you ain't that well informed as…small1axe in # blurtnews • last year • 2 min readRE: T-shirts, and eating steak.I know and have good friends that are vegan or vegetarian ,. thing is , they are voluntaryist individuals ,. libertarians . They can be at a party or other sorts of gathering , but never even…
RE: The crypt of DPoS crypto - part 2 - Body or Soul ? .....
RE: Maybe a video series, to try and break psychosis ?(Or at least give some giggles to sane people).....
RE: What would you change if you had only 6 months - to live?
RE: R.I.P Tracey Northern
RE: I Think I Cracked the Cannabis Code
RE: I Think I Cracked the Cannabis Code
RE: 2024-02-21
RE: A snippet of things to come, and my perspective...It's ALL about perspective...part 1
RE: Tucker Carlson's First Discussion Since Putin Interview | World Government Summit 2024
RE: The funniest thing I've seen on blurt....and why Dein Kampf, will be my Mien Kriegsspiel
RE: Principles Remain The Same - Only The Terrain Changes
RE: Principles Remain The Same - Only The Terrain Changes
RE: Principles Remain The Same - Only The Terrain Changes
RE: I picked up drawing as a new official hobby.
RE: Tell me... what are you here for, again ?...It ain't work ethic, that's for sure..
RE: Fuck you Klaus Schwab
RE: T-shirts, and eating steak.
RE: Some times you need a good narc fart, to clear the air...and mind..
RE: Some times you need a good narc fart, to clear the air...and mind..
RE: T-shirts, and eating steak.