Just Hangin' Out!............. NW Cascade Wanderings

in # actifit •  yesterday • 3 min read

It turned out to be a super rainy day here in my neck of the woods! Our morning began with a trip to the Lynden Fairgrounds to pick up the trees I ordered back on the first of February. Not a good day for planting trees! I had ordered 25 Shore Pines, 2 Noble Firs and 2 Sitka Spruce trees. See @silvertop’s post for pics and details. He wanted the Shore Pines and I wanted the other two. Noble Firs are noted around here for the ‘perfect’ Christmas tree. All the ones I’ve seen at the tree farms didn’t look anything special, so it got me to wondering if they had maybe been mislabeled. Hence my curiosity in wanting to grow one up just to see if my suspicions pan out. The Sitka Spruce is also renowned for wood used in making guitars. No, I won’t be turning them into guitars as I am not a luthier, but the tree interests me nonetheless.

After coming home with them, @silvertop went out and ‘heeled’ them in-in other words, got them temporarily planted to survive until the rain stops and they can be planted permanently. While he did that, I ran some laundry and did some online tasks. It was still raining!

We decided to go to My Nursery, to walk around, take in the plants and whatnot. I was in the market for a jade plant so I was hoping to find one. This place is always so interesting! Tons and tons of plants-both indoor and outdoor varieties. Then too, there are all kinds of little knickknacks and things. ‘Shrooms are definitely in season here!

There were even little hedgehogs with little ‘shroom hats!

Indoors near the succulents, there was a little metal works that reminded me of Jiminy Cricket.

Outside, I found this little guy enjoying a rest on an English Daisy.

There were a lot of people around and I was able to pet the two Persian cats that hang out in the nursery. There’s always a lot to see and one of my favorite places to go to browse and enjoy the plants. I found my Jade plant along with a metal bee I’ll share on another day.

Then it was off to Winco to get some lettuce as we’ve been on this salad kick lately and me more so than @silvertop, had eaten all the lettuce! I want more salad so $90 later….. not all that was salad but honestly, the amount of food we purchased keeping in mind it was mostly produce, beans and a couple pizzas-it’s hard to believe it came to that much!

That’s gonna be it for today. Tomorrow’s church service is an hour later than normal so we can sleep in a teeny bit in the morning. Take care as always and enjoy the rest of your day wherever you are! 🙏🌎🙏


NKJV Psalm 118:24

This is the day the LORD has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH

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