My Little Helper............. NW Cascade Wanderings

in # actifit •  25 days ago • 3 min read

Every winter and into spring, we find little companions indoors. I don’t mind them so much as I do have an indoor jungle that could perhaps benefit from them being around. Many times, they also like to help me post, lol!

The day began at church. Pastor Kyle’s wife Rachel, leads the worship team. Today, she not only did that, but she also gave the sermon as well. I have to say her sermons are as good as her husband’s are, and you’ve read how much we enjoy his sermons. We enjoyed her’s as well. 😇

Once home, I set about working on Faithful Finish Lines (FFL) and creating and organizing some related computer files. Afterwards, since it’s raining again and I don’t hike in the rain much anymore, but especially right now since it’s cold and I don’t want the exposure as I work closely with patients who come to the vision clinic regardless of their state of health, I rode the stationary bike instead. It also affords me the time to read while doing it. Needless to say, I go through books quickly as I’m a fast reader as well.

I roasted a couple of pounds of coffee for a customer in Rhode Island to ship on Tuesday. I have to work tomorrow and the post office is closed due to President’s Day.

I have some lovely pictures though. How about a woodpecker townhouse or perhaps one for owls?

Or perhaps some critter Hoof Fungus? No wonder you felt like someone was watching you!

Here are some other lovely specimens.

Against all snowy odds, these little guys survived……mostly, except for the third photo.

As I said earlier, I have to work tomorrow when normally, I’d have the day off. Then I’m off Tuesday and work Wednesday through Friday. On Friday, I’ll be alone with no helper as nobody can seem to come in to back me up. It’s a full doc day with patients, so I’ll probably be a bit crazy by the time the day is done. Perhaps I should see if my little ladybug 🐞 helper is available?

That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and have a blessed week ahead.

Enjoy the rest of your day wherever you are! 🙏🌎🙏


NLT Proverbs 15:13

A glad heart makes a happy face;
a broken heart crushes the spirit.

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH

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