Grow Little Trees! 🤗
Finally, the day had arrived! It was time to pull out my shovel and start planting some trees!😊
I organized several buckets…………
Topsoil check!
Mulch check!
Baby trees…………….
I had my work cut out for me today!😅
That’s when it started raining……………..
I pulled my sweatshirt hood over my head……..
Within minutes, the rain stopped, and it started snowing, then “Corn snow” a type of small hail!😳
“Silvertop why don’t you come back inside!”🥰
I had just started………..🤔
I was determined to plant at least a few trees today!😇
Then as quickly as the the storm arrived, it was over, and the Sun was back!😎
Four insulated layers of clothing, became three, then two, and I soon found myself digging holes in just a t shirt!☺️
Take a look at the photo just before the one taken of my expertly dug hole Lol!😇
Off in the distance, in the valley below, you can see a field planted with baby Doulas Fir seeding trees!
Silvertop is only planting 29 trees this year. A pittance compared to Westergreens tree nursery far below, but we are all on the same “page”!😊
Spring tree planting!
“Cot…. Come outside and help Dad plant some trees son!”😇
He had assumed the “position” on “HIS” warm waterbed, he wasn’t moving!😻
“Liz I don’t think Cot is even asleep, he’s just ignoring Dad Lol!🤣
He’s a smart boy Silvertop, what were you just taking about Lol!”😇🥰
Till tomorrow, and more tree plantings Silvertop Mike 😊
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