in # actifit •  last year • 2 min read

“ Watch out where the Huskies go “………😳
Day two of Silvertop’s Winter wonderland!😊
You learn a lot living many years in “Snow Country”!😇
Our two family Dalmatians would leave “Presents” encased in layers of the deep snowpack.
As it gradually melted, you would start to find these new surprises!😳🤣
Locals called this “Mud Season”…………..
Today’s plan for Silvertop, was early this morning walk down our road,and see if the snow plow truck had been by…………
That’s the bottom of our road in the first photo, and it keeps climbing uphill!
You can’t get a running start, because you need to make a sharp right turn off of the mountain pass below!🙄
For a second day, Liz opted to stay home from work………..
“ I’m going out honey!”🥰
So began Silvertop’s “Snow shoveling” steps for today!
I needed to clear the snow from our long driveway.
Liz’s car has amazing four-wheel-drive, and the studded very deep lug tires can power through almost anything……….
Just not this deep…….
It would “ High center “ her car!🤔
Several hours at a time I would shovel and take a break ……..
This went on all day ………..😅
Later in the day our son texted……….
They are running a generator there electricity is out!🙄
Bill lives over one hundred miles away, he is one of several snow plow truck drivers for his city down south.
“ Bill, “Make Trade”…….Dad has Solar power, do you know where I can find a good snowplow driver Lol!”🥰
“ Honey I am tired, I’m just going to sit by the wood stove!😅

Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

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Nice work! Curated by @ultravioletmag