My daughter drew this--Free Palestine #Pray for Gaza and for all people who are suffering from Genocide

in # art •  last year • 3 min read

Hi blurt bloggers
Good evening all
Hope you all doing well
Whenever I start my blog I start with lot of excitement and end with the same boring content framing the same content daily...
But today I am going to share pictures of what my 9years old daughter had drew on piece of papers.
I was busy in my phone watching random reels, ir was a just a break from work, while she was busy doing something on the end of the table, I thought like usual she is busy arranging her school belongings,so i didn't disturbed her,a few moments later she came to me giving a box closed with a sad smile ,but lot of expression in her eyes wondering on me, to see my reaction what I am going to say to her,.
With her eyes filled ,than I opened and saw ,I was paise for a while, then I saw all the pieces which was the reality drawn with emotions and feelings for other people in the world.
This war isn't self defense,it had created a very bad image to all .
In young age where kids play innocently with other children,wander without fear,this ferocious acts is miserable 😖.
Thousands of innocent kids and people died.
This doesn't justifying the war...
Even war has rules to follow, even International association and federation and foriegn country's must stand with Gaza in thier bad times and go them to get back to atleast basic needs without any fear of loosing even more people surrounding them..
World cannot be so cruel to humanity and mankind.
It's heart wrecking to see the videos and images of gaza people, where a man is holding dead bodies of their lovely children, where a man who lost all his world ,sitting like a dead body,.where women are operated without anesthesia, where thier is no medical facilities available for them...
We appreciate people who are raising funds , and sending Medical help and supplies, but unfortunately even hospital was also targetted with half injured people in it..

We wish and expect this war to come to an end ,we wish all countries should take a strong decision to stop this Genocide
Note :-
No intention to target any community, no religion biased,no other intention..
Solely my post is all about the current situation happening in Palestine..








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This video is all images which my daughter drew I made a video on this.. Please have a look on it

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  ·  last year  ·  

We always curse and blame social media for all its negative impacts but in this case, I would like to thank social media for spreading awareness and making us directly connect with the victims and sufferers all across the globe not just in this case but all the other situation where people can directly reach out and address the world with what is their side of the real story, otherwise, the media had become Mafia of corruption.

  ·  last year  ·  

True.. because of this social media only and the power of common people, Genocides had come to some truce for only two days.Atleast this two days gaza people can breath freely