BLOG18: Diamond stone painting 2

in # art •  2 years ago • 1 min read

Hi blurt fam👋...I'm back with my diamond stone painting,
Did you know that crafters describe diamond painting as relaxing and fact most say it is more stressed relieving ,than any other craft.placing the diamond one by one is extremely soothing and allows many people to enter a meditative state....
It's been almost 2 months since I started this family diamond painting,still not done,but it's okay, I'm not in a rush😊one reason why until now I couldn't finish this is,the numbness of my right hand,I don't know why eventually I feel this in my hand,but don't worry guys,the dr.give me medicine I mean it's a multivitamins, to take for 7 days,and try to observe if I feel better after taking those vitamins 💕😊
And that's all for now...god bless everyone💕👋



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