I would like to make a demo of the starport raspberry pi image.
We would scaffold and launch a bling
, likely on a zerotier network.
You would need:
1x rpi
1x 32gb - 256gb microsd card
time over the weekend
Can you please reply here if you're interested?
Thank you
It's a pity that I can't be there this time. I have ordered additional SD cards that will be delivered on Tuesday, then I would also have time. I'll be happy to take part on the next test.
Let's go.
I will have a rather busy weekend, but would be able to flash the SD card anytime during Saturday and send you some results on Sunday.
yes – one more Raspi is in
@jeengers Raspi runs here. As long as there is no frontend to test for cryptopie, I am happy to test what there is to test and I think that is entirely in the interests of the owner too.
You are free to choose. 😉
If you think I can do that, I'd love to!
But not if it's on Sunday evening.
Otherwise some users would be disappointed ;-)
I have no pi but would buy a vps for the test
It will not work on Pi operating system in desktop or mac book-https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/raspberry-pi-desktop/
raspberry pi only? No VPS allowed?
let's see if we can get enough Pi's. The VPS changes the network topology.
Incredible all the work you do, too bad I don't have a raspberry to collaborate. Regards
I am interested and ready to go
you are on fire, unfortunately at the moment I do not own the raspberry, however I invite anyone who wishes to be part of the test team welcome.
You are so great ❤️ dear
You are great, I am great, we all are sooo great. ;)
There is no better way to say it!
I'm only missing the raspberry, a small detail