If you can't upload your post and get this error message: "Oops, something went wrong Please try again later.", check these three things.

in # blog •  5 months ago (edited)• 3 min read

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(About one month ago.)

All was honky-dory in blog posting land.

Then all of a sudden, I was unable to post on a platform that never hiccuped before.

The error message read: "Oops, something went wrong Please try again later."

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I tried the following to no avail...

  • Logging out of the site, then logging in.
  • Switching browsers.
  • Rebooting the system

I got zip, nada, "no joy" from those activities; still couldn't upload a post, followed by that annoying "Oops, something went wrong Please try again later." error message!

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And of course, stubborn me kept trying the same for a week until I was almost ready to ressurect an old laptop just to upload my micro-blog and long form posts.

But then I noticed something.

My system clock was wrong.

(To check system time in Linux, type the word "date" in the terminal and press enter.)

I manually set the time and the date and guess what?

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I could post again...but only for 4 days.

Then that bane of my existence "Oops, something went wrong Please try again later." error message showed up once more and again, I was unable to post again!

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By now, I was pretty sure that my ancient desktop was the cause, so I disconnected all electrical cords and devices and firmly reinserted everything.

During this process, I found the connection to one of my external USB hard drives was not inserted all the way into the USB female socket of my desktop.

(Ping!) The light bulb went on. That external hard drive was where I stored most of my blog post images. Hmm, I wondered...

So, with the system time and date correct and the external USB hard drive securely attached to my desktop, VIOLA! I could blog again! Yay!

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For just 8 days.

(Heavy Sigh)

Again, ready to scrap my antiquated desktop, I tried one more time to post on a platform that I knew to be rock solid.

And I'm glad I did, 'cause instead of the "Oops, something went wrong Please try again later." message, the error message was: "Post size is too large. Recommend deleting large image files and replacing them with smaller ones."

Imagine that?

Post size limitations never crossed my mind.

After scaling down my large image files, I uploaded the blog post with no glitches whatsoever.


If can't upload a post and get this error message: "Oops, something went wrong Please try again later.", first try logging in/out of the site, switching your browser and rebooting your system.

If those don't fix the problem, check for these three things:

-wrong system time and date.

-loose electrical cord and external device connections.

-exceeding maximum post size limits with too many large image files.

Submitted FYI.

May you and yours be well and loving life today.

In Lak'ech,


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