If there is something I am happy that our present world is actually facing right now, I will say it is the technology Advancements all around. Technology Advancements have been able to give us something that will make our world much more easier and that is the innovation of Artificial intelligence. There is so much that artificial intelligence is really playing in our present world right now across every industry or sector you can mention.
We have seen the impact of AI in the education sector, in health and even in the financial sector. But recently, there is a major aspect that Artificial intelligence is gaining ground in the aspect of application and that is the multiverse. Multiverse in the sense that we have lots of universes existing in this world with each universe having their own different features. Even though it has been a theory that has been long established, Artificial intelligence is giving us a possibility to understand much more better and interact with those universes beyond the theoretical aspect.
Recently, research has made me discover that there have been uses of Artificial intelligence even in the multiverse exploration. In African where I come from, we have been used to hearing about the theory of universe and in fact sometimes it will be expressed in our African Folktales. For many years, even though the theoretical aspect of alternate universe have been established, there have been a major challenge in proving it. But good news is that Artificial intelligence has come to offer the solution for the challenge.
Not only do Artificial intelligence helps us to understand those difference universe as scientifically claimed, but it has also helped us to even know how to create new universe. It sounds crazy right? That was how I felt also when I discovered it. Let me use a perfect example in the likes of Virtual Reality which is called the VR. VR is recently helping to transform the gaming industry majorly for gamers.
When I was actually studying the concept of VR, whether you like it or not, it is a presentation of how human beings can interact in a virtual environment like the real environment and this is powered by AI. With AI functioning in VR, worlds are created with the usual science law. What VR wants to give us is to offer to us a world or universe different from the one we are living in right now but we can actually interact in it. This concept has begun to be accepted by lots of people and in fact I am beginning to see Nigerians using AI for content creation also.
Of course there is the aspect of the Ethical concern when it comes to AI and the multiverse. As a Nigerian that I am who my people are deep in their culture will definitely go against the concept of having more than one universe. I will not want to classify it as religious but I will just say it is our culture. For other countries, it is quite easy for them to find it easy to believe in all these concepts of Universes, Other planets, Space exploration and many more.
But for my people in Nigeria, we still find it hard to believe there is another planet apart from earth, they still find it hard there is another different universe apart from this present universe and many more. But with the advancements that we are witnessing, I believe as time goes on, Nigerians will still come in agreement with some scientific facts.