In today's world , people believe that when it comes to success , the choices that they have are unlimited, but if we can be real to ourselves , most of these choices are not real , they are just disguised distraction.
Let us take for instance , when it comes diets , workout plans , methods for self development , , and strategies for developing a business, there are an overwhelming amount of options that is very much available in today's world.
However , these overwhelming amount of options tends to create more problem than solution, it restricts progress and promotes inconsistency and paralysis.
A very strong characteristics of successful people is that they have the ability to identify and eliminate unnecessary choices and focus on a single path, committing to it and focusing on consistency.
They don't just jump from one system to another , the identify a particular system and improve within it.
Key points from Chapter 2:
More Choices = More Confusion – You tend to become more confuse when you have a lot of options available to you, this makes it difficult for you to stick to a single path.
Success Comes from Commitment, Not Experimentation – A very powerful key to success is not to keep on experimenting on different strategies , but to pick a path and refine it.
Eliminate Distractions – Your approach to whatever it is that you are doing in other to become successful on the long term need to be simplified, you can achieve this by removing unnecessary choices.
Well in my own opinion, if you are that type of person that always feel stuck as a result of jumping from one opportunity , this chapter is a wake up call for you. Don't focus on looking for the perfect method , but instead focus on improving on the method you have.