Good evening friends , welcome to another exciting edition of this book, the topic of this great book is titled The 1% Rule In Action.
In this chapter , he told us or should i say , showed us the 1% rule in practice, and how we can effectively apply it to our life for an effective result.
According to him , the concept is so simple , but the reason behind while most people fail woefully is because not only do they lack structure , but they lack consistency.
Success is not a product of random effort , but a measurable and clear success.
- Key Takeaways from Chapter 5:
Break Big Goals into Small, Daily Actions –
Take that long term goals and break them down it smaller , simpler steps, remove your mind from the end result and focus on what you can do presently to move forward.
- Track Your Progress –
Small improvements should be measured, this helps you to stay motivated and remove self-doubt.
- Success Requires Commitment, Not Just Interest –
Success is what many people love , but only few are willing to commit themselves to the daily work needed to achieve that.
- The 1% Rule Works in Every Area of Life –
No matter the area that you are trying to improve , massive results will surely emerge when daily small improvements are given.
- Review:
Practically speaking , we can say that this chapter gives us that approach of applying the 1% rule to our lives. The Author really did a great job by breaking the complex goals into small simple actions, thereby making success to feel achievable.
thanks for stopping by.