Stop consuming, Start producing

in Blurtconnect •  2 days ago • 1 min read

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If you want to get rich or if you want to get free, the past is the same. Stop consuming today.
All the losers in the world are consumers. All the billionaires in the world are producers. All the rich people have stopped consuming.

Consumers watch movies, Producers read books. Consumers open their phone after waking up. Producers meditate and go into deep work and to silence. Consumers believe the system. Producers doubt the system.
Consumers buy stuff that loses value over time.
Producers buy stuff that gains value over time.

Consumers want instant pleasure. Producers can wait, weeks, months, years. Consumers always have the newest things. Producers always have the oldest things; Discipline, persistence, patience.

Never be a consumer. They are the lowest life form, especially unconscious consumers. They are the ones who empower the rotten system.

Never be a consumer. Be a Producer.

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