The 1% Rule - How To Transform your Life

in Blurtconnect •  3 months ago • 2 min read


Imagine you were on a flight and your destination was 4,000 miles away. But what if at the start of the journey the pilot deviated 1% to the left? You would end up in a totally different destination and this is the 1% rule.

A small change or a small action done consistently can lead to transformative results.
To put this into context, imagine you got 1% better each day. By the end of the year you would be 38 times better off. In contrast if you got worse by 1% each day you would be in the minus territory. And the gap would continue to widen as the years went on.

A real life example of this was seen with the British cycling team. The state of British cycling was mediocre at best. They had only won one gold medal in the last 100 years. But this all changed in 2003 when they hired Dave Brailsford as performance director. Brailsford implemented the aggregation of marginal gains.
He made tiny improvements across multiple different areas.

Dave Brailsford là ai_ Hồ sơ hoành tráng của cánh tay phải giúp Sir Jim Ratcliffe tái thiết MU.jpeg

For example, he redesigned the bike seats to make it more comfortable for the riders. He made them wear heated shorts so they can maintain ideal muscle temperature. He even hired a surgeon to teach the riders the best way to wash their hands to reduce the chances of illness and bacteria.

The list goes on and all these tiny improvements compounded resulting in the British cycling team winning 7 out of 10 gold medals at the 2008 and 2012 Beijing and London Olympics.
And then they went on to win the Tour de France 5 out of 6 times. And this is the power of marginal gains.

You can apply this to your health, your finances, your relationships or any other part of your life.
It just takes 1% to change the course of your life.

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  ·  2 months ago  ·  

nice writeup bro , this is actually similar to that of habit formation , small habits when done over can lead to significant changes.

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Very true bro. Appreciate your dropping by