As Faith and Hope Collide, All Things Happen in His Time (My Blurt’s Journey)

in Blurtpilipinas •  last month (edited)• 3 min read
A resounding hello to the beautiful people of Blurt! Today, I just want to say that I am glad to be a part of this community.


I am Nicole and I would like to thank the two pillars helping me get on board (Mam Antonette and Sir Brod). To start with, I am a mother of two teens that have been raised single-handedly. It is of great pleasure to be here to connect and learn many things from Blurt. Be it passion, journey, experiences, art, culture, crypto, etc. The list might go endless, right? Hahaha! In this introduction post, I would like to highlight faith and hope for my children were born because of those two. Medically, I was diagnosed in my early 20s of having no chance to bear a child. But look! I didn’t just have one, I got two for that matter.



It all began when I was desperate to become a mom but was given a painful truth instead. I just can’t defy what my heart wants for it pings me most of the time in a day. When I had enough time sulking, I knelt before Him and pray for it, for I know He’s the one planting that desire in my heart. So, I did go on living and keeping my faith as I held on to my hope. As life is all bumps and plains, I even forgot my prayer when after ten (10) long years, the journey of motherhood was given to me at last. It was then I remembered my forgotten prayer. My point here is, when the time is right, He will make it happen. God said that in the book of Isaiah. So, for those who are asking for something from Him, keep the faith and hold on to your hope.



Fast forward to the present time, motherhood is a crucial thread in the tapestry of creation. We mothers are collaborators of God’s work. The responsibility is so massive that we are accountable on how we nurture our children. There is no manual, there is no perfect formula. But parenting with God is the only good way in raising them the way they should go.


This time, they are now in their senior high school days of being a consistent honor student actively performing their sports of choice since elementary. Being a mom of teens is a challenging feat. It is totally different when they were much younger. But all in all, motherhood is both a pride and joy alongside the bittersweet days that could sometimes make me lose my sanity if I can’t have my me-time.


Soon they will be in Blurt too. Just a year more and they can get on board legally. I believe it would be best for them to start early being part of a platform like this. As I wrap up, faith and hope is the virtue I could empower to you now, whatever state you are in. I hope to see you again in my next post. Thank you for the visit, and till next time.


*Note From The Author*
Collaged photos are done in Canva

See You Again!!!

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Welcome to Blurt Panah. I hope you'll be fine here and in real life :)

  ·  17 days ago  ·   (edited)

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  ·  24 days ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt! 🙂

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