How often do you remember good old time when passing by a place you once had amazing and exciting experience?
Hello everyone! I am here once again and it's a great honor to be with you all.
Today, I will share with you about the time when I and my family passed by pulangi river and my mother told us about her exciting and amazing experience they once had as a child.
This is just a small part of pulangi river taken by my phone camera as once we were in Valencia city for our family reunion bu the river was too big to fit in the frame!
Here are some more of the photos I took of the majestic river
Back then when my mother was still a small child, she remembered that the river flows in great volume and the logs that were cut up in the forest would pass through the water towards the loading area. But since the hydraulic plant was built, the water flow became low since then.
My grand father used to be a chain saw operator of the company named Valderama back in those times. It was hard to live without the head of the family so their father took him with them in the mountains to live as they were provided with bunk houses for them and their family to live.
My mother remembered that there were many mosquitos in the place where they lived and people were getting sick with malaria due to the mosquitos that bit them. Luckily, my grand mother was very concerned with her family and always use mosquito net every time they sleep.
Back in the 1950s, the vehicles were too few and whenever the family needs to go to the barrio to buy their necessities, they used to ride with the logs that the loggers set to the river to bring to the loading area.
My mum realized that it was a very dangerous experience they had but in God's will, no one was hurt. The logs were driven by some people who were on a jet sky and the people onboard the logs were told what to do whenever they pass thru the rapids.
This is me and my family while we were on the side of the road when the pictures were taken
With me on this wonderful trip is my mother, my daughters Aelie and Chielly, My brother-in-law, Alex and my sister Louella. We departed from their home on Capihan, Valencia, Bukidnon at 5 am to buy fish in the landing area and happened to pass by this wonderful part of the road.
It was a very pleasant experience to stop for a while, take pictures and hear my mother's story and I am very happy to know her adventures back in the day.
This will be all for my blog today. Thank you so much for your time and support. Your upvote will be much appreciated.