New year, New Beginning.

in Ecoer •  2 months ago • 2 min read


Good evening fams, Its been avery long time.

Before i proceed , let me first of all wish all of us a happy new year. 2024 has come and gone, most of us that actually set their target for 2024 could not achieve all or even most of them , don't be bothered as life is not all that rosy.


2025 is another chance to achieve all and also make amends. The previous year thought me so many lessons, the most notable of them is to actually not force people to stay in your life, be it friendship or relationship, it is all about love and nobody should be seen as doing the other a favor.

Give love and honesty but in situation whereby the other partner is not returning the love , don't hesitate to walk away.


The second most crucial lesson i also learnt in the past year is to learn to take care of yourself , don't be overwhelmed with work that you forget to take care of yourself.

So with this few lessons , i hope to use the experience to live a better life in this new year , what about you ?

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