My father passed away on February 7th, which is why I stopped working online.

in Ecoer •  8 days ago • 3 min read
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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I try to do online work regularly, but currently I am not able to work online regularly for various reasons, sometimes I have to stop working online for special reasons, a few days ago I had to stop working online today for special reasons, the reason for which I have already shared with you, then I went to Saudi Arabia, after returning from Saudi Arabia I started working online again, but I had to stop working for a few days again, from today I started working online again.

This time there is a special reason for stopping online work, as you all already know, my father died on the 7th of this February, I stopped working online today due to my father's death, my father was the most beloved person in this world, it is very difficult to accept my father's death, I grew up with my father since childhood, my father was a primary school teacher, that is why I first started studying with my father, he is my first teacher besides being my father.

The death of some people makes it much more difficult for us to leave this world. Every person in the world has to die. I live only with this consolation. My father was a good man. I am trying to grow up according to his ideals. I have tried to follow my father since childhood. We are all very saddened by his death. Sometimes I still think that Paba is still alive among us.

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I understand very well now that the pain of losing a loved one is very difficult. Only those whose loved ones have left this world can understand this pain. Everyone in our family loved my father very much. On the day of my father's death, we were all with him together. The moment of my father's death still floats before our eyes. I can never forget his face.

Every time I close my eyes, I see my father. Sometimes I wake up in my sleep and call him. Sometimes I feel like my father is calling me by name. I can't bear the pain of not being able to call him because of my father's death. I can't bear the pain of not having anyone else in my life. I am in tears as I write this.

I had so much more to write but I can't. I can't bear the pain of losing my father. I ask for prayers from all of you. Please pray for my father. May Allah grant him paradise.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.

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  ·  7 days ago  ·  

May his soul RIP

  ·  7 days ago  ·  

Amin. Thank you