Garu, el gato ninja / Garu, the ninja cat [ESP-ENG] 😺🐱‍👤

in Caturday •  2 years ago • 5 min read


Tener un gato como mascota en casa ha sido una experiencia nueva y diferente. Pues los gatos no se pueden entrenar como a los perros. La llegada de Garu a casa lo ha vuelto el centro de atención de nuestro hogar.

Aunque en algunas ocasiones, sin razón aparente muerde y rasguña, supongo que es una forma de jugar o forma parte de su instinto animal de felino salvaje. Por el contrario, siempre al abrir la puerta del cuarto en la mañana encuentro un tierno gatito que ronronea y gira sobre su cuerpo para que lo acaricien jajaja.


Si salimos de casa queda llorando, al igual que un perrito y cuando volvemos está en la puerta esperándonos.

Lo que es seguro es que si agito el envase de la comida, no importa donde esté, en unos pocos segundos estará a mi lado maullando para recibir su ración de comida.

Hace poco nos dio un gran susto, pues se escapó de casa, a pesar de tener una malla en toda la reja, está la pusimos hace unos años porque los gatos de la calle se metían a la casa, dormían en los muebles y en alguna ocasión se robaban comida se quedaba en mal sitio. Además de que nos llevábamos un susto tremendo si nos levantábamos tarde en la noche.

Volviendo al tema, Garu, haciendo honor a su nombre, encontró un mínimo agujero y por allí se salió, como todo un ninja. El problema fue que se metió a la casa de la vecina, que tiene dos perros, la casa de la vecina también tiene malla en toda la reja, cuando trató de salir por el susto que le dieron los perros, sus garras quedaron enganchadas en la malla y fue todo un escándalo.


Afortunadamente, otra vecina me llamó para avisar lo que sucedía, así que salimos a buscar al gato. Después de esto tuvimos que asegurar toda la malla y poner refuerzo en los sitios por donde se podía escapar.

Él nunca había salido de casa desde que lo tenemos y hace poco acaba de cumplir los 6 meses, quizás por eso ha estado tan inquieto, ya está dejando de ser un cachorro. Tal vez deba esterilizarlo, ya que en la calle hay muchos gatos adultos y me da miedo que lo vayan a lastimar o se vaya a perder.

Por ahora, está en casa tranquilo, corriendo y trepando donde puede…

English version

Garu, the ninja cat


Having a cat as a pet at home has been a new and different experience. Because cats cannot be trained like dogs. Garu's arrival at home has made him the center of attention in our home.

Although sometimes, for no apparent reason, he bites and scratches, I guess it is a way to play or it is part of his wild feline animal instinct. On the contrary, when I open the bedroom door in the morning I always find a tender kitten purring and rolling over his body to be petted hahaha.

If we leave the house he is crying, just like a puppy and when we come back he is at the door waiting for us.

What is certain is that if I shake the food container, no matter where he is, in a few seconds he will be at my side meowing to receive his food ration.


Recently he gave us a big scare, because he escaped from home, despite having a mesh on the fence, we put it a few years ago because the street cats got into the house, slept on the furniture and sometimes stole food and stayed in a bad place. Besides, we were scared to death if we got up late at night.

Back to the subject, Garu, living up to his name, found a small hole and climbed out, like a ninja. The problem was that he got into the neighbor's house, who has two dogs, the neighbor's house also has mesh on the whole fence, when he tried to get out because of the scare that the dogs gave him, his claws got caught in the mesh and it was a scandal.

Fortunately, another neighbor called me to let me know what was happening, so we went out to look for the cat. After that we had to secure all the mesh and put reinforcement in the places where he could escape.

He had never left the house since we got him and he just recently turned 6 months old, maybe that's why he has been so restless, he is not a puppy anymore. Maybe I should sterilize him, because in the street there are many adult cats and I'm afraid he will get hurt or get lost.

For now, he is at home calmly, running and climbing wherever he can...!


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Garu is such an adorable cat 😻 He reminds me of my cat, Salmon, who is always trying to find a way to go outside. During their first year, we kept our two cats indoors and had them sterilized. Now, when they manage to slip away from our watchful eyes, they don't go too far (maximum of 3 houses away) and don't stay outside for too long (30 minutes or one hour at most).

As Garu is only 6 months old and we only have one cat at home, I am afraid that the adult cats that are in the street could hurt him. We will try to sterilize him soon, so I will be a little calmer. Garu is very curious and always attentive to what is going on outside.