The thrill of going viral or trending
Blurt itself is a content platform, however, content creators can contribute to improve their economy by generating engagement on other social platforms.
La emoción de ser viral o ser tendencia
Como nos sentiríamos si alguna de nuestras publicaciones se vuelve tendencia? ¿si fuésemos un Youtuber y nuestro video se hace viral? debe ser una emoción grandiosa, sin mencionar que como creadores de contenidos seremos una cara visible en un mundo más digitalizado, sin mencionar que las recompensas por ese logro son inmediatas, ya sea monetarias o porque existirán propuestas de empresas que desean trabajar nosotros. Se preguntarán a que viene este tema, si nos ponemos a analizarlo en profundidad, el público receptor del contenido podrá reconocer muchas cosas de nuestro trabajo, pero la primera de ellas será el tipo de contenido, la segunda las posibles recompensas y con mucha seguridad deseará conocer donde el autor ha generado ese éxito o tendencia. Bingo hemos llegado al punto álgido de esta publicación, el compartir tu contenido de Blurt, en otras redes sociales no solo te publicita a ti como creador de contenido, sino que también vuelve atractiva a la plataforma para otros posibles creadores de contenido. Esto puede tener efectos inmediatos: atraer usuarios, más usuarios igual más publicaciones, más variedad de contenido o comunidades, más comentarios, y todo esto incentivará la economía de la plataforma, ¿pero de qué manera? piense en función de un banco. que solo tiene un cliente y no realiza transacciones financieras, no existen movimientos bancarios, tendría sentido que siga funcionando? Resumiendo, estos pensamientos random:
-Blurt en si misma es una plataforma de contenido, sin embargo, los creadores de contenido, pueden contribuir a mejorar su economía si generan Engagement en otras plataformas sociales.
My Blurt Engagement
I have noticed that many users title their covers My Blurt Engagement, but do they really understand this concept? Many are publications that do not have comments, are not shared on other social networks. What exactly do these authors mean? It's just a trick to get positive votes. Taking a textual definition I can state that Engagement is the level of commitment, enthusiasm and loyalty that an audience has with a brand, product in our case the Blockchain. It implies that a person follows the brand in social networks or "likes" its publications, but also shares, comments and performs the suggested actions. So if these are the criteria that apply to the concept, we analyze again 90% or more of the publications made do not comply with generating any type of Engagement. This may be originated by the rules established at the beginning of the Blockchain, it was never indicated or it was only thought that users would do it voluntarily. But it was also possible to encourage it from the content curators, to incentivize users with more comments to get more rewards, those who share your posts on other social networks get astronomical upvotes. This is not a bribe, it is a way to send a clear message of what steps and behaviors you expect from content creators. It may seem obnoxious of me, however, there is no point in having 100 million Blurt, if it is of no use to a general population. That is why other similar chains highlight original content, sharing on social networks and a host of rules that can be criticized, but are a function of showing the product to a wider society.
My Blurt Engagement
¿He notado que muchos usuarios, colocan de título en sus portados My Blurt Engagement, pero realmente entenderán este concepto? Muchas son publicaciones que no poseen comentarios, no son compartidas en otras redes sociales. ¿A qué se refieren estos autores exactamente? Solo es un truco para obtener votos positivos. Tomando una definición de forma textual puedo afirmar que El Engagement es el nivel de compromiso, entusiasmo y lealtad que tiene una audiencia con una marca, producto en nuestro caso la Blockchain. Implica que una persona siga a la marca en redes sociales o dé «me gusta» a sus publicaciones, pero que también comparta, comente y realice las acciones que se sugieren. Entonces si estos son los criterios que aplican para el concepto, analizamos nuevamente el 90% o mas de las publicaciones realizadas no cumple con generar ningún tipo de Engagement. Esto puede ser originado por las normas establecidas al inicio de la Blockchain, nunca se indicó o tan solo se pensó que los usuarios lo harían de forma voluntaria. Pero también era posible alentarlo desde los curadores de contenido, incentivar a que los usuarios con mas comentarios obtuviesen mas recompensas, los que compartan sus publicaciones en otras redes sociales obtener votos positivos astronómicos. Esto no es un soborno, es una forma de enviar un mensaje claro de cuales son estos pasos y comportamientos que esperas de los creadores de contenido. Puede parecer odioso de mi parte, sin embargo, de nada sirve que tengas 100 millones de Blurt, si no es de utilidad para una población general. Por eso otras cadenas parecidas resaltan el contenido original, el compartir en redes sociales y un sinfín de normas que pueden ser criticadas, pero van en función de mostrar el producto a una sociedad más amplia.
We are not an island
Yes, we are in a blockchain where content is generated and we get rewards, but without Dapps that give utility to the token, without aggressive marketing campaigns, without users that give life and attractiveness to the platform, if no added value is generated, the economy of the platform is simply destined to have few transactions. It is not surprising that the first thing an Exchange looks at to accept your project is the volume of transactions. Many users ask for more Exchange for Blurt, but our transaction volume is very low. So I listen to your ideas or read them in this case. Again I leave possible ideas that we can implement to boost comments and other things. If you come up with something different there is the comments section.
What ideas would you apply to encourage users?
- POSH, basically promote on a social network and share the link.
- Vote or recommend only the posts that get comments?
- Create a fund from which to distribute incentives to the most active content creators on social networks and who promote Blurt?
- 100% upvotes to comments that add value to the content posted (no likes, what a good post).
- incentive program only for comments
- Any other ideas?
Previous publications
No somos una isla
Si, estamos en una cadena de bloque donde se genera contenido y obtenemos recompensas, pero; sin Dapps que le den utilidad al token, sin campañas de marketing agresivas, sin usuarios que le den vida y vistosidad a la plataforma, si no se genera un valor agregado simplemente la economía de la plataforma está destinada a tener pocas transacciones. No es de extrañar que se lo primero que mire un Exchange para poder aceptar tu proyecto, el volumen de transacciones. Muchos usuarios piden más Exchange para Blurt, pero nuestro volumen de transacciones es muy bajo. Así que escucho tus ideas o las leo en este caso. Nuevamente dejo las posibles ideas que podemos implementar para impulsar comentarios y otras cosas. Si te ocurre algo diferente esta la sección de comentarios.
¿Qué ideas aplicarías para animar a los usuarios?
- POSH, básicamente promocionar en una red social y compartir el enlace
- Votar o recomendar solo las publicaciones que obtienen comentarios?
- crear un fondo desde el cual se distribuyan los incentivos a los creadores de contenido más activos en redes sociales y que promocionan a Blurt?
- Votos positivos al 100% a los comentarios que agreguen valor al contenido publicado (nada de me gusta, que buena publicación)
- programa de incentivo solo destinado a comentarios
- Alguna otra idea?
Publicaciones previas
Fuera de contexto / Out of context
NEWSTED - ...As The Crow Flies, es lo que suena mientras redacto esta publicación. Por norma general elijo primero la canción que usare mientras redacto. De esta forma puedo conectarme con mi yo interior y así poder drenar todos esos pensamientos que me atormentan.
NEWSTED - ...As The Crow Flies, is what is playing as I write this post. As a general rule I choose first the song I will use while writing. This way I can connect with my inner self so I can drain all those thoughts that torment me.
Couldn’t agree more of you are getting 100 k views on every yourube video one mention of blurt will be a huge help. I don’t get why these platforms can be so pushy for exclusivity it doesn’t rly make sense
They are insistent, because original content. a good ceo, and sharing it with other users generates important metrics for these sites:
Engadgment, if we take the amount of users you have on x, the interactions of your publications there, and all are related to Blurt, There is a large percentage that many people want to know or are interested in knowing why you always publish this content related to the platform. This is not new. This is why large corporations have banned mentioning the crypto ecosystem or platforms that make money. Because they do not want to generate any kind of engadgment other than towards themselves. So this kind of advertising helps to empower the platforms. Mentioning X, reddit, facebook, instagram can help to attract traffic and users. So that's why original, different and established content for a platform can help.
But the content is mine, logically. But with a book it works differently, it doesn't matter if you translate it, if you make a new edition you will always get royalties because you are the author. But in the WWW the content that matters is the most innovative, so they would follow you more for making original, different content and not for republishing your videos over and over again. Applies to youtube and any social network.
Great example is look how many ppl Russell brand just took to rumble because he was big elsewhere. It was limping along till a few big ppl moved and advertise their move all the time across other platforms.
Once a platform is big it makes some sense but if it’s relatively unknown and it’s an eco system no one new rly joins. If someone is huge on other networks one tweet or post from them will prob bring more ppl over than 1,000,000 ppl blogging on the platform
Exactly, if you can notice I put a heading that says we are not an island. And it has been precisely that thought that has kept us only as a blog for acquaintances and ourselves. I have friends on youtube with astronomical channels, some time ago we did that campaign on youtube to attract new users, and we managed to have a booming community. Which shows that doing engadgment outside of blurt attracts users, attracting important people outside of the ecosystem will undoubtedly give you more visibility. But also the users are important because from them you get the experience. So everything is a balance, so here internally there is no engagment that enhances the fees, interaction or the volume of transactions (something important to aspire to have better exchange), so you can have advertising, but if there is no commenting, republishing within blurt the volume of transactions is poor, if there is no word of mouth from users may not make known the experience and if we do not seek advertising with people already established in other media we do not aim to new users. Translation everything is a balance.
I do my bit when it pops up lol
Congratulations 👏
Your post has been manually curated by @chibuzorwisdom.
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darle más utilidad al blurt, eso es cierto. Una idea pudiese ser ofrecer algún tipo de servicio que sea pagado con blurt? eso le daría más movimiento. claro, que servicio nos preguntamos? personalmente dentro de mis habilidades de ilustrador o diseñador pudiese ofrecer algún servicio relacionado y que usuarios pudiesen pagar con blurt. y así cada usuario en su área (de ser posible, claro)
Unas de las bandas mas memorables de los 90. Muy adelantada a su epoca. Quizas ha tenido mas fans con el pasar de los años que durante su actividad. Con respecto a Blurt, si al buscar incentivar lo social, potenciar las recompensas desde otro punto de vista y un desarrollo mas vivo dentro de la plataforma sin duda laguna tendriamos una de las mejores plataforma para invertir y soñar.
Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord
Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord
I got one facebook reel video reached 580K views, I got nothing but comment bashers LOL. My facebook account is not monetized by ads but it was eligible for stars. Because of my comment to my friend's post the stars eligibility has been removed because of my comment "granada" grenade.
Funny part, meta/Facebook is acting oversensitive against its users yet they allowed some contents that are censored. I actually made 2nd account because some of my crypto airdrops post are being removed or get my account restricted or locked.
It is important to remember that talking about cryptocurrencies or the way to generate them in some social networks is forbidden, but in this case we are talking about advertising content, for example sharing this post on twitter, is different from saying come and make money in the blockchain. This is an important alert for all those who have youtube channels and use other platforms to talk about how they generate income from there.
Many things can be done.
Similar to posh is a good idea.
There was one project started for blurt, but not sure why that didn't work.
thanks for commenting, I don't remember or at least at this moment I don't have stored in my brain any project similar to posh, at least not that there has been a formal publication directed to the public or an incentive system, although I recognize that I had some time away from the platform and its environment. All these ideas in the near future could make a difference.
This one is by symbionts team
But not sure what functionality is there
however with the change of policy on the twitter/x api this is not viable, unless you want to pay 100$ for the basic service. the trial api has limited functionality. For this reason posh token stopped using an automated bot.
ahhhhh, I remember. This was a way to make a registered twitter account, publish the posts of certain tags. But it wasn't something where the authors promoted their content, it was like an automated bot. I remember seeing it. But this did not involve the content creators.
Shared with over 420 Million People on Twitter / X
you will be included in the super secret airdrop that no one knows about
Ha ha… sounds awesome. 🤫
Great post. It’s great to have a video go Viral on YouTube. Just make sure you are monetized before it happens… you need minimum 1,000 subscribers and a certain # of views on your other videos. What goes viral is very random. Most of my videos get between 10- 10,000 views but I had one 3 minute video about Canada go viral and have almost 1 Million views. I earned about $3,000 from that one video so far … I had another YouTube Short go over 230,000 views and earn $100 … the key is to keep making videos… about anything and also link your YouTube channel back to Blurt … these links improve the Views of Blurt also. And I have had people join Blurt from YouTube, Twitter and Nostr … it works. One day Blurt will go viral and we will see the price skyrocket. We all need to be sharing our blurt.blog links everywhere every day. It only takes one Video, Tweet, or Blog post to go viral. When Blurt hits $1 or $10 we will all be very very happy Bloggers
Hi @freakeao, great news! Your content was selected by curators @nalexadre, @ten-years-before to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.
You can support us by voting for our witness, our decentralized funding proposal, or through delegation. You're also welcome to join our Discord server 👉 https://discord.beblurt.com