This unique character had my eyes for a while. Well that was until I found this vector. Just from viewing it I knew instinctively the things I could change to totally transform it into the Conscript. First I flipped it horizontally. This changed was tasky as my eyes are used to seeing things from my right angle. Has difficult as it was, it proved effective and for that I am glad.
I changed the hair as well as her armour and her bow.
The change of bow was something. I did use the oval shape arc available in the ibis software to draw one. I had to do this a number of time to get the exact shape I wanted. Coloring it too came with some questions. I had to decide where the light was coming from. If I’m being honest for most of my art piece especially the digital ones I haven’t been accurate with the light source but I try my best.
At this point I believe you must have noticed about my ability to not make a decent background 😂. This one was conjured at the last minute and is supposed to be a bunch of tall grasses from which the character had just run through before taking this stance.
The process....
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