Blurtcast in discord !

in # blurt •  3 years ago • 4 min read


@blurtcast was created to connect people and to collaborate.

Then a crazy drama was created in blurt and people were divided. Before the division was among people because of political reasons, and now it turned to ethical reason. Some people support abuse, and some are completely against it. And no one is ready to get rid of his/her principles for the sick of the community. So, our little group of about 60 people is divided now. And that's ok. The bigger the group is, the more chance to have a conflict of interests. In the end the competition win. But we prefer a healthy competition.

Me @clixmoney along with @iykewatch are running the group now. All that we want is to have a place for everyone to express him/her self. But under a condition that will not go against our principles. Those conditions are related to the growth of the community, to promote blurt in other social media and crypto communities. For that we need each and every member to collaborate with us. Otherwise, we can't leave people in the group. We don't want to waste time, and we're free to do what ever we want.

As well, we created a discord server that you can join here : Blurtcast in discord. Recently we have 4 people there, and we're welcome to see anyone to join. But our rules should be respected, because we don't want to waste time in drama, but rather build to promote.

Here are the rules of the discord server that we going to implement in telegram group as well, for that we are contacting each and every one to join our collaboration !

Our recent collaboration demands a simple task, and that's to send an audio recoding talking about how you missed blurt during that break we had, what do you think about it, and who are the people you like on it. All the audios will be combined and we will have in the end a cool podcast with a few people talking about blurt.

Blurtcast is a private group, and we would like to see the following rules respected :

  1. Blurtcast is created to connect people from all around the world. That's why you have to be polite, respectful and never abuse anyone in any form.
  2. We will be concentrated on building the community to invite more people to blurt. So, never consider the server to ask for upvotes or to spam it.
  3. Blurtcast is a collaborative server. In case you're not planning to collaborate with us. At least once a month, we can't leave you in the group, only if you collaborate.
  4. In our voice meetings do your best to not interrupt others. You can always ask in a text form, so we will do our best to give you the word.

Those are our rules, it's up to you to accept them or not.

After all, our work will be presented outside blurt, and everyone has the right to do it the way he/she wants.

We're simple content creators and small investors who wanted to contribute in a blockchain they like.


Welcome to join our telegram group here !

Welcome to join our discord server here !

Thanks for being with us. We did everything to pay everything through beneficiary rewards you can see in our old posts. And only a little amount of that went to @clixmoney for recording, editing, and organizing all those meetings. If you don't want the videos on YouTube we will delete them, we don't have any issue with that !

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

finally its back on Discord ;)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Please remember that Discord now engages in censorship of content and ideas, and does not respect the user's privacy. Most freedom-lovers will never use Discord. It has been terrible since they changed their rules during the Covid bullshit.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Please remember that there are free people in this world who has the right to do what ever they want.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I guess that is your way of saying "I already know that".
Fair enough, but I am also putting that warning for others, who may not know that Discord is an unsafe place run by a bad company.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

To organize such meetings we need a tool to use. What can I do if most tools are spreading disinformation. We can just ignore that. But from what I know and never come across that in discord, or telegram. I always joined groups that are against vaccines, and masks, and groups about natural immune system and how it can heal us better from anything else. I like it in discord that I can organize collaborations. And those will be out of politics. But who knows, we can create a collaboration with non vaccinated people who are still alive, just like me and many others here I know. That will be awesome things to do. And if you're ready to help me with that, I'm all for it. We can do it right in the blockchain, but as I said people need tools to send me videos and I will edit them. For example, they will have to use Google Drive, or any other website that allow to share big videos. Or we can do it even in a form of podcast. What do you think about that ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Collaboration demands respect for others and a shared vision. Welcome to @blurtcast. Thank you @clixmoney for this great vision.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You're welcome. We always respected people and never called them with names. We wish to see the same people among us. We're free people to choose the right people for us. Let me share the video I shared with you here as well :