"Blurt First" Policy + Community Bot

in # blurt •  3 years ago • 2 min read

Do you realize that by publishing a post on Hive and then pasting it on Blurt you are promoting a blockchain that censors its users?

I have decided to make controversial changes to the algorithm of my bot that will promote users who publish their posts on Blurt first. When you paste your post from another blockchain you will only receive a minimal upvote of 0.01%, just like when you use blog20, fast cash out service.

A few days ago I saw a discussion on discord regarding the @blurtbooster bot. I like such an idea because it is the best way to distribute BLURT, such non-stop distribution was in my mind from the very beginning here, that's why I vote with the help of the bot .

initblurt/socialgraph are community resources and everyone who posts here should get one upvote a day. I am ready to forget my demands that these 55M needs to be returned to DAO, but the bot algorithm should be open source, votes on witnesses should be withdrawn and BLURT from these accounts should be transferred to account that requires multisignature, I want to have one of the keys.

At the moment - one person has 55M printed BLURT at his disposal and uses them for his own financial gain and control of witnesses.

Today this person delegated these funds to the bot, tomorrow he can do a power down and sell everything on markets, which will destroy all the investors who bought BLURT with their hard earned money.

@saboin, this will help you determine if 24 hours have passed since the author's last post

var steem = require('@blurtfoundation/blurtjs');
steem.api.setOptions({url: 'https://blurtrpc.actifit.io/'});

function secondPost(created) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
steem.api.getDiscussionsByAuthorBeforeDate('AUTHOR', null, new Date().toISOString().split('.')[0] , 5, function(err, result) {
if (err) reject(err);
const time =result[1].created;
(async function() {
const val = await secondPost('AUTHOR');
console.log("second post publish time", val);
}) ();

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE BLURT!
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  ·  last year  ·  

You are not voting for me. Did I make some mistake in the post?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am still new here on Blurt and I love how friendly the community is!

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

@ctime I just want to know that i am using only Blurt social block chain but still I am getting 0.01% vote. I am not using hive, pob , steam.
I used to do it before but not now I am only using Blurt

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am getting only 0.01% vote in my latest post from @ctime 😑 I am posting first on Blurt and than in Hive & Steemit.Can you solve my problem please.Thank you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thank you for your comments, we have every desire to see Blurt succeed as you do, please understand that we are not working against you. This reply was formulated with input from the entire active team and reflects the views of all of us and not just myself.

Please note that the community includes us too, the founders, developers, and team; we all have stake and massive time investments we want to protect as well.

Regarding the bot, your changes are quite innovative, however, Blurt Core should perhaps not incorporate them to remain neutral to other blockchains; we believe in fostering freedom of platform use for our users. Many post on Dtube, Minds, Noise.cash, etc and it is great for them to diversify, we also have no desire to create an antagonistic scenario with Hive or its users, however, as an individual bot owner, it makes sense for you to implement these voting bot changes as your personal voting preference.

We are very much in alignment with you on the fact that strategic vote bots are beneficial for token distribution to decentralise and grow the community footprint, one does have to be careful of farming abuse and attacks on the namespace to create alt accounts to receive rewards, which is why the bot is currently down for maintenance and refactoring.

Regarding open sourcing @blurtbooster, we don't want to facilitate Blurt turning into a bot platform and would rather it focus on organic curation by the community. Open sourcing such a bot could accelerate such an occurrence, if you recall, Steem became heavily botted when Yabapmatt open-sourced his vote bot. For the moment, @blurtbooster is our supplementary source of income since we have reduced reliance on the proposal system, so to a degree, both of these points have merit to warrant keeping it closed source for now.

Please understand that @initblurt and @socialgraph form part of the founders' fund, they weren't at any point earmarked for being turned over to the community, these funds were assigned at genesis as recently indicated by Jacob.

It is commonplace for chains to have foundation/team funds, very commonly between 10 and 25% of the total initial supply, sometimes more, even Satoshi and Vitalik took founder stake positions in their chains. Just a quick example, Cardano reserved 11.5% of genesis for their three founding entities, we are well within this norm.

It is also common for team/developers (especially in the Cosmos ecosystem) to have perpetual income by earning a percentage of rewards from each block, also usually up to 25% of inflation, we have not implemented this benefit so relied on the proposal system and now going forward on @blurtbooster to supplement.

It is also very common in the Cosmos ecosystem for foundations to delegate their funds to validators that support the blockchain and the founders' vision, as mentioned founders and team are part of the community too.
As vested community members, we believe these votes need to be in place to secure the network since it can be 51% attacked very cheaply in these depressed market conditions.

After the more equitable consensus changes have been applied in the next HF, we expect to see more diversity within the top 20 witnesses and increased organic witness selection by the community. We will ensure that we have a team discussion prior to making witness changes with the founders' stake, and effect them based on the majority preference of the Blurt Core team.

Hopefully, we can put to rest the matter of the founders' stake and acknowledge these funds as being privately owned; we do recognise the fear you may have of these funds being dumped in their entirety, however, we assure you that we have no intention of harming the Blurt price as that would be counter-productive of all the time and effort we have put into it. Any major power downs other than for payroll and initiatives will have to be effected with Jacob's authorisation as well and would be very visible in the community if a 100% power down were to be initiated.

The same sell-off risk applies to your three group accounts that add up to 20 million, there are also risks of power down and there were actual promises made by yourselves to sell off and affect the price when previous disagreements arose, so we argue that given that we have no such track record of alluding to sink the price and that we have so much time and stake vested in Blurt that we are the lower risk of the two. Please note that we aren't requesting a multi-sig key to your funds.

Multisig is an interesting option for us, however, @jacobgadikian is not a fan of it as he was historically part of a team that had issues with multi-sig and lost access to all of their tokens to this day. If this was ever the case, the multi-sig would be held by members of the team and not external parties, even outside of the team, there are many qualified multi-sig parties in the community that were involved in helping out during the recent chain halt crisis.

We request that you lay your case to rest and allow us to continue to build value for Blurt. We have just established positive momentum and are busy planning some Twitter campaigns funneled into a Blurt Introduction Twitter Spaces event, coupled with Telegram learning groups for newbies.

Wait a couple of months for the HF changes and for us to tackle some of our roadmap milestones as we think you will be pleasantly surprised as an investor, continued discussions and calls for justification from our part just serve to reduce team morale and divert attention to responses rather than building for the future.

Wishing you a good day.

Im thoroughly impressed with your well written, clear, and respectful communication. Well done. I may have to get this up in a post of my own, for more eyes to see this highly important message. I this message of yours find to be more important for the community to see in general, than just the large investor it was adressed to. Again, hats off to you and the team for explaining and expressing yourselves in a way that is not only respectful but also de-escalting and Im looking forward to this kind of communication being the norm for all sides going forward. Thank you @megadrive and all involved and wishing you the very best from Thailand.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your kind comment, sadly the other party either doesn’t understand my last paragraph (quoted below) or simply doesn’t case that his continued agenda push is derailing progress for everyone and destroying morale, growth and value for the community and himself. Nor does he care about our property rights.

Wait a couple of months for the HF changes and for us to tackle some of our roadmap milestones as we think you will be pleasantly surprised as an investor, continued discussions and calls for justification from our part just serve to reduce team morale and divert attention to responses rather than building for the future.

This recent post https://blurt.blog/blurt/@ctime/the-founding-fathers-has-decided-there-will-be-no-winners# shows very clearly to the community the only desire of the other party is to be the biggest stake on the block, further communication is not going to lead anywhere but thanks for your trouble to try mediate.

...further communication is not going to lead anywhere...

Bingo! 💯

Thank you. I'm just happy to see both sides communicating effectively and respectfully. On that note, I probably would hold back in regards to being publicly vocal about your assumptions of what the other party cares or does not care about or casting blame for derailing or destroying morale based on a relentless pursuit of an agenda, or their desire to be the biggest stake on the block. It may feel this way to you and your team, it may look this way, plain as day.... but I'm sure it is not seen this way by the other side so I would resist commenting in this manner. I'm sure @ctime reading your comment to me, did no favors to rebuild an already fragile business relationship.

Truth is, without either of you, Blurt takes a major hit, so as "Travel Pro Mediator" ;) haha.... I would reserve any accusational comments that can result in a defensive posture for private chat only with-in your own trusted circles.

That being said, his post about "no-winner" certainly is nothing to be patted on the back about, that is for sure. But at least I did not see any major escalation, threat, or attack.... or at least not much of one.

Besides that, the actual content, information, and reasoning explained by you and the team, rings sound and valid to me, as well as @ctime's original request and inquiry. This is why I think it is in your (and the team's) best interest for a wider audience to view the professionalism and logic presented in your response. I think it would be difficult to find anyone that thinks your main response was anything but respectful and professional, which is exactly what so many of us are now looking for more than ever from you and all parties involved at this time.

Yes, your last paragraph speaks volumes as well, and even though there is no response about that from said party, I'm sure there is an element of positive curiosity like I and many now currently have and are looking forward to.

Wait a couple of months for the HF changes and for us to tackle some of our roadmap milestones as we think you will be pleasantly surprised as an investor, continued discussions and calls for justification from our part just serve to reduce team morale and divert attention to responses rather than building for the future.

Furthermore, once your answer/response and explanation was published, there is not much left to do, other than let the other side react, and for your side NOT to continue down a path of tit for tat reactions that lead to animosity and loss of moral for all sides.

If the other side reacts with a less then desirable or even insulting response. That is life. Don't feed into the negativity and advise your team not to either. He (@ctime) asked for something, your team decided not to offer it up, with a well written respectful explanation.

If the result is a full power down/sale/and price dump....your hands are clean. If the result is a nasty comment and post (and no real damage)....again your hands are clean. So my advice to both sides is do your best to keep your hands clean. Do not provoke a defensive posture; and in return all sides will help win over the 99% of the rest of us, watching from the sidelines. That is the party easily forgotten when mired knee deep in drama and BS, yet the most important party of all.

Again I must hand it to you for your positive communication, even if the message/answer is non-desirable from the opposing party. This non-threatening form of communication will make things far easier for you and the other side to work things out as well, so I would be very mindful of any and all public communication when it's about the "other side" or the topics of the matter; as a few stinging comments not even intended for the other side to see, can negate progress just as fast as it was gained.

Also...I just got off the phone with my Cousin Amberly earlier today. She is excited she just picked up another client...a mortgage company of all things. With interest rates taking a bite out of housing and mortgage applications, I guess that industry may need all the marketing help they can get, so in other words, she and her business continue to do well and that is the latest exciting news from her today.

She also said that the correspondence with you was very nice and cordial and left her feeling very good about you and Blurt. So thank you again for reaching out to her, even though it did not work out, it speaks volumes of you being a man of your word, a man of action, and a good communicator.

So, lets all communicate respectfully, non-threatening, and de-escalating. Lets all keep driving this train forward with positive energy while we use our individual skill sets where they can be most beneficial for everyone.

We have all made mistakes, I certainly am no different, but to learn from them and move forward is something we can all feel good about. Upon continued application of these principles you @megadrive will again have my full support and encourage others to support you as well. Until next time. Keep up the great work along with your team and have a great day!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

....are you on telegram, matey?...send me a message.

Yes. How can I find you there?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your balanced response, I’m super happy for Amberly, I agree our email exchange was very cordial and pleasant, I hope her new client treats her well.

Good day to you, chat next time.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I hope that everyone will now work together to make blurt better.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

@ctime you might also just want to help. Don't be afraid; do it

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

megadrive friendly witnesses are still being voted with the following accounts:





@megadrive, @double-u please find time to check my post. I don't believe blurt is insensitive to my plight.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I basically ONLY use BLURT for blogging at this point. Maybe once every couple of months I throw one on steemit for sake of old times. NEVER AGAIN will I post on HIVE. #GrowYourSelf

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Feel ya ^^

Posted from https://blurt.live

Sounds like an excellent plan. I for one wouldn't give hive a sniff of my scintillating content. But then I do hold grudges, I blame the hormones.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

lol try puberty blockers

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

hahaha puberty? I'm at the other end of that journey dear. Menopause. more like meno-done and dusted.

Posted from https://blurt.live

Hello @ctime
Thank you for sharing such great content!
Use #blurtconnect tag to get more upvotes from usBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifPlease help support this curation account.

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

tomorrow he can do a power down and sell everything on markets,

this would actually be a best-case-scenario

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

multisig account/community bot would be a better option

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

how is this better ?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  



  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @techclub

Manually curated by


c362c2cf8c19fc34a19e29e5a2db7acb60e3b4b3 (1).jpg

Follow techclub DISCORD for more updates and use tag #techclub for tagging content

you can also delegate to @techclub to support curation

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I get your point about posting. I also waited from you to start voting on proposals. I'm not sure how they work. But I have a proposal there. You can check the details here : Collaborations in blurt [PROPOSAL]. I don't have experience in creating those proposals besides the one in steem, when I created one, they told me that's related to curation and that will not be accepted because of that. But then I didn't know about a lot of things. And even now, I'm just in my learning process.

I've seen you writing somewhere that you'll be voting on proposals only after 7/7. I waited for that date, and here we are. If you don't vote, please comment to the proposal with your thoughts about it. Maybe I'll improve it, make it better or create another.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ok, so I agree with @megadrive there.

probably I am not the one who will vote for all proposals, rather I will be silent or even will try to block some unclear proposals. At the moment, I would vote only for the mobile app proposal if there is one, and only on one condition - project must be open source

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Please allow me some time to discuss with the team, I do not wish to present a reply that only reflects my views but rather that of our team as a whole.

Posted from https://blurt.live

Really happy to see, clear concise, and respectful communication here, along with the ability to bend and negotiate. When both sides can meet half way then frankly there is no winner or loser but a very fair outcome that will result in win-win for the entire platform. So I'll be following this post for sure and looking forward to further positive, respectful, communication, and negotiation from @megadrive.

On another note. I think you'll have to consider making an exception on your bot for people like myself who have been known to post on hive and steemit, but with this banner and links at the bottom! lol

Click here to join!

Click here to learn more!

Learn how Hive is a totally centralized platform here

Learn how Hive is destroying itself and driving investment towards Blurt here

Find out who is in full control of the Hive blockchain here


Also I'll soon be having no outgoing delegations. Does that mean your bot will now pick up my posts? Just curious. I'm thinking, that I'll soon return to posting once a day like I used to.

Final note: Hats off to you @ctime and @mmmmkkkk311 and @fervi....and @megadrive for the that matter for all coming back to the negotiation table with a healthy fresh new approach that will surely be more beneficial for everyone here. If there is anything I can do to help assist in negotiations and effective respectful communication I'll be here to help.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

On another note. I think you'll have to consider making an exception on your bot for people like myself who have been known to post on hive and steemit

I'm just saying that I'm going to vote for those who publish posts on Blurt first, it is not my business if you copy/paste your post to other blockchains after that

Does that mean your bot will now pick up my posts?

for sure

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This might seem like an odd question but what exactly if am allowed to ask are the full criteria of how your bot votes or what it considers as a quality post worth voting, aside from the this new tweak you added. If am not allowed to ask you can ignore the comment

Its a question out of curiosity
Thank you

Posted from https://blurt.live

Awesome! Good to know. You are such a tremendous key player here. If there is anything you need help with let me know and I'll see what I can do. In the meantime keep up the great work!

Once again, I am Dan's opinion! 🙏🌞🏆❤️
FCK Hive mate! Why would you want to post there anymore???
Keep your awesome content here!!!

PS: Just wrote about you over at my place, coz u took my 10K delegation! 😂😜❤️

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Information taken!
This is an improvement to making blurt better I can see, thanks for the continuous support to the blockchain.

24 hours, it's fair enough... All the best to all trying to make blurt better, you all are amazing hehe 😌

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

45 M

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

People still post on the cesspit known as hive?...pft !

Although, to be fair- I was going to start trying to take accounts from over here, by posting and advertising Blurt....but it seems 'the powers that be' would prefer not to compete, not engage in market forces, and instead - follow the 'go along to get along' ethos.
(well, they do have communications with the likes of hivewatchers, to take advice, don't they?...that speaks volumes)...

I think some people on here have never actually been involved in free market competition in their entire lives...bless.

(well, they do have communications with the likes of hivewatchers, to take advice, don't they?...that speaks volumes)...

this collaboration with the brainless idiots from hivemind is the greatest shame for the founding father (potato man)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh, I think my post later will pile on the shame - Purely from my own personal conflicts and what is now clearly defamation of my character .

When you pay a supporter of the said idiot to collect data regarding the 'accusations' thrown at me over this last few months ( I paid for it myself) - and it then clearly shows the falseness of the claims - questions really need to be raised about competency, intelligence, and possible hidden motives....

I'll be posting it later on today.

....It will be my last post on Blurt, about blurt.
I have no wish to drag it's reputation down even further....( I want it to succeed).

Saying that.....
I will now be writing about the said individual(s), their behaviors, and the psychologies behind these behaviors and what it represents in these people, off blurt.

(so as to separate the two from each other, and put the spotlight on where it's required - and not drag down the whole blurt platform itself).

I like what you are doing because it is for the "greater good". I've started a shitstorm myself, and I know it's no fun to criticize intelligent people like Rycharde or Jakob, but I hope they learn from this and push Blurt in the right direction (if they're really intelligent and don't just care about their own wallets)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I can't comment on Jakob.... But I can say - 100% - that @rycharde is highly intelligent (more intelligent than me, anyways!..lol).

I would also posit that he has sound ethical codes.
(a subjective judgment based on his written material and many enjoyable interactions I've had with him).

....Being intelligent and looking after your own financial interests are not mutually exclusive.

In fact.... I'd say that they're the perfect combination - when attached to sound ethics and morals.
The founding fathers and the constitution (the U.S. one - not blurt, lol)...are solid evidence of this being an excellent combination.