What is the color of your soul?

in # blurt •  last year • 2 min read

What is the color of your soul?


Photo by Sunguk Kim on Unsplash
The cackle of a child brings peace. Isn’t it?

Whether it is a touch of love, a walk in the emerald woods or a cold breeze on a hot summer day, they all make us feel something. Even a mere anticipation soothes our mind. These little joys of life guide us a little closer to our tranquil center.

What does our soul want?

Our soul is a part of this Universe that requires expansion. It requires growth in terms of value addition, progression and evolution. When a child is born, the soul resonates to the frequency of the outer Universe. Have you ever felt the divine presence in the touch of a new born? If yes, you have touched an expanded soul. It takes only one hug to transfer the tremendous energy and revive. However, as the child grows, the energy gets trapped and confined.

What makes our soul expand?

Our soul expands when we look at our life beyond the body and mind; when the desire to give is more than the desire to receive. It enlarges with knowledge and when we apply the lessons we have learnt. It flourishes with the practice of unconditional love and acceptance of each other’s differences. As we shed the cloak of ego, love becomes boundless and the person becomes fearless paving way for further expansion that eventually brings peace and contentment.

The journey of expansion of our soul begins from the point where it touches the equilibrium. Equilibrium is the dynamic state of an oscillating soul. It is difficult yet possible to achieve that state. It enriches the life of an individual and makes them feel good.

When a soul reaches the state of equilibrium, the desires get balanced. The person feels more grateful, humble and kind. A person at equilibrium is not run by its little mind that is hurtful or destructive but by love, peace and hope.

The color of our soul is the color of love, kindness and peace.

Hope you wear it to make this life beautiful!

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