in # blurt •  2 years ago • 5 min read

Hey fams

Having a perfect financial life is very vital in our today's world and honestly the economy situations of some countries are not really helping at all, I remember talking to a friend recently and in our conversation I got to know that some individuals till this moment are still finding it very hard to overcome what happened during the pandemic, honestly this is definitely coming as a shock, but looking at things from another point of discussion I got to know that their are some individuals who really managed that period with ease despite the sit at home order given.

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I must say that from all my discussion with her, I got to understand that it is very important and vital that we take adequate step's in saving for the dry days or better still I say it is vital that we have a structure that will help in building a sustainable financial life , having a perfect financial life might not really be easy, just as some individuals might think, but research had it that those who becomes great today are individuals who started from the scratch, which means their are some level of discipline or principles that as been put in place by them in Order to maintain and attain the level they are today.

Their are lots of things that needs to be looked into in order to have a perfect financial life and honestly all this will definitely be talked about in this content. As part of my desire to see that everyone have a good life and also giving my quota to the new bies , I will be dropping some idea in few times, mind you this is not really a perfect solution that will earn you that perfect financial life that you need, but it will be a good if all this are been looked into and might really be the life saving ideas that you need.

A Quick look at steps to build a perfect financial life

Have a long time investment plan

Having a long time investment is definitely what our today's world needs and honestly that is one way to actually safe one from having a bad financial life, their are some individuals who do stay at home and do earn due to the level of investment they have done , it is very important that having a quality project to invest on or business that will generate a better returns is very important.

Have you ever think of what you will earn, if you take your time to invest on hive ecosystem, this to me is definitely a perfect example of an investment that will give you a perfect freedom from financial crises.

Save more than you spend

Having a saving mindset too is very important, people who really understand the importance of having or living a financial free life do take savings more important too. It is very important that will monitor our fund's go out from our pocket always,at times people end up spending much on things they don't need and this at times do lead to financial crises.

Be open to every opportunities,but don't rush at it

I must be honest by saying almost everything in life has it advantage and disadvantages in life, being Open to opportunities is very important as that on it own will definitely help in building a stable financial life , but on the other way to,it is advisable that proper research is done on every business or investments opportunities that surface at times, so that you don't end up being duped at the end.

Doing a very solid research will definitely help to ascertain what you are going in, this days their are lot of business opportunities that do comes out and are perfectly designed to scam people who rush at it, this type of investment are refered to as Ponzi Scheme , this type of business opportunities are big fraud,so jumping at them will definitely bring more pain to one . So always do a thorough research before jumping at any business opportunities.

Read and learn tips that can help give you a perfect financial life.

One of my uncle said, you can't cheat a man that read books,this is one word I strongly believed in , reading and willing to learn do make things more easier. Reading books and contents that has to do with building a perfect financial life or that has to do with saving money and building wealth too will definitely help too.


It is very important that will know that being consistent in doing all this is vital as that is the only perfect way that will bring the desire results that will want too in life, also been discipline will not only help, but will also make you get used to all the processes needed in building a perfect financial life.

Thanks for reading my blog.

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