Hi Blurt community,
a part of mine warns me I got somewhat irrational doing what I did, but obviously the other part of my brain decided to do it: I just ordered a Raspberry Pi 4 B (with 8 GB RAM and an 128 GB SD card). :)
Am I convinced to do the right thing? No! Do I believe Blurt to be a good investment - I really don't know!
However, I consider all this as kind of an adventure.
Having a creative brain like @rycharde on board (who actually is in favour of some of my old but never implemented or even really discussed ideas) gives me some confidence.
And after some chats with @jacobgadikian, even if not sure about the success of Blurt, I am convinced he is a honest person with best intentions who is open to new ideas and respects the point of view of other people. That's quite a lot.
To the ones who well-intentioned adviced me not to try out Blurt: I don't consider using Blurt as a personal high risk. I didn't invest a lot of money, and I just hope to enjoy writing again without the trouble of getting attacked out of nowhere without any warning or explanation (I am simply not willing to live with that HIVE motto to shot first and ask later, especially when the 'policemen' themselves, who pretend to protect the platform, are the greediest curation snipers, former bidbot owners and shit post farmers).
Furthermore I am considering to write the posts associated to my soccer prediction game on Blurt as soon as the next German soccer season will start. Of course - if he likes - @reiseamateur can continue to write the main posts about the single matchdays as he is doing a very good job since I stepped back.
On Blurt it will be possible again to upvote the comments of the matchday winners to reward their efforts without the risk of demotivating counter downvotes which were the reason for many participants to quit and for me to stop posting.
Even if I should move this competition to Blurt it will still be open for every user with either a HIVE, STEEM or Blurt account.
All this still doesn't mean that Blurt will be 'my blogging platform' forever from now on (I am just being honest here). During the last months I invested quite some money in Cardano (ADA), and should a convincing social media network arise there it might become my first choice (it also might not: certain is only that at this moment nothing is cast in stone ). :)
Well, concerning writing I am completely out of practice, so I need a break now and will continue next time (possibly when my Pi has arrived, but I won't promise anything).
Nice evening to all!
Servus @jaki01,
Zuerst mal Danke für die Blumen! ☺️
Dein Plan die soccer competition Blockchain übergreifend zu machen
ist eine tolle Idee, nur ist meine Vermutung das das bei einigen Chains
mit Sicherheit nicht "Erwünscht" ist, aber lassen wir uns überraschen.
Hier wäre es wünschenswert wenn sich in Zukunft mehrere dran beteiligen würden, wenn es im Herbst dann nach der Euro wieder los geht.
Schauen wir mal, was die Zukunft bringt,
manchmal geht ja gerade im Blockchain bereich alles sehr schnell
und manchmal sehr sehr langsam.
Gerade die Pi Versuche sind sehr spannend.
lg dir und deiner Familie und gsund bleiben🤠
You must not read any article about raspi. You will find a lot of rumors since a few days. That's just confusing because anybody knows a little bit. Software setup runs completely automatically. Just set up the hardware, as you can read here.
I hope You will have a lot of fun with Raspberry Pi.
I ll just mention that You can run some BOINC projects on Raspberry Pi and even earn Gridcoin for that. Here is a table with more info:
wowza gridcoin!
Takes me back.
You had adventure wuth Gridcoin?
Thanks for the mention :-)
Yes, I hope we can keep the creativity flowing - and the willingness to implement it!
But don't forget to keep one eye on the outside world - we cannot ignore the dystopia, but we can design our own labyrinth ;-)
I had forgotten to share the link to the mentioned soccer prediction game ...
And that was the post to explain the rules.
(Even now everybody can still join to win some matchdays, even if they won't be able anymore to fight for the overall victory.)