The future of Blurt - your opinion matters!

in # blurt •  4 years ago • 2 min read

Hello friends,

today I had a conversation with @jacobgadikian, where he was contemplating about different future options.

I have the impression that deep inside he feels he would like to completely migrate Blurt to Cosmos but at the same time fears the community wouldn't agree with this step. One of his concerns is that there could rise the accusation of being biased towards Cosmos due to his job at Tendermint, a "core contributor to the Cosmos Network".

These concerns prevent him to push stronger into the Cosmos direction, even if he doesn't feel really happy with staying on Graphene. At least that was/is my strong impression, and of course @jacobgadikian should correct me if I am wrong.

Therefore my idea is to simply ask the community members to voice their opinion and let me and @jacobgadikian know in the comment section which platform they would prefer to use in future?

  • Stick with the 'old' Blurt and try to improve it?
  • Migrate to Cosmos and "Blurt 2" (you know I would like that "Colony"-name ...)?
  • Use both places parallelly?
  • Something else? (For example joining forces with Cardano? :-) )

Not that it matters so much, but my personal view is that migrating to Cosmos would probably be a good idea.

And why?
Because one should do exactly these things in which one excels, and as @jacobgadikian is working daily with Cosmos since years that's probably what he can do best and like most. Why not just use this precious experience?

Another advantage would be that now the Blurt community is still very small, so that migrating would be much easier than later after it had already grown ...

Furthermore, a blockchain social network based on Cosmos would be something completely unique, whereas already quite some Graphene networks are in existence ...

Concerning your questions like transaction speed & fees, modularity, flexibility, interoperability with other blockchains of the Cosmos network, and others it's on @jacobgadikian to answers them. :)

But what do you think? Just place your comments, and I am sure @jacobgadikian will read them, too.
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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

This is a really hard question but I think that this is the perfect time to do it tho; I see that we're swimming in an ocean fullfiled with piranhas and pirates, because every move that we're doing is being attacked, every improve that we're doing is being criticized and I know that it has to be really exhausted for everyone to keep running in circles if we can't overcome those facts.

Now, I see Colony (I really prefer this name insted of Bling) as a big shot for us in every aspect, I don't truly know nothing about Cosmos but if it's true that we could be the first social media based platform that work with that Blockchain tech it could be a huge level of innovation, just like Steemit was in its era.

I think that our community won't have any problem to bet for this new platform, I think that I'll be totally ready to do so, I've been active right now even knowing that I don't have a lot of money for investment or something like that but I know that no matter if I stay here or go to other blockchain, if I go with this family I'm all in!

Like @afrog said in his comment:

Give me an airdrop, close the Blurt and I'll be there right away.

We're ready, let's do this!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Now, I see Colony (I really prefer this name insted of Bling) as a big shot for us in every aspect ...

I think "Colony" corresponds especially well with "Cosmos". :-)

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

That comment has been deleted.

My point of view:

  • HF3 is ready so far, that should still be done.
  • keep B1 running until B2 is ready.
  • switch to Blurt2, better concentrate the energies on one point.
  • I also like Colony more than Bling.
  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It's a bit of a surprise that our "newcomer" @Jaki01 asks this question. Had @jacobgadikian asked the bloggers themselves it would have been a much better style, but I have to say that I feel like Jacob has slowly reached the end of his strength.

I also think that it is too taxing in the long run and that there is little point in constantly plugging holes that are being torn open by the non-stop attacks on our blockchain. Now the foundation has to defend itself against dubious license violations and a fee payment to Probit did not lead to the desired result. In addition, the exchanges don't like that our blockchain runs on a VPN network. Every effort seems to be in vain. Every blogger slowly realizes that even the most patient developer is losing motivation. Especially when Jacob is the only developer we have left.

With this in mind, it would have been a wise decision to show us the development status of the Blurt 2 over the weekend as it was announced. Instead, Jacob just made us wait in vain, which seems very clumsy in connection with the question now posed. The way things are going now, I feel like the Blurt doesn't stand a chance in its current form, so I'd rather switch to the new chain today than continue to live with the nasty surprises of tomorrow.

Especially since the switch to a new blockchain gives us the opportunity to kick out all farmers, ungrateful exchanges and enemies and only select the bloggers with whom you want to start a new blockchain. Give me an airdrop, close the Blurt and I'll be there right away.

[de] ----------------------------------------

Es ist eine kleine Überraschung, dass unser „Newcomer“ Jaki01 diese Frage stellt. Hätte jacobgadikian die Blogger selbst gefragt, wäre es ein viel besserer Stil gewesen, aber ich muss sagen, dass ich das Gefühl habe, dass Jacob langsam das Ende seiner Kraft erreicht hat.

Ich denke auch, dass es auf lange Sicht zu anstrengend ist und dass es wenig Sinn macht, ständig Löcher zu stopfen, die durch die ununterbrochenen Angriffe auf unsere Blockchain aufgerissen werden. Jetzt muss sich die Stiftung gegen zweifelhafte Lizenzverletzungen verteidigen und eine Gebührenzahlung an Probit führte nicht zum gewünschten Ergebnis. Außerdem gefällt es den Börsen nicht, dass unsere Blockchain in einem VPN-Netzwerk ausgeführt wird. Jede Anstrengung scheint vergebens zu sein. Jeder Blogger merkt langsam, dass selbst der geduldigste Entwickler die Motivation verliert. Besonders wenn Jacob der einzige Entwickler ist, den wir noch haben.

Vor diesem Hintergrund wäre es eine kluge Entscheidung gewesen, uns den Entwicklungsstatus des Blurt 2 am Wochenende zu zeigen, wie es angekündigt war. Stattdessen ließ Jacob uns nur vergeblich warten, was im Zusammenhang mit der jetzt gestellten Frage sehr ungeschickt erscheint. So wie die Dinge jetzt laufen, habe ich das Gefühl, dass der Blurt in seiner jetzigen Form keine Chance mehr hat. Deshalb würde ich lieber heute zur neuen Kette wechseln, als weiterhin mit den bösen Überraschungen von morgen zu leben.

Zumal der Wechsel zu einer neuen Blockchain uns die Möglichkeit gibt, alle Farmer, undankbaren Börsen und Feinde rauszuschmeißen und nur die Blogger auszuwählen, mit denen man gerne eine neue Blockchain starten möchte. Gib mir einen Airdrop, schließe den Blurt und ich bin sofort dabei.

There are several other devs working on blurt:

@yehey the very least. In fact there are more; they pop up and down.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Okay, four. As we know today, this is far less than we need. Blocktrades had 32 developers working on Steem. I really wonder what they did month after month. Nothing really changed, but the proposals system was pretty full of cost centers.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I do not know the advantages and disadvantages. Your mentioned advantages speak for Cosmos. As you said, the community is still relatively small, so switching is easier. I would be in favor of migrating to Cosmos. Running both together (Blurt and Bling) I don't see as making sense.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Good question.

I simply don't know! Because I don't know the difference between graphene or cosmos chains. Are but actually blockchains, and what are the pros and cons?

But as you said, we should try to do what we can do best and love doing!