in # blurt โ€ข  last year (edited)โ€ข 2 min read

Not long ago, I reported on the destruction of @indextrader24's account over on Hive here:

I reached out to him with my rep -9 account ๐Ÿ˜‚. Sadly, he has not yet found his way over to the good guys... ๐Ÿ˜œ


Now the @hivewatchers bully @adm has found a new German victim: @dotwin1981. Adm is at it again! As it seems, these Hivewatchers imbeciles don't like Dotwins Yu-Gi-Oh! Pack Openings... What idiots! This is bullying in its purest form!


The question of course now is: Is the German Community being attacked or is it plain coincidence, that 2 German Community members are being attacked by the same entity!?

Another man child, that loves to downvote over on Hive is the imbecile @themarkymark. He claims to have no connection to the Hivewatchers, but everybody knows better. ๐Ÿ˜‚ He is responsible for the destruction of the accounts of @drutter and @cryptopie, amongst MANY MORE!

DEAR GERMAN COMMUNITY: Come to Blurt! ๐Ÿ€ Escape the downvotes!

A little reminder: I am a top 20 Blurt witness, sooo please help me stay there!

Please consider taking a moment to vote for my witness, if you haven't already done so!
You can do this by logging into your wallet with your active key! ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ
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  ยท  last year  ยท  

In the future, a time will come when everyone gathers on BLURT. After being bullied and torn apart on various platforms, they finally find a safe haven, which is BLURT.

They flock to BLURT in droves. And the moment of BULL is about to arrive. Let's welcome it together...

  ยท  last year  ยท  

I like your BULL! Cheers : ))

  ยท  last year  ยท   (edited)

Lol I donโ€™t think itโ€™s just German community Altho from being in their insider group in the very beginning and getting kicked out for not agreeing with their downvoting small accounts they donโ€™t respect foreign languages much! They are just bunch of complete losers who somehow got a few too many tokens and think they are god.

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Good thing Blurt doesn't have a downvote feature; we'll be less likely to get jerks like them.

Posted from

  ยท  last year  ยท  

People predicted not having a downvote button would bring the losers around.
Turns out, it keeps them away.

  ยท  last year  ยท  


Leo Community and Germans

Welcome ๐Ÿฅ“

  ยท  last year  ยท  


  ยท  last year  ยท  

Haha ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  ยท  last year  ยท  


  ยท  last year  ยท  

At night I had already toyed with the idea of returning to Blurt. There have been some very unpleasant actions against the German community here, but at least I have the freedom to pursue my hobby undisturbed.

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Yes, many things were said out of error, misplaced anger โ€ฆ.. Many mistakes were made. The German community (especially the @double-u Pub) was the best part of Blurt in the early days โ€ฆ we need that good spirit backโ€ฆ. And Blurt will move up again. Let bygones be bygonesโ€ฆ time to forgive all the mistakes and make new progress. Blurt has a good future if everyone works together.

  ยท  last year  ยท  

I am very good at forgetting. :) It could be my age. :D
I'll take a look at it here. Besides, I'm trying to get some blurt in the Hive Engine so I can power up a bit.

  ยท  last year  ยท   (edited)

Excellent. Me tooโ€ฆ I have forgotten everythingโ€ฆ I only remember the good times we all had in the Pub. Those were the very best days of Blurt. So much ๐Ÿป and good times ๐Ÿบ Thanks to @double-u and others.

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Welcome back.
As a Canadian, I do not have the problem you are having. That's because I'm 1 of maybe 3 Canadians on the entire platform. We have no community, so there is nothing to take "unpleasant actions" toward. Some people are rude or mean to other individuals, but that happens everywhere.

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Hello @dotwin1981,
Please kindly return to Blurt.
Blurt welcomes you back.

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Ich habe bis heute nicht verstanden, um was es damals ging... Eins kann ich dir aber versprechen: Es gibt keinerlei Ressentiments gegen die Deutsche Community! Ganz im Gegenteil! Man bereut sehr, dass sie damals mit Sack und Pack abgezogen ist. Sie wรผrde hier mit offenen Armen empfangen werden, soviel kann ich versprechen! Ich persรถnlich finde es eine absolute Sauerei, was sie gerade mit dir abziehen! Typisch Hive halt...

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Vor allem hatte ich heute Fragezeichen รผbern Kopf, als ich erfahren habe, dass es wohl von indextrader24 aus ging. Ich hatte nie einen Schlechten Eindruck von ihm. Bin auch schon ewig Follower und Vote ihn auch immer wieder.
Und dann ohne Ankรผndigung: Bร„M.

Es ist halt schon schade, dass man digitiert bekommt, was man zu Posten hat und was nicht. Das hat mit einer Freien Chain nichts mehr zu tun.

Meiner Meinung nach sollten immer noch die Nutzer der Plattform entscheiden was gut ist und was nicht. Und dies machen sie mit einen Upvote oder eben keinen.

Diese High Power Downvote Diktatur ist echt brutal pervers.

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Ja, allein schon diese Aussage von dir wรคre bereits gefรคhrlich da drรผben! ๐Ÿ˜œ Wie gesagt: Ich wรผrde mich am meisten รผber eine Deutsche Community hier freuen! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช

Ich persรถnlich glaube nicht, dass ADM, Marky und die restlichen Spasten damit aufhรถren werden... ๐Ÿ˜•

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Da bin ich mal gespannt, bisher ist mein heutiger Post und die Kommentare verschont geblieben.

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Ich bin live dabei! Versprochen!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜œ

  ยท  last year  ยท  

I wouldn't look for a conspiracy here against a community of a specific nationality. I would rather expect communities of particular intimacy to be targeted.

The good old maxim "divide and rule".

After all, it's all about attracting sheep who buy hbd and selling your own tokens on the wave of growth and, through downvoting, limiting the earnings of those who could be competitors.

We only leave in peace those who support such policies because they are among their own people. The rest is nothing groundbreaking because, for example, on Reddit there is leftism and no matter how politely you express yourself in a different way, you will be disliked sooner or later for having different views.

And it's the same there.

Posted from

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Your right there tho they did help me sell out on a decent price lol if I had still been holding now my account would be worthless

  ยท  last year  ยท  

exactly :) there is no evil that does not come out for good

Posted from

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Tak... hivewatchers to skorumpowana grupa kilku kont dziwek pod dodatkowฤ… opล‚atฤ… nawet kilku instytucji. Masowe przelewy z kont zaprzyjaลบnionego kรณล‚eczka Podskakujesz basta i nie tylko z donvote da zarobiฤ‡ ale ustalony temat np. cowidioza. Swego czasu jak pisali dostawali wpierdol nikt tak mi nie zaszedล‚ za skรณrฤ™ jak ta jeba...a grupka nawet na komentarzach byล‚a basta. Olaฤ‡ wielkie Gรณwno. Ochrona przed spamem bla.. bla.. bla stara gadka ukล‚adu...i tak zdechnฤ… i pozostanie tylko wspomnienie gรณra rok. Jak przyjdzie sztorm to takie kwiatki jak atak Alison Hawver McDowell i to fakty kto sprawdzaล‚ i sล‚uchaล‚ AME szczegรณlnoล›ci jednego mล‚odego cw...ktรณry wykorzystuje na multikonta z trzeciego ล›wiata. W koล„cu pฤ™knie pรณjdฤ… dane i nie tylko we wszystkich znanych mediach. Ci teลผ siฤ™ dochrapiฤ… jak bฤ™dzie tak dalej tworzyฤ‡ tokeny sprzedawaฤ‡ ze kilkakrotnoล›ciฤ… i spuszczaฤ‡ inwestorรณw do kibla....tip

  ยท  last year  ยท  

tak ochrona przed spamem to takie samo gล‚upie gadanie jak ochrona przed zล‚owrogim kapitalizmem w usprawiedliwieniu na postฤ™powania ZOMO.

Posted from

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Mr. Dotwin left Blurt for Hive, so I guess he also knows that this tragedy will also come to him but regardless, Hivewatchers will find and find a target with all the possible reasons that they will create. @outofthematrix

Posted from

  ยท  last year  ยท  

..The inevitable dynamic of any socialist construct, is that it will always 'eat itself'.
(I was downvoted for several months on hive, on every post and comment)

First they destroy those accounts that are easiest (people who do not tow 'the party' line), with some fake moral superiority.

Then, eventually, they work up the pecking order - until it destroys itself.

All DPoS is socialist in it it's construct (merit and originality are shunned over conformity and 'keeping your head down').

Down voting makes it easier, but no down voting doesn't change the fundamental dynamics of the system itself.
Then throw in algorithms to satisfy a 'return on investment'...

The end outcome is inevitable.
It's socialism.
It's cancer.

Time will bear this out if there are no fundamental changes )which there wont be).
Why not?
Because the personality traits that want and support socialist constructs, (conflict averse, etc) are the ones that are 'in power'.
Thus, the system was built that way so as to support the ideology.

Blurtbooster upvotes AI generated content for example.
(supporting the in crowd, while taking no account whatsoever of human input - labor, effort, etc..)
...Thus making it something different than just a social media platform, and more one of a financial instrument . One that needs any inputs just to keep the blockchain running... (not my words, but in respect to POW, POS, and DPoS crypto systems).

I'll be delving deep into the subject of personality types on my upcoming post - I hope you find something of value in them !

Posted from

  ยท  last year  ยท   (edited)

well, I'm grateful to hiwewaters that they destroyed my account so quickly and I had a chance to sell the tokens at a relatively good price. Those who are the last to stay in this Nazihole will be the most screwed when they realize that their communist republic has no one to eat anymore and it's time for them to do it themselves.

Posted from

  ยท  last year  ยท  

lol - yeah, me too! get it...
the next question being...?

Posted from

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Thanks for your feedback buddy! I personally differentiate between a surpressing system (using a DV button as oppression to destroy people, like on Hive) and a pure reward system like here on Blurt, not terrorizing people into doing something against their own will, simply to survive...

I agree with you, that the reward system may not always be fair, but nobody is being destroyed here.

  ยท  last year  ยท  

IMO Hive screwed up with the concept of grayed-out content, hidden from view and requiring effort to find. With missing images and links. Maybe certain offensive content should be treated that way? I don't know. But the way it's used on Hive is far more sinister. It's de facto censorship, without calling it that. Downvotes are one problem, but the whole hidden content thing is just as bad. Blurt fixes that.

  ยท  last year  ยท  

and a pure reward system like here on Blurt...

A 'pure reward system' has to be based on_something_, does it not ?

What then, is the criteria?
THAT is the relevant issue - the criteria.
A socialist systems criteria is very different than any free market criteria.
(agreement with perspectives of those in power, for example).

Free market criteria - supply demand, and no authority to decide 'which is of value' and which isn't...

This is why socialism will always end up eating itself - it must consume - parasite fashion - off the producers lower down in the hierarchy.

Eventually the food chain consumes those at lowe levels, and goes further and further upwards in the direction of the hierarchy ( towards the central authority).

Then it collapses.

Posted from

  ยท  last year  ยท  

So the goal here would be to get the rewards, in the best way we can, to the manual producers?

I think this can be achieved here... We need lots of communities (coming soon), so they can vote within their own space for their own people/crowd and we need many many many many more whales, voting THEIR people/content/crowds/communities... The more of them, the better the rewards are widely spread.

  ยท  last year  ยท  

So the goal here would be to get the rewards, in the best way we can, to the manual producers?

No, the rewards going to those that deserve it through hard work, creativity, and original content, would be not be the goal - but merely the symptom of a system that works/is set up to reward those mentioned above.
That is a free market system.
Not a socialist system.

I think this can be achieved here...

That can never be achieved with the current socialist system.
Socialism (modern day liberals and left winger ideology ), requires - no, NEEDS (like oxygen to breathe) a construct like I mentioned above- a a parasitical, never ending centralization of assets (tokens).
Communities are a facade that may work on the local level - the structure underneath remains the same. The ideology drives the system.
The dynamics still remains the same (over time).

We need lots of communities (coming soon), so they can vote within their own space for their own people/crowd and we need many many many many more whales, voting THEIR people/content/crowds/communities... The more of them, the better the rewards are widely spread.

How do we get 'many more whales'? increasing the token price via purchases.
Thus enriching the socialist parasite class for no real reason.

It would cost at least 20x LESS to use the available code, and set up your own crypto and DPoS governing system and be in control o fit, than buying into this one - why on earth would anyone do that?

Starting to see the issue? ...One of ideology. One of control, no matter what the cost.
One of systemic failure, over time.
As the current system stands (all DpoS) - the failure is baked in.

(and this isnt even involving BTC as being the engine behind all the other coins, nor the much bigger, wider world outside of crypto )

Posted from

  ยท  last year  ยท  

It would cost at least 20x LESS to use the available code, and set up your own crypto and DPoS governing system and be in control o fit, than buying into this one - why on earth would anyone do that?

No way. As a witness, I have seen what it needs to rock this place in the last year..

How do we get 'many more whales'? increasing the token price via purchases.

No, they should buy NOW... It's cheap ;D

No, the rewards going to those that deserve it through hard work, creativity, and original content, would be not be the goal - but merely the symptom of a system that works/is set up to reward those mentioned above.

I see that differently... My best example is the german community over on Hive... They vote their stuff and their comments, not those of the Hive bosses... They stay with the likes of their own...

  ยท  last year  ยท  

You're seeing the model in 'low resolution' (close up, grainy).
It's about _systems built models _, not smaller instances....

I'll try to do a post tomorrow, to make it clearer...
Cheers,matey !

Posted from

  ยท  last year  ยท  

We all have to work with what we've got here... I know, it's not perfect, but it's better than most of the other stuff on the web.... ;D Looking forward to your post!

  ยท  last year  ยท  

These attack whales disgust me! They create no content, and simply attach those who do. Maybe if downvoting was limited to a few a month (for the most aggregious posts), and maybe limited to 5% voting; it would help! Alternately, if you had to be a producer of content to register a downvote, it would stop a lot of these children.

@drutter is a friend, and posts good content; they need to leave him alone!!! I don't agree with everything he says, but his opinions are solid, and he has my respect. Unlike these whales...these platforms would be better off if they just cashed out!

I have been attacked by one of these whales over there, and I stopped posting for four months...almost closed these accounts...but I don't like being pushed around!

You are totally correct, this is a bully, afraid to expose themselves to down votes; because a lot of little people would destroy them. They are a cancer carried over from steemit, and contributed to that desert platform's current condition!

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Thanks for your feedback mate! Yes IMO Hive is pure cancer...

  ยท  last year  ยท  

That was something they should have changed during import of rep numbers and crypto. I still like no posting, no down vote! This would stop these children from being cyber bullies.


  ยท  last year  ยท  

I left after @themarkymark destroyed my account... I only stop by there once in a while to see THIS chaosโ˜๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Exactly what I was talking about! These people are destroying the platform, and driving off good content creators....

There needs to be a way to censure these people, to stop this idiocy! Immature fools!!!!


  ยท  last year  ยท  

They will not change the downvote button.. It is their control mechanism ๐Ÿ˜‰

  ยท  last year  ยท  

They donโ€™t want to change it they love it I was in an inside group at the beginning somehow and I can confirm they bloody love the ability to downvote ppl to zero and laugh about it on steemit chat now prob discord. I wish everyone would do what is right and leave so they canโ€™t make money out of their disgusting behaviour.

  ยท  last year  ยท  

Central control is death to a platform! They should know better, but we know they either don't know, or don't care!....

It destroyed weku entirely, and I had a lot of crypto there, including some I purchased. I'm still hoping liiighthouse will get it together soon! Rumble looks like they are beginning to censor some, so the choices are getting slim. Bitchute is still functioning properly, but I'm thinking about making my own website to post on.

I still run some steemit, but it's a desert there! I used to win the engagement league there, but I'm lucky to see a response these days. It looks like the cancer of Central Control, and problems with whales; that killed steemit, had moved on to hive!

It makes zero sense, because a whale should work for the good of the platform, so their crypto would gain value.
