I activated the blurt witness node yesterday. Being a witness is a healthy stimulant activity for me. Activities at blurt enable interaction with healthy people and give healthy vitality to my daily life. It is very helpful for my English study. And I thought that running a witness node to the extent possible would benefit both me and the community. The witness node has been activated again. I will continue my studies, and I want to conduct a balanced operation. Thank you.
저는 어제 blurt 증인 노드를 다시 활성화하였습니다. 증인으로 활동하는 것은 저에게 건강한 자극이 되는 활동입니다. blurt 에서의 활동은 건강한 사람들과의 교류를 가능하게 하고 나의 일상에 건강한 활력을 줍니다. 저의 영어공부에도 큰 도움이 되고 있습니다. 그래서 제가 가능한 범위에서 증인 노드를 운영하는 것은 나와 커뮤니티 모두에게 도움이 된다는 생각을 하였습니다. 그래서 다시 증인노드를 활성화 하였습니다. 앞으로 공부를 계속해나갈 것이며, 균형감 있는 운영을 해나가고 싶습니다.
Please vote as a witness
Congrats on activating your witness node. Keep up the great work! 👍
Thank you Kemmyb :)
This’s interesting. I’ll absolutely vote for you ;)
Thank you very much :)
I will vote for you again @pixelwide :D
Thank you cryptopie~ :)
Congratulations sir.i hope you continue ur work with new passion.good luck for future.
Thank you for your support :)
증인투표 완료 응원합니다.
Congratulations @pixelwide! Welcome to the witness community! Are you already on Discord?
Thankyou cosmicboy :) yes I already on discord. I will join more often and comment~
Wish you good luck and when I collect power I will vote for you :)
Thank you very much :)