Let me accept it, as a new user (just five months) on the blockchain, I know little about technicalities but as I am posting regularly on Hive and came on this site by accident (following my own post). However, I am a learner and will soon learn the finer points since I am willing to learn them. Thanks for enlightening me about this crucial topic.
Awesome post! Hive is currently flushing itsself down the toilet. More and more people will follow to Blurt... It is a chain reaction, that cannot be stopped.
My big problem with steemit is that they took such a magnificent, magical place and utterly destroyed its spirit. As long as those are the people who run it, I will never go back.
I definitely feel that Blurt has the potential to be great. I just wish I knew what it was exactly that infused the early steemit days with so much electric excitement and passion so we could revive it on here. I know it definitely has to do with a true feeling of community.
Do you remember quinneaker , ever-love, or the-alien? I stayed connected to them in the FB world and they definitely agree with the sentiments here, in terms of the plandemic etc. I was kind of waiting to see how things went, but maybe I'll reach out to them now. Though it really would be imperative that they receive a big welcome to have a chance of keeping them here.
I wasn't in their circles. I took a peak and found two of those accounts on Hive, and saw the downvotes and as well the types of articles they posted.
I could never speak as to the reception they would get here. I personally am not interested in the bulk of topics they were posting on so I could say now that most of their posts wouldn't be curated by myself.
That doesn't mean they wouldn't find an audience here as I see many DO post similar type posts as them. I also noticed that they have some good sized wallets at Hive. They could start off as whales here if they converted it. And unlike Hive where they were attacked for exercising their property rights (using their stake as they saw fit), here property rights are respected. What's yours is yours, not for the rest of the community to decide you used your property wrong.
This got me thinking about people in my circle...and all I know is that I'm very eclectic. My circle of friends from steemit are an extremely mixed bag (same as in the natural world) ranging from therealpaul whose content you would love if you've not seen it, and who I traveled halfway across the country to meet- to meesterboom, whom I know off platform as well, him and his lovely family. I don't have a type, I simply love genuine people.
I feel I need to emphasize and add that meesterboom is genuine. He posts outrageously fun and creative fictional humor, but his true nature is very sweet, loyal, and kind. My hackles are still a bit raised from the awful accusations sent his way, and for the fact that many people now have this terrible opinion of him without knowing him at all. The fact that he was targeted simply because some opinionated, indoctrinated whales vote on him, and because his outrageous humor offered convenient quotes as a selling point for the argument being put forth, is very upsetting to me. Honestly if the party responsible for the slander were to go back far enough he could likely find some comments of mine to take out of context and use against me too, especially on posts of nonameslefttouse.
If it wasn't for my friendship with @frot- another true blue soul- I would have been soured to the idea of this platform and might not have given this place a chance. Which would have been a shame, as I have already met a few more genuine souls like yourself and the lovely @owasco.
All in all, I do hope this place will grow, and I also hope that people will not find themselves behaving much like the ones they so despise, just from a different side of the issues. As they felt unwelcome at hive, I would hope they would not do the same to others with differing opinions. Agreeing to disagree is becoming a lost art and I for one would rather be at peace than be right. Kumbaya and all that XD
While my time on both Steem and then Hive left a bad taste in my mouth there were many I left behind that I had grown to care for.
I made sure when I left Hive not to cause waves as so many do. I just quietly powered down and left. Now I did go back to mention to my followers they have Blurt accounts, and I also purposely made a post on why Blurt is better than Hive or Steem that I wrote for Google that still ranks as the top comparison article on several search strings.
But I never wanted to go scorched earth because of those I care about. I will however lead them to what I feel is a better system and hope they might see from my descriptions a validity to what I say.
I also do understand why so many are bitter. While I have no base to understand Meesterboom I've seen quite a few people complain about being the recipient of his targeting. As an outsider, I would assume that each of you have a different experience and view of him. Somewhat like(this is an extreme example) the woman who is dating a complete asshole but she sees him as this incredibly caring guy while most everyone else can't stand him. Because in her case he probably is a really sweet guy so she sees him different.
The way we conduct ourselves towards others is a burden we must be responsible for. I would also point out that if claims are ludicrous in the counter attacks that folks such as myself who are reasonable will take into account the seeming absurdity of the claim and consider that perhaps there were dick moves being made and the response as is often the case is being magnified to ludicrous proportions.
My bad experiences at Steem/Hive were all from the berniesanders account, with very few of them actually targeting me personally. However, when one watches enough folks they care about be targeted and then have meltdowns and leave one at some point must reassess the value.
take out of context and use against me too, especially on posts of nonameslefttouse.
Now here is where I have a little more sympathy for some of these claims. I used to interact with this one a little over the years. It's quite common now if I peek around Hive to see him gaslighting others, seeming to be part of what is indeed a growing posse seeking to make one toe the line or leave. I was surprised to see this from him, as he used to always stay out of the drama to the extent he is now which is feeding and creating it while he feigns innocence.
I believe we will see more of this as we onboard folks tired of being messed with. And whatever the reason those like Meester is being named, I wouldn't assume that he was entirely innocent in any of this or there wouldn't be so many complaining.
I figure at some point the folks will get their anger out of their systems. Hopefully before they paint a strong picture of themselves within the community here as they paint believing they are painting only others.
Freedom of speech will ensure we see this type of stuff. The burden is on each of us whether we participate and give continuing life to it or focus our energy elsewhere to give life to things that matter more to us.
I'm glad, and not surprised at all, to hear that you chose not to burn bridges when you took your leave. It's a wise decision, and from what I've gathered about you so far, consistent with your character. And what you said at the end is true, it is our choice whether to perpetuate or put an end to things. I debated just letting this end with your response.
I would like to, truly. But I find it hard when even with your very reasonable outlook, you clearly have your doubts. I don't know who else specifically has said things about my friend regarding any of this, but I was first made aware of it when he changed his status to "Member of the Hive Cabal since 2014". Naturally I asked him about it, considering not even steemit was around then, and he told me that someone- he didn't name them- had accused him of being in a Hive cabal so in typical meester humor fashion, it was his response, choosing a year when none of this existed to emphasize the absurdity.
I don't want to go on about this, but when I decide someone is a friend of mine, I can't sit back and do or say nothing when they're character is being attacked, especially in the way it was most recently. I just can't.
I understand where you're coming from. It's reasonable in your position to assume he isn't innocent. But if you truly knew him, as I do, you would not assume that. Quite the opposite in fact. You would wonder what was wrong with these people making a target of him, as I'm doing.
He's not just a casual so-called friend who I know as meesterboom. I know who he really is. We are friends outside of the platforms, we talk quite a bit outside of comment sections, and have for years now. At some point my husband and I will be traveling to Europe, and when we do, we'll spend time with him and his wife and kids.
I'm trying to figure how to emphasize my feelings on this subject, because they are very strong and unwavering. I know @frot this way as well, he and kiwideb are also people I hope to one day see in their country, at their home, and if someone tried to spread the idea that they were actually monsters, I would respond in the exact same way.
My intuition about people is such that all of my loved ones rely on it. I have friends, who I am close to, that have been with me on this journey of life since I was a kid..I just got off the phone with one of them- we were 12 when we met, and had a texting conversation with another- we were 10. My best friends from college? I spent the day with three of them last week, along with the rest of a tribe I've gathered over the past two decades. And then there's @therealpaul. I knew who he was through the same method of communication I have with meester, Deb and frot, and when I traveled halfway across the country and met him in person at his home? He was exactly who I knew him to be. My whole family loves him. Seeing into the spirit of a person might very well be my greatest gift.
I know this is a lot. But a lot of terrible things were said, so I feel it's warranted. He's a good man. As for those who have targeted him...I don't know them. Perhaps they truly believe what they're saying and they're just wrong. Seeds of division, confusion and doubt are being sown in every aspect of people's lives right now and some have lost the ability to see through that, to the extent that lifelong friendships, even familial relationships, have been and continue to be torn apart. So a stranger on the internet becoming an enemy in a person's mind for one reason or another? Is not even a stretch.
One last thing. I don't know nonames nearly as well. But I do know him enough to say with certainty that he is Not a monster. Giving people a hard time? Sure. But being a part of evil, sadistic and heinous activities? Absolutely not. I have put in many hours of conversation with him over the years, and I know him well enough to say that. I know him well enough to tell you that this last thing hurt him deeply, and I hurt for him. I will even go as far as saying that I feel worse about what impact it may have had on him then others. There are some things that just should not be said about someone, no matter how much of a jerk you might think they are. It is very disheartening to me that we, humanity, are in this place right now, that it's acceptable and excusable to say such awful things about people.
I know what you were trying to say, that people like yourself would not truly give stock to the most extreme of the accusations. But it still isn't okay for them to make them, and splash them from one end of the Blockchain to the other. It's because I've run into a number of these that I'm even here talking about it.
Okay I've said my peace, not much more I can do. Hoping I can shake off the last of the shadow that was cast about this place for me, and move on to the good stuff!
I am by nature a glass half full optimist, and while the past couple years have tested this sorely, I am mostly through the other side and feeling much more like myself. I love people as a rule, even with all of their nonsense. None of us are perfect, and it's not only okay, it's good. It would not be the rich experience without the struggles. Much like the satisfaction of climbing a mountain as opposed to being flown to the top and dropped on it, the journey is often more meaningful than the destination. I take the bad with the good, it's all a part of the balance, I've learned to appreciate things like pain and sorrow, recognizing that things like joy and pleasure are amplified by the contrast.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to me, and for your support of my work, I expect to have many great conversations with you in the coming months :)
There are many others that have been maligned unjustly. Probably all of them have been mischaracterized. But not a few of them are behaving like boy kings. Thanks for your understanding of meester.
I know that some people have let the power of a big stake go to their heads and are using it to downvote people for opinions they disagree with, and that truly stinks. I'm sorry to anyone that this happened to. The censorship is way out of control and I despise it as much as everyone here.
But I know for a fact that meesterboom is not one of them. He would never do that. He knows where I stand on all of the current issues and has no problem with it whatsoever.
I just really want to set the record straight where he's concerned, I greatly dislike the idea that people have it in their heads that someone I love is a monster. And he absolutely would do the same for me if the situation was reversed.
I have so much to say, but this is not the right forum for it, so I will leave it at that...and once again thank you for being so great :0)
You have said it all @practicalthought.
You research is absolutely wonderful.
This is a win worth Celebrating.
For every single challenge Blurt faces, It bounces back stronger. This surely will not be an exception.
Post reblurted for more visibility.
And according to my research, it wasn't Upvu leading this charge against Blurt, they are simply going along with what Steemchiller is pushing for. I assume because of one wants to succeed on Steem one would be apt to mirror what Steemchiller pushes for.
I would actually come at this from a different perspective. Steemchiller holds little power on Steemit, but is very well respected and influential. This option could have been placed on the table long ago by Steemchiller, so why now? Because Upvu is the real power here. And along with other shady players, like Steemsupporter and Xpilar, and others who remain in the shadows, the idea to target Blurt came to the fore. The Upvu account has been carefully accumulating Steem Power by voting trivial and irrelevant posts from the South Korean group, knowing that they would one day respond to any request to form a massive proxy to influence the Witness ranks. This move was not supported by all of the Witnesses, but who cares about them when you have the power in your hands. The 19th and 20th position of the Steem Consensus Witnesses have fallen out of the hands of Steemit Inc. and the Tron Foundation. So this was a double power move, in which Upvu was able to flex some muscles towards Inc. and the Foundation, as well as take some shots at Blurt, as well as Symbionts, Cotina, Ilnegro, etc.
I'm sure that Steemchiller has not been happy with the centralized power of Inc. and the Foundation, so this is a chance to kind of feel that decentralization is somehow beginning to evolve within the Steem ecosystem. But that's not the case.
In your post you referenced a dialogue with Steemchiller and @world-travel-pro in which you will find the following words by Steemchiller:
Regarding Blurt, I don't know much about it and I just can tell you that I'm no 'blurtchiller'. If someone should attack you on here, let me know and I will see what I can do ;)
Steemchiller has never had a conflict with Symbionts, Cotina or Ilnegro... but guess who has... Steemsupporter and Xpilar! And who has re-entered into the Top 20 of the Steem Consensus Witnesses thanks to Upvu... Steemsupporter... who was investigated by Symbionts for manipulating Steemit's curation trails... and Steemsupporter attacked the Italian Community because Ilnegro created a tool to compete with his curation trail app. Who was Steemsupporter's main backer and funder... Xpilar. These players have an ax to grind with Ilnegro and Symbionts, who is also the main supporter of Cotina.
I see no innocence in what Upvu has done, nor am I suggesting that you do. But Upvu and the South Korean group are applying the same strategy here on Blurt. So let us be forewarned and prepared!
I wish to point out that Stemchiller is the top witness at Steem. As such he is earning approximately .253 Steem per minute. That comes to 15.18 Steem per hour and 364.32 Steem per DAY. Just for the witness.
At current price valuations (.35 each) that means he is earning 127.512 US per day, more when Steem is valued higher. That comes to a nice little sum of 46541.88 a year.
This is just from his witness. I'm not sure how much he earns from author/curation rewards, nor from whatever his Tron rewards are.
I'm unsure whether Steem witnesses earn any Tron alongside their steem mining payments.
I however don't find it farfetched to assume he is easily earning 6 figures a year solely from his Steem operation. I also assume that given just from the witness he is collecting just under 133000 Steem per year (132976.8) and given he has been collecting now for years that he is pulling off quite a bit of Steem to both live off of and invest elsewhere such as Bitcoin.
I imagine he is quite wealthier than his wallet would suggest.
I also stand by my perception that this is quite a golden goose for him, and once he realized the threat Blurt represents to this goose he is seeking to slow down or stop this threat. It's only natural once one sees their goose is tied to an inferior product.
Not to say your take is wrong at all on the possible motivations or dynamics either. However the timing in such short relation to the exchange between him and @world-travel-pro suggests strongly to me that Blurt was off their radar as just a shit project until then.
Thanks so much though for providing me with some of the power tentacles there. I was out of there the moment Justin Sun rode in saying we were all his bitch. By the time Hive was created I was already fully powered down ready to just stop blogging. So I don't know a lot about Steem since then other than Steemchiller quickly became a power structure there based on his previous good will he accrued and being shit on so hard by the Hive overlords when they forked.
Actually, your insights and observations can be interwoven seamlessly into mine. I believe that fundamentally we are coming to a common conclusion: Blurt has become a formidable force to be reckoned with, and can no longer be underestimated or easily dismissed! 😉😎
It is truly troubling that some these fools hate Blurt. It could be the version of steem and hive we all have wanted. No abuse of power with downvoting rewards and effectively silencing small wallets. Oh.. I see why they hate US! Just 2 days ago Marky Mark called Blurt a shit coin. Its those type of powerful accounts who love to yield their financial influence over others that couldn't possibly really love FREE SPEECH. Time to invest even more into our platform here I say. Pull all your steem and put it into blurt
I agree. Based on the lamenting I've seen from them about no flags making this a shit hole, they expose their deep seated need to be able to lord it over others.
im just glad ppl are now awake to it as I saw it behind closed doors back in 2017 and have always been off about the platform. I saw they literally be nice in chat and in closed rooms bully people, laugh about taking random newbies to zero etc the worst of the worst, I fell out of favour when I stood up for those ppl. Thats a lot of years of out of favour haha I just love finally having a platform that I WANT to support and promote.
I've witnessed so many over the years who became targets simply for the crime of not shunning someone else that was being targeted. Then they act naively innocent if you suggest that the targeting is personal.
Me alegra que aquí la gente hablé sin miedo y de su opinión sobre temas un poco polémicos, es necesario tener un espacio para la libre expresión.
Podemos ver claramente que las ventajas y desventajas de la libertad de expresión que se ofrecen solo aquí en Blurt NO se pueden lograr en Steem (ni en Hive, que es peor, creo).
Cuando empecé en este mundo de las redes blockchain no sabía que eran tan tóxicas pero investigando me he enterado de cosas terribles que han ocurrido tanto en steem como hive, desde xenofobia hasta robo de parte de las recompensas que uno genera solo para poder publicar en ciertas comunidades, me alegra que exista un espacio como blurt que aparenta ser diferente ahora solo espero que sigue así y que nada cambie a peor.
Si no temieran ser reemplazados, no buscarían censurar su apoyo
Ellos saben que todo lo que hacen está mal y por ello tienen miedo a ser reemplazados 👆 buena investigación gracias por traer la información.
"In closing, let this move bring a smile to all who understand and can see this for what it is. Blurt is growing as more people look for spaces to freely be themselves without being pushed out."
What I find oddly interesting/disturbing is that there is so much uptightness over who-does-what in a market where most of the driving forces are going on about the coming "mass adoption" of our collective technologies... and yet all this infighting is related to a few thousand people in a social market of billions.
Let's face it, Blurt, Steemit and Hive could all attract 50 TIMES more active members than each currently have, and still barely have any overlap... a bit like we are planning to build Rome, but we still can't get past having kindergarten fights over the neighbor's sandbox!
Lots of people like "free speech," as long as it's their version of free speech... funny how this is running in parallel with the current storm over Elon Musk wanting to privatize twitter.
"You did something, and I think it was wrong and I don't like it!" is freedom of speech.
"You did something, and I think it was wrong and I don't like it... and now I must DESTROY you!" is — in my late mother's frequently used words "why we can't have nice things."
A healthy system doesn't fear competitors, especially if that healthy system is doing all the right things... (snipped)
A healthy system that's doing all the right things spends its energy on DOING the right things rather than preoccupying itself with what others are doing wrong, because that healthy system is aware that its actions are enough to help it thrive.
Which brings us back to where I started this comment... why are all these people losing their nuts over the actions (or not) of a few thousand users? Get out there and sign up hundreds of thousands of new users who never gave a flying flip about the argument, in the first place!
As intended, that post fared well on Google search, being the top ranked spot on Google search for some time. I just checked and on my Google search using the string "blurt hive comparison" it still comes up as the number one spot.
However, they do need for a certain amount to continue collecting rewards to power up and keep it off the markets. They also need another certain amount to keep buying the coins they sell amidst any forms of wash trading that might be occurring to help prop up prices giving an illusion of value to buyers (as happens with most if not all projects I believe).
Sorry... I blogged on your post again
I love blog length comments. I too have been charged with leaving them myself.
Bringing awareness to the problems with main competitors is good for Blurt. Attracting Completely new people here is also good for Blurt. I support both. Also I just had a look at your blog. Very nice. Hope you continue to post here and grow your account. Now Following! Keep up the great work!
It's definitely wise to stay aware of what other venues are doing, and learn from their mistakes, I agree. It's the whole "across-the-border trolling and mutual badmouthing" that I find rather offputting. As an old piece of wisdom goes "Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours shine any brighter."
But, to each their own. My personal focus will be more on making totally new people interested in Blurt.
Thanks for the kind words and the follow! I hope to find a little more time for Blurt in the coming months and years.
Oh my gosh. You have been way ahead of almost everyone I personally know in terms of depth of understanding of how things work regarding this stuff. Incredible write up.
"What we know is this. Dan Larimer and Ned Scott were of a mind to ensure they (and a handful of people participating that day) would always control the Steem blockchain not only due to that initial mining, but the super inflation that existed shortly afterwards. An inflation that sealed the power structure in such a way they would always call the shots."
The comment sections for the above posts are very revealing regarding how much brainwashing is going on there. Convincing so many that they should appreciate the flags, the lifting of rewards given to them by others with stake so it can go back to the general pool to get diverted primarily to the large holders."
Talk about hitting the nail on the head over and over. We've got to figure out how to take bits of this information and drop it where many eyes can see ALL over the place. It's almost too much to digest in one go.
Has me thinking. I've got to study up on many of your old posts and see what I can share in my own words from it. You really have put deep thought and study into all things hive, steem, and blurt. And it's incredibly hard to argue any of your points. Thoroughly impressed.
You need to look at my comment I answered him with. I linked to an article I wrote last year that still ranks first on many Google strings. It demonstrates clearly how Blurt is better than Hive or Steem and has maintained its first spot or first page ranking now for a year or so.
Fear and jealousy in most cases I would guess. Imagine for example you were the owner of MySpace years ago and then saw everyone leaving to go to Fakebook.
I imagine this wasn't the case with Tom from MySpace, as he lives a pretty good life now as a travel photographer. I consider that as possible for myself one day if I ever get enough money to not be forced to perform a work routine for others.
All that travel is then tax deductible. Basically one can claim most all of their living expenses as a tax write off. :)
The paradox is with giving away power, you got some, where is mine? I have to buy it, and then sell it - the site has a good idea, that has never sat well with me, people came on mass to bastyon for free, thousands per day, with not a single incentive but free speech. This place worries me, the low value AND the twitter in the code, same as steemit. Right click on any page, click the last option, and see.
The fees were in my opinion a good idea. It helps with several areas.
It helps mitigate some of the low effort spam and plagiarism when the fees are as much or more than what most typically will get for such.
My understanding is that the fees are burned as well, which in a small way could potentially help erode some of the inflation.
I was curious about the Twitter code so looked into it. I could be wrong but i think it might be used to make posting ones article to Twitter easier. I do know if one is using Firefox or a multitude of programs that it blocks the Twitter code.
I have to buy it, and then sell it
It's ideal if one can do this. I did it myself, as all of my Hive had been liquid from my powerdown since fall of the year before last. I'll be looking it up for my next post but I believe I started off here after buying in with my Hive around 90000 Blurt.
Hmmm. I'm a little familiar with the account as I looked into it some months ago to understand who is actually working for the foundation and receiving payments. I wonder how one could access the many micro transactions it's collecting with every action here. That would make for an interesting study.
I'm hopeful if this is the case it doesn't get corrupted as we saw it happen on Hive. All the top stakeholders who control Hive all vote for their pet little projects and for the most part we saw little come of it other than the huge flow of Hive into their wallets, lol. I trust the foundation but will be curious to see what safeguards could be put in to prevent such a dynamic.
I trust the foundation but will be curious to see what safeguards could be put in to prevent such a dynamic.
So far, it is fair to say that after nearly two years, the Foundation has not done anything abusive with the account. What might happen is that things will just continue as they are, with the Foundation managing the "regent" account, into which flow our fees. It would really be great to see the proposal system in action, with community projects and other proposals which we could vote on. The idea that our fees could go to worthy requests would be ideal, but as you rightly point out, it could go in a more negative direction, which would be sad and upsetting, because what happens when we are faced with the dichotomy of knowing that it is our fees that could be funding proposals that we do not agree with. I would be more in favor of just allowing the Foundation to continue managing the funds.
I would be more in favor of just allowing the Foundation to continue managing the funds.
I'm hopeful they continue on in all aspects. I told that to Jacob when he posted last year that the Foundation would be backing off this year. I have no desire to see a bunch of whales collude to make themselves rich at the rest of the communities expense like we see go on at the other chains.
That outofthematrix thread is a gem!! It should be PINNED TO THE TOP OF THE FEED to name and shame. A sight for sore eyes and a poke in the eye of those who fear Blurt. Sorry did I say fear, it's not that, it's jealousy.
I was flabbergasted to see Marky actually had to come over here to chase his target. He's never lowered himself to such before. Usually its the Steve guy that comes every 6-10 weeks to poke around, insult and leave.
I make it a point not to go shit in their neck of the woods. But it's fair game for me when I notice them coming over here trying to stir the pot.
It is unbelievable that they see blurt as a threat. I repeat what I said in a previous comment "that speaks better of blurt than the other platform". Hive, Steem and blurt should not compete with each other, there is enough space and focus for everyone. The truth is that as long as I can express myself freely, I will be here. Greetings!!!
Es increíble que vean a blurt como una amenaza. Repito lo que dije en un anterior comentario “eso habla mejor de blurt que de la otra plataforma”. Hive, Steem y blurt no deberían competir entre ellas, hay suficiente espacio y enfoque para todos. Lo cierto es que mientras yo pueda expresarme libremente, aquí estaré. Saludos!!!
Really an informative and investigative piece you've got here.
I've said this before, and I'll still say it again, Freedom of speech is paramount and should'nt be compromised on the account of unwholesome policies and threats from the steem developers. Its sad that platforms like steem and hive can't actually guaranty freedom of expression, this is one of the edge blurt has over its competitors and should be maintained at all cost despite the threats.
I love the work @megadrive and the blurt team have put in place, blurt should'nt be cowed or forced into reviewing its stance on the #freedom of speech.
It may only take time, but definitely one day, other platforms will come to acknowledge the superiority of blurt blockchain. Blurt on
I think that all of us who have supported Blurt since its inception and are still here, we are very clear that those will always try to damage what has been built here, despite the evidence that brotherhood still exists here and I like that now we are recovering again , we just have to keep our eyes open every time those wolves want to come and damage our beloved blurt platform.
The sludge that remained from Steemit then dragged to other apps have been the ones that have definitely made the decision to stop publishing and interacting on those platforms for a few months. freedom of expression, the circle of friends, favoritism and lies have been many and repeated. I started in Blurt when I started, then I left it because I didn't see an ideal development, I suppose that those of you who remained have experienced many circumstances and attacks to try to bring it down, we don't like competition, only that we are hardworking bees and that they don't bother much. I have been since 2017 after the fork I had my serious doubts, a few weeks ago I started in Blurt, I feel very comfortable, the eternal search for a place to feel good. @blessed-girl
In the back and forth which was friendly enough between them, world-travel-pro lays out quite succinctly why Blurt is better than both Steem and Hive.
"It's telling that in the bid to slow down or stop the ongoing rise of Blurt that an action has been implemented that actually highlights/magnifies the truth of the observations of world-travel-pro."
Thank you for this contribution to the discussion! I would love to read your posts concerning the issue of delegations. I hope you don't mind if I plug my smartcast that I did today on this topic! 🙏
The Blurtopian Experience - A Culture of Self Responsibility
This seems to be the posts most likely to have been around it. Some of the topics originally had reasons that were later disgarded when the foundation tried to find a compromise to blocking delegations as the whales who left were demanding, so apologies if some of these seem unrelated.
This was the first direct focus on delegations and I named the whale who was pushing to ban them the beneficiary of the post. The first two posts were expansions based largely on the call for them where my debates centered more on their posts as comments.
Leyendo todo esto me he sentido como Sherlock Holmes 🧐 jeje, luego de tantas malas experiencias en steem y ver todas las pruebas de la toxicidad de Hive he quería Ahondar más al respecto y cada vez se pone peor.
Sí, hay mucha toxicidad tanto en Hive como en Steem. Si tienes el tiempo y la paciencia para leer un artículo que escribí comparando los dos, explica exactamente por qué Blurt es el mejor de los tres.
Yep, and we're at the fighting stage now. Fortunately those in the winning side that was originally ignored and then laughed at can choose a mostly peaceful response and trigger even more those who are fearful. Their exaggerated actions will only serve to provide even more proof of the truth as they push even more away.
Yep, and we're at the fighting stage now. Fortunately those in the winning side that was originally ignored and then laughed at can choose a mostly peaceful response and trigger even more those who are fearful. Their exaggerated actions will only serve to provide even more proof of the truth as they push even more away.
Let me accept it, as a new user (just five months) on the blockchain, I know little about technicalities but as I am posting regularly on Hive and came on this site by accident (following my own post). However, I am a learner and will soon learn the finer points since I am willing to learn them. Thanks for enlightening me about this crucial topic.
Best of luck in your continued growth here. :)
You should support active witness with your vote
LOVE from Pakistan
i am the 1st Pakistani blurt witness
Awesome post! Hive is currently flushing itsself down the toilet. More and more people will follow to Blurt... It is a chain reaction, that cannot be stopped.
Indeed, I've been watching it slowly come to pass since joining 01/05/2021.
Wow! That is a long way back! I had never heard of Blurt... I wish, I would have been here earlier! 😜
My big problem with steemit is that they took such a magnificent, magical place and utterly destroyed its spirit. As long as those are the people who run it, I will never go back.
I definitely feel that Blurt has the potential to be great. I just wish I knew what it was exactly that infused the early steemit days with so much electric excitement and passion so we could revive it on here. I know it definitely has to do with a true feeling of community.
Do you remember quinneaker , ever-love, or the-alien? I stayed connected to them in the FB world and they definitely agree with the sentiments here, in terms of the plandemic etc. I was kind of waiting to see how things went, but maybe I'll reach out to them now. Though it really would be imperative that they receive a big welcome to have a chance of keeping them here.
I wasn't in their circles. I took a peak and found two of those accounts on Hive, and saw the downvotes and as well the types of articles they posted.
I could never speak as to the reception they would get here. I personally am not interested in the bulk of topics they were posting on so I could say now that most of their posts wouldn't be curated by myself.
That doesn't mean they wouldn't find an audience here as I see many DO post similar type posts as them. I also noticed that they have some good sized wallets at Hive. They could start off as whales here if they converted it. And unlike Hive where they were attacked for exercising their property rights (using their stake as they saw fit), here property rights are respected. What's yours is yours, not for the rest of the community to decide you used your property wrong.
This got me thinking about people in my circle...and all I know is that I'm very eclectic. My circle of friends from steemit are an extremely mixed bag (same as in the natural world) ranging from therealpaul whose content you would love if you've not seen it, and who I traveled halfway across the country to meet- to meesterboom, whom I know off platform as well, him and his lovely family. I don't have a type, I simply love genuine people.
I feel I need to emphasize and add that meesterboom is genuine. He posts outrageously fun and creative fictional humor, but his true nature is very sweet, loyal, and kind. My hackles are still a bit raised from the awful accusations sent his way, and for the fact that many people now have this terrible opinion of him without knowing him at all. The fact that he was targeted simply because some opinionated, indoctrinated whales vote on him, and because his outrageous humor offered convenient quotes as a selling point for the argument being put forth, is very upsetting to me. Honestly if the party responsible for the slander were to go back far enough he could likely find some comments of mine to take out of context and use against me too, especially on posts of nonameslefttouse.
If it wasn't for my friendship with @frot- another true blue soul- I would have been soured to the idea of this platform and might not have given this place a chance. Which would have been a shame, as I have already met a few more genuine souls like yourself and the lovely @owasco.
All in all, I do hope this place will grow, and I also hope that people will not find themselves behaving much like the ones they so despise, just from a different side of the issues. As they felt unwelcome at hive, I would hope they would not do the same to others with differing opinions. Agreeing to disagree is becoming a lost art and I for one would rather be at peace than be right. Kumbaya and all that XD
While my time on both Steem and then Hive left a bad taste in my mouth there were many I left behind that I had grown to care for.
I made sure when I left Hive not to cause waves as so many do. I just quietly powered down and left. Now I did go back to mention to my followers they have Blurt accounts, and I also purposely made a post on why Blurt is better than Hive or Steem that I wrote for Google that still ranks as the top comparison article on several search strings.
But I never wanted to go scorched earth because of those I care about. I will however lead them to what I feel is a better system and hope they might see from my descriptions a validity to what I say.
I also do understand why so many are bitter. While I have no base to understand Meesterboom I've seen quite a few people complain about being the recipient of his targeting. As an outsider, I would assume that each of you have a different experience and view of him. Somewhat like(this is an extreme example) the woman who is dating a complete asshole but she sees him as this incredibly caring guy while most everyone else can't stand him. Because in her case he probably is a really sweet guy so she sees him different.
The way we conduct ourselves towards others is a burden we must be responsible for. I would also point out that if claims are ludicrous in the counter attacks that folks such as myself who are reasonable will take into account the seeming absurdity of the claim and consider that perhaps there were dick moves being made and the response as is often the case is being magnified to ludicrous proportions.
My bad experiences at Steem/Hive were all from the berniesanders account, with very few of them actually targeting me personally. However, when one watches enough folks they care about be targeted and then have meltdowns and leave one at some point must reassess the value.
Now here is where I have a little more sympathy for some of these claims. I used to interact with this one a little over the years. It's quite common now if I peek around Hive to see him gaslighting others, seeming to be part of what is indeed a growing posse seeking to make one toe the line or leave. I was surprised to see this from him, as he used to always stay out of the drama to the extent he is now which is feeding and creating it while he feigns innocence.
I believe we will see more of this as we onboard folks tired of being messed with. And whatever the reason those like Meester is being named, I wouldn't assume that he was entirely innocent in any of this or there wouldn't be so many complaining.
I figure at some point the folks will get their anger out of their systems. Hopefully before they paint a strong picture of themselves within the community here as they paint believing they are painting only others.
Freedom of speech will ensure we see this type of stuff. The burden is on each of us whether we participate and give continuing life to it or focus our energy elsewhere to give life to things that matter more to us.
I'm glad, and not surprised at all, to hear that you chose not to burn bridges when you took your leave. It's a wise decision, and from what I've gathered about you so far, consistent with your character. And what you said at the end is true, it is our choice whether to perpetuate or put an end to things. I debated just letting this end with your response.
I would like to, truly. But I find it hard when even with your very reasonable outlook, you clearly have your doubts. I don't know who else specifically has said things about my friend regarding any of this, but I was first made aware of it when he changed his status to "Member of the Hive Cabal since 2014". Naturally I asked him about it, considering not even steemit was around then, and he told me that someone- he didn't name them- had accused him of being in a Hive cabal so in typical meester humor fashion, it was his response, choosing a year when none of this existed to emphasize the absurdity.
I don't want to go on about this, but when I decide someone is a friend of mine, I can't sit back and do or say nothing when they're character is being attacked, especially in the way it was most recently. I just can't.
I understand where you're coming from. It's reasonable in your position to assume he isn't innocent. But if you truly knew him, as I do, you would not assume that. Quite the opposite in fact. You would wonder what was wrong with these people making a target of him, as I'm doing.
He's not just a casual so-called friend who I know as meesterboom. I know who he really is. We are friends outside of the platforms, we talk quite a bit outside of comment sections, and have for years now. At some point my husband and I will be traveling to Europe, and when we do, we'll spend time with him and his wife and kids.
I'm trying to figure how to emphasize my feelings on this subject, because they are very strong and unwavering. I know @frot this way as well, he and kiwideb are also people I hope to one day see in their country, at their home, and if someone tried to spread the idea that they were actually monsters, I would respond in the exact same way.
My intuition about people is such that all of my loved ones rely on it. I have friends, who I am close to, that have been with me on this journey of life since I was a kid..I just got off the phone with one of them- we were 12 when we met, and had a texting conversation with another- we were 10. My best friends from college? I spent the day with three of them last week, along with the rest of a tribe I've gathered over the past two decades. And then there's @therealpaul. I knew who he was through the same method of communication I have with meester, Deb and frot, and when I traveled halfway across the country and met him in person at his home? He was exactly who I knew him to be. My whole family loves him. Seeing into the spirit of a person might very well be my greatest gift.
I know this is a lot. But a lot of terrible things were said, so I feel it's warranted. He's a good man. As for those who have targeted him...I don't know them. Perhaps they truly believe what they're saying and they're just wrong. Seeds of division, confusion and doubt are being sown in every aspect of people's lives right now and some have lost the ability to see through that, to the extent that lifelong friendships, even familial relationships, have been and continue to be torn apart. So a stranger on the internet becoming an enemy in a person's mind for one reason or another? Is not even a stretch.
One last thing. I don't know nonames nearly as well. But I do know him enough to say with certainty that he is Not a monster. Giving people a hard time? Sure. But being a part of evil, sadistic and heinous activities? Absolutely not. I have put in many hours of conversation with him over the years, and I know him well enough to say that. I know him well enough to tell you that this last thing hurt him deeply, and I hurt for him. I will even go as far as saying that I feel worse about what impact it may have had on him then others. There are some things that just should not be said about someone, no matter how much of a jerk you might think they are. It is very disheartening to me that we, humanity, are in this place right now, that it's acceptable and excusable to say such awful things about people.
I know what you were trying to say, that people like yourself would not truly give stock to the most extreme of the accusations. But it still isn't okay for them to make them, and splash them from one end of the Blockchain to the other. It's because I've run into a number of these that I'm even here talking about it.
Okay I've said my peace, not much more I can do. Hoping I can shake off the last of the shadow that was cast about this place for me, and move on to the good stuff!
I am by nature a glass half full optimist, and while the past couple years have tested this sorely, I am mostly through the other side and feeling much more like myself. I love people as a rule, even with all of their nonsense. None of us are perfect, and it's not only okay, it's good. It would not be the rich experience without the struggles. Much like the satisfaction of climbing a mountain as opposed to being flown to the top and dropped on it, the journey is often more meaningful than the destination. I take the bad with the good, it's all a part of the balance, I've learned to appreciate things like pain and sorrow, recognizing that things like joy and pleasure are amplified by the contrast.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to me, and for your support of my work, I expect to have many great conversations with you in the coming months :)
There are many others that have been maligned unjustly. Probably all of them have been mischaracterized. But not a few of them are behaving like boy kings. Thanks for your understanding of meester.
I know that some people have let the power of a big stake go to their heads and are using it to downvote people for opinions they disagree with, and that truly stinks. I'm sorry to anyone that this happened to. The censorship is way out of control and I despise it as much as everyone here.
But I know for a fact that meesterboom is not one of them. He would never do that. He knows where I stand on all of the current issues and has no problem with it whatsoever.
I just really want to set the record straight where he's concerned, I greatly dislike the idea that people have it in their heads that someone I love is a monster. And he absolutely would do the same for me if the situation was reversed.
I have so much to say, but this is not the right forum for it, so I will leave it at that...and once again thank you for being so great :0)
You have said it all @practicalthought.
You research is absolutely wonderful.
This is a win worth Celebrating.
For every single challenge Blurt faces, It bounces back stronger. This surely will not be an exception.
Post reblurted for more visibility.
Thank you. I believe Blurt is going to continue growing at an exponential rate.
I would actually come at this from a different perspective. Steemchiller holds little power on Steemit, but is very well respected and influential. This option could have been placed on the table long ago by Steemchiller, so why now? Because Upvu is the real power here. And along with other shady players, like Steemsupporter and Xpilar, and others who remain in the shadows, the idea to target Blurt came to the fore. The Upvu account has been carefully accumulating Steem Power by voting trivial and irrelevant posts from the South Korean group, knowing that they would one day respond to any request to form a massive proxy to influence the Witness ranks. This move was not supported by all of the Witnesses, but who cares about them when you have the power in your hands. The 19th and 20th position of the Steem Consensus Witnesses have fallen out of the hands of Steemit Inc. and the Tron Foundation. So this was a double power move, in which Upvu was able to flex some muscles towards Inc. and the Foundation, as well as take some shots at Blurt, as well as Symbionts, Cotina, Ilnegro, etc.
I'm sure that Steemchiller has not been happy with the centralized power of Inc. and the Foundation, so this is a chance to kind of feel that decentralization is somehow beginning to evolve within the Steem ecosystem. But that's not the case.
In your post you referenced a dialogue with Steemchiller and @world-travel-pro in which you will find the following words by Steemchiller:
Steemchiller has never had a conflict with Symbionts, Cotina or Ilnegro... but guess who has... Steemsupporter and Xpilar! And who has re-entered into the Top 20 of the Steem Consensus Witnesses thanks to Upvu... Steemsupporter... who was investigated by Symbionts for manipulating Steemit's curation trails... and Steemsupporter attacked the Italian Community because Ilnegro created a tool to compete with his curation trail app. Who was Steemsupporter's main backer and funder... Xpilar. These players have an ax to grind with Ilnegro and Symbionts, who is also the main supporter of Cotina.
I see no innocence in what Upvu has done, nor am I suggesting that you do. But Upvu and the South Korean group are applying the same strategy here on Blurt. So let us be forewarned and prepared!
I wish to point out that Stemchiller is the top witness at Steem. As such he is earning approximately .253 Steem per minute. That comes to 15.18 Steem per hour and 364.32 Steem per DAY. Just for the witness.
At current price valuations (.35 each) that means he is earning 127.512 US per day, more when Steem is valued higher. That comes to a nice little sum of 46541.88 a year.
This is just from his witness. I'm not sure how much he earns from author/curation rewards, nor from whatever his Tron rewards are.
I'm unsure whether Steem witnesses earn any Tron alongside their steem mining payments.
I however don't find it farfetched to assume he is easily earning 6 figures a year solely from his Steem operation. I also assume that given just from the witness he is collecting just under 133000 Steem per year (132976.8) and given he has been collecting now for years that he is pulling off quite a bit of Steem to both live off of and invest elsewhere such as Bitcoin.
I imagine he is quite wealthier than his wallet would suggest.
I also stand by my perception that this is quite a golden goose for him, and once he realized the threat Blurt represents to this goose he is seeking to slow down or stop this threat. It's only natural once one sees their goose is tied to an inferior product.
Not to say your take is wrong at all on the possible motivations or dynamics either. However the timing in such short relation to the exchange between him and @world-travel-pro suggests strongly to me that Blurt was off their radar as just a shit project until then.
Thanks so much though for providing me with some of the power tentacles there. I was out of there the moment Justin Sun rode in saying we were all his bitch. By the time Hive was created I was already fully powered down ready to just stop blogging. So I don't know a lot about Steem since then other than Steemchiller quickly became a power structure there based on his previous good will he accrued and being shit on so hard by the Hive overlords when they forked.
Actually, your insights and observations can be interwoven seamlessly into mine. I believe that fundamentally we are coming to a common conclusion: Blurt has become a formidable force to be reckoned with, and can no longer be underestimated or easily dismissed! 😉😎
It is truly troubling that some these fools hate Blurt. It could be the version of steem and hive we all have wanted. No abuse of power with downvoting rewards and effectively silencing small wallets. Oh.. I see why they hate US! Just 2 days ago Marky Mark called Blurt a shit coin. Its those type of powerful accounts who love to yield their financial influence over others that couldn't possibly really love FREE SPEECH. Time to invest even more into our platform here I say. Pull all your steem and put it into blurt
I agree. Based on the lamenting I've seen from them about no flags making this a shit hole, they expose their deep seated need to be able to lord it over others.
MarkyMark targeted my active posts in retaliation for my public comment on post about hive from pro traveeler. Zeroed out my rewards.
im just glad ppl are now awake to it as I saw it behind closed doors back in 2017 and have always been off about the platform. I saw they literally be nice in chat and in closed rooms bully people, laugh about taking random newbies to zero etc the worst of the worst, I fell out of favour when I stood up for those ppl. Thats a lot of years of out of favour haha I just love finally having a platform that I WANT to support and promote.
I've witnessed so many over the years who became targets simply for the crime of not shunning someone else that was being targeted. Then they act naively innocent if you suggest that the targeting is personal.
I'm sorry you had to deal with that.
I saw people get downvoted because they didn't want to downvote others not even joking haha it's a thing
Me alegra que aquí la gente hablé sin miedo y de su opinión sobre temas un poco polémicos, es necesario tener un espacio para la libre expresión.
Cuando empecé en este mundo de las redes blockchain no sabía que eran tan tóxicas pero investigando me he enterado de cosas terribles que han ocurrido tanto en steem como hive, desde xenofobia hasta robo de parte de las recompensas que uno genera solo para poder publicar en ciertas comunidades, me alegra que exista un espacio como blurt que aparenta ser diferente ahora solo espero que sigue así y que nada cambie a peor.
Ellos saben que todo lo que hacen está mal y por ello tienen miedo a ser reemplazados 👆 buena investigación gracias por traer la información.
Loved your article.
Especially your final thoughts here....
"In closing, let this move bring a smile to all who understand and can see this for what it is. Blurt is growing as more people look for spaces to freely be themselves without being pushed out."
Thank you. As more come to realize what is offered here, this platform has great odds of seeing an actual mass adoption.
What I find oddly interesting/disturbing is that there is so much uptightness over who-does-what in a market where most of the driving forces are going on about the coming "mass adoption" of our collective technologies... and yet all this infighting is related to a few thousand people in a social market of billions.
Let's face it, Blurt, Steemit and Hive could all attract 50 TIMES more active members than each currently have, and still barely have any overlap... a bit like we are planning to build Rome, but we still can't get past having kindergarten fights over the neighbor's sandbox!
Lots of people like "free speech," as long as it's their version of free speech... funny how this is running in parallel with the current storm over Elon Musk wanting to privatize twitter.
"You did something, and I think it was wrong and I don't like it!" is freedom of speech.
"You did something, and I think it was wrong and I don't like it... and now I must DESTROY you!" is — in my late mother's frequently used words "why we can't have nice things."
A healthy system that's doing all the right things spends its energy on DOING the right things rather than preoccupying itself with what others are doing wrong, because that healthy system is aware that its actions are enough to help it thrive.
Which brings us back to where I started this comment... why are all these people losing their nuts over the actions (or not) of a few thousand users? Get out there and sign up hundreds of thousands of new users who never gave a flying flip about the argument, in the first place!
Sorry... I blogged on your post again....
I've believed for many years they don't want mass adoption. I've watched them chase off to many influencers not to see this as a truth.
I go into it in more depth here on this post if you are interested.
As intended, that post fared well on Google search, being the top ranked spot on Google search for some time. I just checked and on my Google search using the string "blurt hive comparison" it still comes up as the number one spot.
However, they do need for a certain amount to continue collecting rewards to power up and keep it off the markets. They also need another certain amount to keep buying the coins they sell amidst any forms of wash trading that might be occurring to help prop up prices giving an illusion of value to buyers (as happens with most if not all projects I believe).
I love blog length comments. I too have been charged with leaving them myself.
Thanks for reading and weighing in.
Bringing awareness to the problems with main competitors is good for Blurt. Attracting Completely new people here is also good for Blurt. I support both. Also I just had a look at your blog. Very nice. Hope you continue to post here and grow your account. Now Following! Keep up the great work!
It's definitely wise to stay aware of what other venues are doing, and learn from their mistakes, I agree. It's the whole "across-the-border trolling and mutual badmouthing" that I find rather offputting. As an old piece of wisdom goes "Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours shine any brighter."
But, to each their own. My personal focus will be more on making totally new people interested in Blurt.
Thanks for the kind words and the follow! I hope to find a little more time for Blurt in the coming months and years.
Oh my gosh. You have been way ahead of almost everyone I personally know in terms of depth of understanding of how things work regarding this stuff. Incredible write up.
Referring to this post over a year ago.
This paragraph stood out
"What we know is this. Dan Larimer and Ned Scott were of a mind to ensure they (and a handful of people participating that day) would always control the Steem blockchain not only due to that initial mining, but the super inflation that existed shortly afterwards. An inflation that sealed the power structure in such a way they would always call the shots."
and this too...
The comment sections for the above posts are very revealing regarding how much brainwashing is going on there. Convincing so many that they should appreciate the flags, the lifting of rewards given to them by others with stake so it can go back to the general pool to get diverted primarily to the large holders."
Talk about hitting the nail on the head over and over. We've got to figure out how to take bits of this information and drop it where many eyes can see ALL over the place. It's almost too much to digest in one go.
Has me thinking. I've got to study up on many of your old posts and see what I can share in my own words from it. You really have put deep thought and study into all things hive, steem, and blurt. And it's incredibly hard to argue any of your points. Thoroughly impressed.
You need to look at my comment I answered him with. I linked to an article I wrote last year that still ranks first on many Google strings. It demonstrates clearly how Blurt is better than Hive or Steem and has maintained its first spot or first page ranking now for a year or so.
Congratulations, your post has been curated by @techclub
Manually curated by @samhenrytenplus
All these wars are really odd and sad when we could all come together since the crypto world has just started .
Why is this even happening ?
Fear and jealousy in most cases I would guess. Imagine for example you were the owner of MySpace years ago and then saw everyone leaving to go to Fakebook.
I imagine this wasn't the case with Tom from MySpace, as he lives a pretty good life now as a travel photographer. I consider that as possible for myself one day if I ever get enough money to not be forced to perform a work routine for others.
All that travel is then tax deductible. Basically one can claim most all of their living expenses as a tax write off. :)
Happy Easter also for all of us, may God bless you and your family
We invite you to use the tag #blurthispano. You can find us on Discord.
Manually curated by Geeklania.
We invite you to vote for @blurthispano as Witness.
Posted from https://blurtlatam.com
The paradox is with giving away power, you got some, where is mine? I have to buy it, and then sell it - the site has a good idea, that has never sat well with me, people came on mass to bastyon for free, thousands per day, with not a single incentive but free speech. This place worries me, the low value AND the twitter in the code, same as steemit. Right click on any page, click the last option, and see.
The fees were in my opinion a good idea. It helps with several areas.
It helps mitigate some of the low effort spam and plagiarism when the fees are as much or more than what most typically will get for such.
My understanding is that the fees are burned as well, which in a small way could potentially help erode some of the inflation.
I was curious about the Twitter code so looked into it. I could be wrong but i think it might be used to make posting ones article to Twitter easier. I do know if one is using Firefox or a multitude of programs that it blocks the Twitter code.
It's ideal if one can do this. I did it myself, as all of my Hive had been liquid from my powerdown since fall of the year before last. I'll be looking it up for my next post but I believe I started off here after buying in with my Hive around 90000 Blurt.
This is a myth. I was informed by Symbionts that the fees go the the regent account Socialgraph.
Hmmm. I'm a little familiar with the account as I looked into it some months ago to understand who is actually working for the foundation and receiving payments. I wonder how one could access the many micro transactions it's collecting with every action here. That would make for an interesting study.
So hopefully soon, we will be able to make proposals for the community to vote on which will be funded by our fees. 😊
I'm hopeful if this is the case it doesn't get corrupted as we saw it happen on Hive. All the top stakeholders who control Hive all vote for their pet little projects and for the most part we saw little come of it other than the huge flow of Hive into their wallets, lol. I trust the foundation but will be curious to see what safeguards could be put in to prevent such a dynamic.
So far, it is fair to say that after nearly two years, the Foundation has not done anything abusive with the account. What might happen is that things will just continue as they are, with the Foundation managing the "regent" account, into which flow our fees. It would really be great to see the proposal system in action, with community projects and other proposals which we could vote on. The idea that our fees could go to worthy requests would be ideal, but as you rightly point out, it could go in a more negative direction, which would be sad and upsetting, because what happens when we are faced with the dichotomy of knowing that it is our fees that could be funding proposals that we do not agree with. I would be more in favor of just allowing the Foundation to continue managing the funds.
I'm hopeful they continue on in all aspects. I told that to Jacob when he posted last year that the Foundation would be backing off this year. I have no desire to see a bunch of whales collude to make themselves rich at the rest of the communities expense like we see go on at the other chains.
Cheers for a superb reply.
That outofthematrix thread is a gem!! It should be PINNED TO THE TOP OF THE FEED to name and shame. A sight for sore eyes and a poke in the eye of those who fear Blurt. Sorry did I say fear, it's not that, it's jealousy.
I was flabbergasted to see Marky actually had to come over here to chase his target. He's never lowered himself to such before. Usually its the Steve guy that comes every 6-10 weeks to poke around, insult and leave.
I make it a point not to go shit in their neck of the woods. But it's fair game for me when I notice them coming over here trying to stir the pot.
There's a snare.
Who are loyal with blurt.blog they will never run.
Has sido curad@ por @visualblock / You've been curated by @visualblock
It is unbelievable that they see blurt as a threat. I repeat what I said in a previous comment "that speaks better of blurt than the other platform". Hive, Steem and blurt should not compete with each other, there is enough space and focus for everyone. The truth is that as long as I can express myself freely, I will be here. Greetings!!!
Encuentra nuestra comunidad aquí / Find our community here
Puedes apoyarme como Testigo Blurt aquí / You can support me as a Blurt Witness here
De hecho. Sus acciones me recuerdan el dicho
Cuanto más reaccionan más se convierten en publicidad para nosotros.
Indeed. Their actions remind me of the saying
The more they react the more they become advertising for us.
Really an informative and investigative piece you've got here.
I've said this before, and I'll still say it again, Freedom of speech is paramount and should'nt be compromised on the account of unwholesome policies and threats from the steem developers. Its sad that platforms like steem and hive can't actually guaranty freedom of expression, this is one of the edge blurt has over its competitors and should be maintained at all cost despite the threats.
I love the work @megadrive and the blurt team have put in place, blurt should'nt be cowed or forced into reviewing its stance on the #freedom of speech.
It may only take time, but definitely one day, other platforms will come to acknowledge the superiority of blurt blockchain. Blurt on
They were designed not to allow it on purpose.
Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord
Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord
Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.
Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness
I think that all of us who have supported Blurt since its inception and are still here, we are very clear that those will always try to damage what has been built here, despite the evidence that brotherhood still exists here and I like that now we are recovering again , we just have to keep our eyes open every time those wolves want to come and damage our beloved blurt platform.
Happy Easter to you too.
The sludge that remained from Steemit then dragged to other apps have been the ones that have definitely made the decision to stop publishing and interacting on those platforms for a few months. freedom of expression, the circle of friends, favoritism and lies have been many and repeated. I started in Blurt when I started, then I left it because I didn't see an ideal development, I suppose that those of you who remained have experienced many circumstances and attacks to try to bring it down, we don't like competition, only that we are hardworking bees and that they don't bother much. I have been since 2017 after the fork I had my serious doubts, a few weeks ago I started in Blurt, I feel very comfortable, the eternal search for a place to feel good. @blessed-girl
I just powered up more...
"It's telling that in the bid to slow down or stop the ongoing rise of Blurt that an action has been implemented that actually highlights/magnifies the truth of the observations of world-travel-pro."
"This is awesome news as far as I'm concerned."
You have explained the matter nicely. Thanks for talking on this important topic!
Thank you for this contribution to the discussion! I would love to read your posts concerning the issue of delegations. I hope you don't mind if I plug my smartcast that I did today on this topic! 🙏
This seems to be the posts most likely to have been around it. Some of the topics originally had reasons that were later disgarded when the foundation tried to find a compromise to blocking delegations as the whales who left were demanding, so apologies if some of these seem unrelated.
This was the first direct focus on delegations and I named the whale who was pushing to ban them the beneficiary of the post. The first two posts were expansions based largely on the call for them where my debates centered more on their posts as comments.
My defense of the upvote services above.
This next link is also a response to the still ongoing battle over delegations.
Hope you have a lot of reading time, lol. Thanks for the interest.
Leyendo todo esto me he sentido como Sherlock Holmes 🧐 jeje, luego de tantas malas experiencias en steem y ver todas las pruebas de la toxicidad de Hive he quería Ahondar más al respecto y cada vez se pone peor.
Sí, hay mucha toxicidad tanto en Hive como en Steem. Si tienes el tiempo y la paciencia para leer un artículo que escribí comparando los dos, explica exactamente por qué Blurt es el mejor de los tres.
Thank you! 🙏 I will study these and get caught up on the subject so that I can form a better understanding of the topic, and refine my opinion. 😎
me too
A misattributed quote, but seems rather apt. Happy Easter. :D
egg on
Yep, and we're at the fighting stage now. Fortunately those in the winning side that was originally ignored and then laughed at can choose a mostly peaceful response and trigger even more those who are fearful. Their exaggerated actions will only serve to provide even more proof of the truth as they push even more away.
Happy Easter to you too.
Exactly. :)
Hi, @practicalthought,
Thank you for your contribution to the Blurt ecosystem.
Please consider voting for the witness @symbionts.
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