Bit bold and bankrupt .

in # blurt •  last year (edited)• 9 min read

Well ,. i ain't that bold ,. just a bit on top , but most defiantly way more bankrupt than this guy .

Yes i was way inland in Montenogro last days , rural and wild nature surrounding me , doing a adventure in the likes of Bold and Bankrupt the famous ytuber .
But , sorry , i only took a very old crappy phone and a also old digital camera .
So sorry no fancy camera selfie works from me , and i could also not edit and post on the spot for i did not bring any laptop .
Destination was a bit north east of Niksic ,. witch later a Russian friend said , you pronounce that as Nikshit . Could have saved me a lot of trouble getting a bus ticket when i knew that before i left . Probably would not have missed that bus in Podgorica witch did cost me a half hour in waiting for the next . On the bright side , this bus was 0,50 euro cheaper ,. only 3,50 euro for Podgorica to Niksic .

I started my journey at Bar down south at the coast . The plan was to go by train , but my timeless nature made me miss that train by just 10 minutes . So no problem , i just changed plan and went by bus .

Bar city bus station

Witch is really a pity for the train travels much more slow , perfect to make some pictures of the changing landscape compared to riding in a bus . And really wanted to make and share a picture of Podgorica airport international train station . But no worry , i can grab one from google maps . it is surely a sight not to miss .


No joke , that is it .
But managed to shoot some pictures on the way from Bar to Podgorica from the amazing landscape . Notice the ice snowy mountain tops in the far distance . Something that was getting to me much clearer later on .


Next picture is from crossing the land bridge north on Shkodra Lake .


And as a extra a zoom in of these icy looking mountain tops .


Without really any problem i arrived at Niksic center where i had to find a taxi to get myself to my end destination , just south west to Lukova . Where a friend has a house and two horses . My friend was not there , i would go there to feed and take care of the horses that evening . My friend would come back the next morning . So my trip up there was really to help out a friend a bit . And of-course to me a big adventure .

Now i had bin to this place before some weeks ago , but then had the comfort of lending someones car . I do not speak or understand any Serbian , getting there by public transport was for me quiet a challenge . Was happy to get up to Niksic just by bus . Next thing was getting myself a taxi to take me the last stretch . Four cab drivers said no no no and waved me away when i showed this destination on the map . Then the most crappy old Skoda taxi with an old only Serbian speaking man behind the wheel said yes and waved me to get in .

Picture of the house and horses witch i made some weeks ago when i was there before .

The Taxi driver drove slow ,. taking his time ,. letting the meter run . But i did not mind at all , i was just happy that he could bring me there . My friend told me the taxi will cost about 6 euro's , so no big deal . No way for some proper communication with the taxi guy , but i just enjoyed the slowly ride . Tight crappy road hairpinning and swirling up the mountain to the small stretched valley where i was supposed to be . At arrival and me showing the driver the way we pulled up on the driveway . The taxi dude started in a happy way talking and making signs like he was riding on a horse . yes i said ,, this is the place of the Russian horse trainer lady . Da da da he said and making happy sounds i did understand or better figured out as that he knew about this place already . 8,35 euro the meter said ,. i pointed at it and payed this price , then reached in my pocket and gave the funny dude about 4 euro's more . He wrote down his phone number and to me not readable name and gave it looking very happy to me before he took of back to Niksic again .

It was dark already so i first did feed and took care of the horses before i lit up the fires in the cooking stove and the fire place . Made myself some dinner and chilled out in a comfy chair .


The house stood empty for about 6 years , it is old and drafty , and nothing isolated or even finished on the second floor . This while the temperature in this region is in this time of year just somewhere around or above the zero . It is reason why i go there to , to help fixing things to try and make it better in keeping it warm . Besides that i did already fix all the electric lights last time i was there . Most important switches for light at the first floor work now , while second floor is sealed of and closed by some hatches covered with blankets and cloth . For the second floor is so open that the wind blows right true .


I arrived at Friday late afternoon , stayed till afternoon on Sunday doing my best with things that needed to be done . My friend did come back on Saturday , some other friends of her came by to visit to . On Sunday morning we woke up to see a lot of snow . It got much colder to . I had a great time being in this wild and rural place . Made some hikes in the pristine white snow . And took some pictures from some pre soviet place . Not like Bold and bankrupt in any way interested by any dystopian ugly commie soviet concrete crap at all . Not my thing at all .



On Sunday some wild Montenegro dudes came by with a old Mercedes auto ambulance to bring a load of firewood . with them i could ride back to Podgorica where i could take a bus to Bar . Back in Bar i thought ,. lets not bother the people i work for that let me live in a caravan on their lands . I decided to take a taxi from bar back to that caravan where i stay . While looking on my phone walking true Bar searching for the nearest taxi place . I walked by a old hotel restaurant . The owner came out and asked me ,. do you need a place to sleep this night . It was already 21:15 and i was tired , so i boldly asked ,. what will that cost me . 10 euro for the night . That is fine i said and walked inside . While checking me in the guy offered me a raki on the house . Showed me the room after and wished me a good night . Hungry as i was , for i did skip dinner , i walked to the kraken Roll a street food shop owned by my good friend Nur . Opened his door and asked ,. are you still open . Nur without looking up said , no , sorry , i am all sold out . Then when he saw it was me ,. he said , he friend , please come in , and i will see what i can do for you . Like , out of meat , but maybe a vegetarian one will do . Thanks i said , a big one please .


The Kraken Roll ,. best sawarma roll in Bar city Montenegro .

Stuffed with tasty veggies i went to my cheap ass hotel room ,. nothing fancy , old style small room , but clean , clean cheats , king size bed ,. and a steamy hot good water pressure shower . Something i know from experience you will not get in those high rise fancy 100 euro a night super hotels here in Montenegro .

One may ask ,why , why do you go all this way to help out a friend for free , for i did not get payed for any of the work i did in that old house . And no , i do not follow the emotions of pleasure or lust because she is a pretty good looking female friend ,. no non of that . I follow my heart ,. and my heart is big ,. if one will just ask me ,. i will help ,. and if you are my friend with little money ,. i will even do things for free . For in the end experience will make me rich . Rich in friendships build up on honesty and trust .

And if you are untrue ,. well , you just missed a change on making a good friend .
And believe me ,. i know , i can see right true all the little lies .
I might agree for a while on them ,. but in the end ,, i will be moving on .

Then again , i had a great adventure . And there is an old Dutch saying to .
Wie goed doet , ontmoet goed .
In English : Who does good will meet good .

So far my post on my adventure i had last long weekend .

Thought i show you pleps how to do a fun entertaining post
At least i hope it is ,. now ,. get me the fuck on trending
Even do i do not burn anything with this post


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  ·  last year  ·  

@small1axe for president!, not that one, (although he'd do a pretty good jobof it , imo) ...TRENDNG !!!

small1axe for TRENDING !

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  ·  last year  ·  

Someone is going to mute me me thinks ,. lol

President , trending ,. nah ,. i am just a tail-gunner .

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  ·  last year  ·  

Oh no...the trauma !

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