If not in the teachings , it must be in the experience .

in # blurt •  2 years ago • 8 min read

It is in religion i had my first encounter with discrimination .
From 13 years on i went to a protestant christian school .
Lower technical education , with lots of people of color from all over the world on it .
Mostly coming from the old dutch colony's and being the second generation in our rainy lands .
But it was none of them that was being discriminated by the school pastor giving lessons in religion . Nope , it was me , the roman catholic boy , asking to many questions al the time .


Source : https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwallpapercrafter.com%2F568232-scarface-tony-montana-tony-montana-smoking-4k.html&psig=AOvVaw0L1jv8Z9_Jg28bNjxdEqiy&ust=1692308853460000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CA4QjRxqFwoTCPjim_-T4oADFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

The claim ,. because it was written it is true .
I challenged that , wrote down ,. I am God , and are going home now .
on a paper and gave it to the pastor , saying ,.. It has bin written ,.. so it must be true .,

I never made it true his lessons the whole hour , for just blinking my eyes during the start prayer he would send me out . Yes the hypocrite prayed with his eyes open at times , sneaky little pastor . So what i wrote was not far off , it being the last hour at school that day .
I was for sure not God , and was to directly go and report myself at the school head director .
While he said that i watched in wonder how his tiny sweaty hands strangled the paper to death . And with that destroying the evidence .

The head director was a cool old dude ,. What did you do now ? was his first question .
And i always was honest , even when i did wrong , i did not hide it . He would send me of wiping some floor or just sit and wait in silence on the bench just outside his office to sit the hour out .


This time to i told what i wrote and what happened and all in al honesty , as always .
The old teacher grunted and mound a bit and said , . This is my last year , going to enjoy my pension in about 9 months , why do you make it so hard for me . I have to speak with the pastor about you at least twice a week , and know that i defend you , but it is draining my energy .
I can not make a deal with the pastor , he just wants you gone , but you Daniel , you can not miss those two hours a week , you need them to get enough hours to be able to enter a higher level and class next year . So i am going to make a deal with you .

My offer to water the plants twice a week in his office , for they looked a bit dry to me , was enough for a smile on the old dudes face and he proceeded to tell me his offer .
God wants to go home he' , he said , well lets make a deal . As long as i am head director on this school , you will sit in silence at the pastors lessons , no questions nothing , pretend to be listening and just sit it true . For me please , then i now grant you to go home , and every time the pastor sends you out for no reason . Just knock on my door , open it and wave at me , and go home . But i sure hope to never see you here again . And if you misuse this freedom i give you , with blinking eye and big smile he said , if you do , ill have you scrubbing toilets 4 hours a week .

I took the deal , played my part . Walked out two or three more times the first two months , clearly not me , i kept silence , but i was pointed out to answer questions the pastor had that other where very willing to answer . Touching topics like hell and doom , where my answers where then fast interrupted by a pastor cursing me and telling me i speak blaspheme or something . Do animals go to heaven ,. yes they did he claimed , animals are sacred to god . So by that logic i could live like a lion and still go to heaven ? I was not a lion he claimed . No , indeed i said , i am a decent human being , a lion is a vicious beast , a lion will eat me , rip me a part and shred me alive . And that kind of creature is al clear to pass in to heaven ? ,.. and i have to earn it some how ?
I turned and walked out before he had time to explode in to a exorcist like tantrum . Waved at the director and went home . Never to hear anything about it again .

Yes the director left ,. and it didn't take long before i ended up in the new directors office . A teacher i never had a lesson from , good friend of the pastor , a red head authoritarian , and he knew me he claimed . First i had to go to the maintenance guy and have him put me to do some pavement wiping and garbage gathering . 3 hours for every time i was send out . Maintenance guy was a very friendly old man , friend of the old director , mostly send me home after a hour , and i really liked helping the old friendly man clean up the outside areas around the school . When noticed by the red head that i did not do my time ,. i was put in a higher class with a other teacher , that i respected for he did not allow any bullshitting in his classroom , for the two hours the pastor was supposed to teach me . That was at least two hours spend on my homework , witch i really never did .

Did not end well , i was ready for a cold day in hell , done with the 80% of teachers being boring and dull as fuck , punishing -bad behavior- with low grades while you do score high on the actual tests . I made some cry in front of the class , some spit there false teeth out in anger and some just didn't argue anymore . Like the English teacher , he just kept counting how many times i had to write over a text two pages long . 27 times i got in one hour and was given one week to complete it . Witch i did ,..my way , asked if i could repeat the first line 27 times and then do the second , witch was no problem . It made me learn to write with four pens at ones . Further i payed some willing friends to write big chunks of it to .

A week later i dumped a big pile of paper on his desk with a big smile .
The English teacher started looking true the pile , nodding his head , smiling ,. interesting , you seem to change pen each line in a curious pattern ,. ho' ,. and damn ,. this whole part ,. and this ,. how did you get Reggilio and Steve so far to write this for you ?
Well i said ,. i kind of made them owe it to me .
He did not expect me to deliver on it in any way at all he claimed ,. he was impressed , so content with the works done , even when four pen writing and help of others was used . Him accepting that made me respect him to , after all he had a Frank Zappa poster hanging behind him an the wall . Some of his English lessons ended up in philosophy and common sense ,. and not a word English was spoken . The pile of written paper went straight in to the trash bin after the count was done and proof of 27 times was given .

But despite some good teachers , i was thrown of this school half way true the last year before my exams . Witch i still passed the same year at a other school , proofing all those Mfuckers wrong , exposing there fraud in the grades .
Even my father had one of his very very few moments of being proud over me .
Something my covert narcissistic older brother influenced negative for sure when ever he could . But that's a whole other story , witch one is Cain and witch one is able .

This started as a a comment on a post on solar mythology ,. where it turned in to ? ,. Something about teachings and teaching i guess . Some true story from a early part of my life , where i hope it was entertaining and giving some wisdom between the lines .

Peace to all ,. enjoy the day .

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Maybe , just maybe , i should be a curator ,. for i know entertainment .

For some fair play MD might consider delegating some of those nuts to me .

More curators , more diversity in the spreading of the rewards .

But i might refuse such offer by MD , on principles , ethics and common natural laws .
And not having time to do it ,. yeah , that to ,.
so at least i thank you for your time spend on blurt .

A little reminder: I am a top 20 Blurt witness, sooo please help me stay there!

You told me not ever , never , ones , but ok you may change your mind , all cool .
Not yet ,. not yet ,. lets see first if blurt survives ,
like in , survive it's dodgy creator ,. MD and all his add-ons of suppression and policies .


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You naughty, naught, freethinker...lol

They gave up trying anything with me. Always in the top 3% of grdes fo rthe school, always told em to "fuck off, I'm not now - nor ever- doing any homework. Why would I need to if I already 'pass' everything, and that's what we're here for, is it not?.."

The headmaster nearly had an orgasm when I got caught with a gram or two of hashish - shame I only has 2 exams to go before the end of school...bless...

..good post, matey !

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thks .

And lol , if they would have banned every kid from that school i went to for smoking some pot .
2 third of the kids would have bin thrown of at some point .
The English teacher dared to ask the class of 24 one day , who has ever smoked some pot .
He was shocked to find out 17 of our class had positive experience's with pot .
We as class pointed at his Frank Zappa poster with a questioning look , where the man had to confess that in his younger years indeed he was a hippy and he knew all about pot smoking .

I found out , it is not about the grades , it is about turning kids in to obeying statist citizens true social programming . And smoking some pot really breaks the program they put on you . Like the kid from a strong religious background that goes mental insane in fear and shit when trying out some weed . Because the base he stands on is suddenly swept away and all demons made up and well hidden come out to play .

It was always fun in the park , and we took care of each other , like when we stopped Davut from going of in mental emotional state determent to go and tell his dad that he did not want to be send back to Turkey to merry some to him strange girl . We pinned him down with at least 3 of us and had a long talk with him .
He is still thankful for that , turned out Karen turned ugly fast , and the wife his dad picked out for him was a real Turkish beauty top of the notch material girl .

And i was brought home , instead of left for death , after hitting my head so hard that i did not no anymore who i was or where the fuck i was . There was less hate then there is today it seems .


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org