3 years ago by themarkymark
164.64 BLURT
11 votes $0.36- Pending payout amount: 0.00 BLURT
- Breakdown:
- - Author 0.00 BP
- - Curators 0.00 BP
- Payout 3 years ago
Going down buddy???
Just look at that trading volume, I could spend lunch money and double the price of Blurt there is just so little activity. Look at the difference in price as well.
If you think everything hasn't gone down 50%+ you haven't been paying attention and even more of an idiot than I thought.
I love it watching you lose 100s of Ks on Hive 👌🏽😂
Haven't lost a cent, I didn't sell anything. If you haven't noticed, I never sell, I don't need to. Good luck when you try to sell your huge stack of Blurt that's worth a few pennies, no one is buying.
Watch 'em dissolve like salt in water buddy... 🧂😉
You were saying?
Congratulations though on your $70 trade volume. We have joke coins with more volume than that.
You're too dumb to understand where the real volume of Blurt is coming from and you're too dumb to recognize, that the big days of Hive are over... If you think that Hive is staying at 43 cents after that pump, you're even much dumber than I thought...
There we go ⬇️
I know where it is coming from, nowhere. There are meme coins on Hive Engine that has more volume than your entire network. Wait until you try to sell your 1M+ Blurt, you are in for a rude awakening. It's been 2+ years and you can't even get a real exchange or real metrics.
You suck... 😂
It's been interesting watching all of this unfold. Watching so many misleading assertions, the responses to these assertions. Especially watching so many so called critical thinkers accepting obvious fallacies and outright lies.
Your input here has been close to the top however. Especially where you are speaking like an authority on principles.
Remember that time you STOLE fulltimegeeks money? I sure do.
You had many, how do you label these things...
Oh yes,
many lolcows at FTG anger over your being a thief.
I find it interesting that the person who reached out to megadrive on the return of the potato funds for Hive paints a completely different picture than the one you do.
I notice in this next part you are mentioned now, and not surprisingly not in a good light.
This next part is really good.
I have to hand it to you though. Given the large narrative manipulations taking place here presented a perfect opportunity to continue your acts of animosity towards an old familiar account you dislike.
I wonder if it was hard for you when Lordbutterfly stepped in and with the simple action of asking without attack met zero resistance. I've noticed that when one has an axe to grind they greatly dislike when a common ground is found.
I was curious and went to Steem to see if there were folks pissed at megadrive over this theft you say he did. I found zero.
Who should be mad or disappointed at @Megadrive. He has always behaved correctly and when it became too much for him he made a hard fork with capable people and Blurt was created. Many witnesses is lurt a thorn in the eye and they should ask themselves why!
Translated with (free version)
Hallo Michael
leider scheinen viele von uns zu vergessen, wie oft wir unüberlegt gehandelt haben. Zeiten, in denen wir im Nachhinein bestimmte Handlungen bereuen. Selbst diejenigen, die sich bewusst sind, dass die Glocke nicht zurückgenommen werden kann, rutschen manchmal aus und bereuen es im Nachhinein, wenn wir erkennen, dass es einen besseren Weg gegeben hätte.
Es ist bedauerlich, dass so oft kleinliche Wünsche zu Spaltungen führen, wo doch so viel mehr erreicht werden könnte, wenn man sich selbst prüft und zusammenarbeitet, wo sich die Interessen treffen.
Manche Leute, wie wir hier sehen, würden das Feld ihres Nachbarn zerstören, in der irrigen Annahme, dass dies ihr eigenes Feld irgendwie verbessern würde. Sie verstehen nicht, dass der Unterschied in der Ernte lediglich eine größere Vielfalt bietet und dass es eine Menge hungriger Menschen gibt, die jede der Kulturen begehren werden.
Ich neige zu der Annahme, dass dieses Verhalten oft aus Gefühlen der Unzulänglichkeit und Angst resultiert. Die größte Angst des Tyrannen besteht darin, dass andere sehen, dass sich hinter der Fassade der Aggression ein Mensch verbirgt, der Angst vor der großen Menge des Lebens hat, die sich seiner Kontrolle entzieht. Dass andere sie verurteilen werden, wenn sie einen Moment innehalten und über den Tyrannen selbst nachdenken.
Megadrive hat in der Tat viel für viele Menschen getan. Mein persönlicher Weg wurde mit Social Blockchain beschritten. Ich hatte bereits einen Großteil meines Anteils an Hive heruntergefahren und wollte einfach warten, bis die Märkte steigen, um ihn dann zu verkaufen und damit fertig zu sein. Ich hatte das Glück, durch einen Kommentar von Mr. Cornell von Blurt zu erfahren.
Nachdem ich mich über Blurt informiert hatte, stieß ich auf Jacob Gadikian. Je mehr ich von diesem Mann und seinen eigenen Worten las, desto mehr erkannte ich einen verwandten Geist in der Art und Weise, wie Nachbarn und Gemeinschaften behandelt werden sollten. Seit ich hier bin, habe ich Megadrive schätzen gelernt. Ja, er hat Fehler. Ich kann über sie hinwegsehen, wie ich hoffe, dass so viele über meine eigenen hinwegsehen können, weil ich glaube, dass seine Absichten gut gemeint sind. Ich denke, er wird manchmal angestachelt und seine Antworten sind manchmal nicht die besten. Aber ich sehe, dass er in all diesen Situationen zuerst angestachelt wurde.
Vor allem aber beobachte ich bei ihm ein persönliches Wachstum und ein Bewusstsein, das mir sehr wichtig erscheint. Ich glaube, viele verstehen nicht den Druck, der entsteht, wenn man ein so großes Projekt und eine so große Gemeinschaft wie die von Blurt leitet. Ich halte es für wahrscheinlich, dass er sich die Menge an persönlichen Konflikten nicht vorgestellt hat, die auf ihn zukommen würden, als er und Jacob zusammenarbeiteten, um Steem in eine bessere Kette zu verwandeln.
Es ist anzunehmen, dass er davon ausging, dass die Leute erleichtert und dankbar für die mehr fürsorglichen Aspekte von Blurt sein würden. Dass er frei von ständigen Angriffen sein würde, um sich darauf zu konzentrieren, Blurt in Bezug auf Stabilität und nützliche Änderungen, die die Qualität für uns alle verbessern, voranzubringen. Leider lieben es die Leute, sich zu beschweren. Vor allem, wenn sie fast kostenlos konsumieren und besitzen dürfen.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich eingemischt haben. Es ist schön zu sehen, dass nicht alle aus der deutschen Community weg sind. Ich habe in meinem Online-Leben oft gesehen, dass die Deutschen oft einen Sinn für Fairness und Intelligenz haben, der in anderen Kulturen, wie meiner eigenen, fehlen kann.
Hello Michael
Sadly it seems all to common for many of us to forget how often we have acted rashly. Times when in hindsight we regret certain actions. Even for those who are aware that the bell can't be unrung we will sometimes slip and have regrets afterwards as we realize there was a better way.
It's unfortunate that so often petty desires can lead to schisms when so much more could be achieved through self examinations and collaborations where interests will meet.
Some folks, such as we see here would destroy their neighbors field of crops in a misguided notion that it would somehow enhance their own. Never understanding that due to the difference in crop that it merely offers more variety and that there are plenty of hungry folks who will desire each of the crops.
I lean towards the idea that when we see this behavior that it often springs from feelings of inadequacy and fear. The bullies largest fear most often is that others will see that behind the facade of aggression there exists one who is in fear of the vast amount of life that is beyond ones control. That others will judge them if they have a moment to pause and reflect on the bully themselves.
Indeed megadrive has done a lot for many people. My own personal walk was done with social blockchain. I had already powered down much of my stake at Hive, and was just going to wait until the markets rose and sell it and be done. I was fortunate enough to learn of Blurt through a comment I saw made by Mr. Cornell.
After investigating Blurt, I continued stumbling across Jacob Gadikian. The more I read of this man and his own words, the more I saw a kindred spirit in the way neighbors and communities should be treated. Since coming here I've grown to appreciate megadrive. Yes, he has faults. I can overlook them as I hope so many can with my own because I believe his intentions are well meaning. I think he gets prodded at times and his responses can sometimes not be the greatest. But I see that in all of these situations he was being prodded first.
More importantly than that, I've been watching what seems to me to be personal growth and awareness in him. I think many don't understand the pressure that comes from overseeing such a large project, such a large community as we have here at Blurt. I believe it probable he didn't envision the amount of personality conflicts that would be directed at him when he and Jacob collaborated to fork Steem into a better chain.
It would be fair to believe he came into this thinking that folks would be relieved and thankful for the more caring aspects built into Blurt. That he would be free from constant attack to focus on leading Blurt ahead in both stability and beneficial modifications that improve the quality for all of us. Sadly, folks love to complain. Especially when they are allowed to consume and own for almost free.
Thanks so much for weighing in. It's nice to see that not all of the German community left. I have often saw in my life online that there is often a sense of fairness and intelligence within Germans that can be lacking in other cultures such as my own.
Das ist deine kranke Fantasie!
Schaffe dir endlich in deinem realen Leben ein paar soziale Kontakte. Dann bist du nicht mehr so sehr darauf angewiesen, hier dein klägliches Leben auszubreiten! Und bitte gehe zu einem Psychiater! Das ist sehr dringend!
Why would I do that when I am spending quality time here with you? It's like fate brought us together. You are much like the Costello to my Abbot.
Besides, the more we do whatever this is we are doing the less time you have to go on incessantly with your Foundation evil this, Foundation evil that routine. You act like a singer and keep singing the same tunes instead of coming up with new material.
Yesterday I had a chat on Discord with some Blurt friends. I received encouragement and a few suggestions on how to deal with you. I was also given a fable. I will quote this one later.
You had accused me of not being able to have a factual discussion.
I have proven often enough on all platforms our blockchains that I am able to have factual and constructive discussions. I have made several suggestions that have contributed greatly to the well-being of Blurt.
You wrote it yourself many times that I have done a lot for Blurt.
You, on the other hand, have done nothing for Blurt.
Now you have written many lies about me in many comments for months.
Again and again you tell the same story of the conflicts that happened on Blurt.
The problem is that your story is simply wrong in many parts. You are missing a lot of information and you unfortunately lack the ability to understand the big context.
Even though your best friend here on the platform has told you several times that you're not telling the story right, you still keep writing the same wrong sentences like an organ grinder. You are simply unteachable and stubborn.
You are the one who is unable to have a factual discussion. You think up random things and then write them as if they were facts.
I have repeatedly refuted your false statements.
I often stand for exactly the opposite of what you imply. Just one example: Although I had the most PB, I always stood up for the limitation of the "power" of big accounts. You either didn't read all that or forgot.
The real motivation from you to keep writing lies about me is that you're jealous and that in return you'll get strong votes from a co-founder who has your head in his ass.
But, it also seems that you now believe the false story of conflict on Blurt yourself, since you have written it so many times.
Because of that and your disgusting character, you are not worth wasting just one more second of my time on you. That was also what my friends advised me to do yesterday.
So I won't read your postings anymore.
You say I am a tyrant and a hypocrite and the grass is blue.
I say you're either a liar, or you're very mentally ill, or you're a bought puppet, and I say the grass is green.
Now here comes the fable:
"The donkey said to the tiger:
"The grass is blue."
The tiger replied:
"No, the grass is green!"
A quarrel broke out and they went to the king of the animals, the lion, to settle their differences.
When the donkey reached the place where the lion was sitting on his throne, he began to shout:
"Your Majesty, is it true that the grass is blue?"
The lion replied:
"Yes, of course the grass is blue."
The donkey was delighted and continued:
"The tiger is contradicting me and annoying me, please punish him."
The king (lion) announced:
"The tiger will be punished with one month of silence."
The donkey jumped happily and went on contentedly, repeating:
"The grass is blue ... the grass is blue ..."
The tiger accepted his punishment and asked the lion:
"Your Majesty, what have you punished me for? After all, the grass is green?"
"The grass is indeed green."
The surprised tiger asked:
"Then why are you punishing me?"
"It has nothing to do with whether grass is blue or green. The punishment for being a brave and intelligent animal like you must not waste time arguing with a donkey and then wasting my time with this stupid question.
The most terrible waste of time is to argue with a fool and a bore who cares neither for truth nor reality, but only for the victory of his beliefs and illusions.
Do not waste time with useless arguments.
There are people who can't accept the truth because it doesn't fit into their worldview, they prefer to defend the lie and mock the one who points out the lie.
They just want to assert themselves. At the same time they are blinded by hatred and the discussion is accompanied by insults.
When ignorance cries out, the spirit is silent."
And the moral of the story:
I will be silent now.
I knew it.
You have no joy and no pleasure in your miserable life.
The users here will notice what a poisonous bone you are. You are destroying yourself, you stupid.
You lonely sick man.
I wish you that finally a meaningful task comes into your real life, so that you do not have to spread your sick existence here on Blurt!
If you were not supported with BP, which makes your votes attractive for poor accounts, no one here would pay attention to you.
With your pointless and eternally long texts.
A user here once said, "What @practicalthought says in 4 pages, I can say in one sentence." Most of the time that is true.
If you keep this up, you will keep hurting Blurt. You've already done a lot of damage to Blurt with your lies.
Once you praise me to the heaven.
Once you write me to hell.
Once I sell Blurt and damage the course.
Once I do have so much Blurt that I could take over the chain.
You are so sick in your mind that you can really only be helped by professional help.
Do that already and leave me alone!
Yesterday I had a chat on Discord with some Blurt friends. I received encouragement and a few suggestions on how to deal with you. I was also given a fable. I will quote this one later.
You had accused me of not being able to have a factual discussion.
I have proven often enough on all platforms our blockchains that I am able to have factual and constructive discussions. I have made several suggestions that have contributed greatly to the well-being of Blurt.
You wrote it yourself many times that I have done a lot for Blurt.
You, on the other hand, have done nothing for Blurt.
Now you have written many lies about me in many comments for months.
Again and again you tell the same story of the conflicts that happened on Blurt.
The problem is that your story is simply wrong in many parts. You are missing a lot of information and you unfortunately lack the ability to understand the big context.
Even though your best friend here on the platform has told you several times that you're not telling the story right, you still keep writing the same wrong sentences like an organ grinder. You are simply unteachable and stubborn.
You are the one who is unable to have a factual discussion. You think up random things and then write them as if they were facts.
I have repeatedly refuted your false statements.
I often stand for exactly the opposite of what you imply. Just one example: Although I had the most PB, I always stood up for the limitation of the "power" of big accounts. You either didn't read all that or forgot.
The real motivation from you to keep writing lies about me is that you're jealous and that in return you'll get strong votes from a co-founder who has your head in his ass.
But, it also seems that you now believe the false story of conflict on Blurt yourself, since you have written it so many times.
Because of that and your disgusting character, you are not worth wasting just one more second of my time on you. That was also what my friends advised me to do yesterday.
So I won't read your postings anymore.
You say I am a tyrant and a hypocrite and the grass is blue.
I say you're either a liar, or you're very mentally ill, or you're a bought puppet, and I say the grass is green.
Now here comes the fable:
"The donkey said to the tiger:
"The grass is blue."
The tiger replied:
"No, the grass is green!"
A quarrel broke out and they went to the king of the animals, the lion, to settle their differences.
When the donkey reached the place where the lion was sitting on his throne, he began to shout:
"Your Majesty, is it true that the grass is blue?"
The lion replied:
"Yes, of course the grass is blue."
The donkey was delighted and continued:
"The tiger is contradicting me and annoying me, please punish him."
The king (lion) announced:
"The tiger will be punished with one month of silence."
The donkey jumped happily and went on contentedly, repeating:
"The grass is blue ... the grass is blue ..."
The tiger accepted his punishment and asked the lion:
"Your Majesty, what have you punished me for? After all, the grass is green?"
"The grass is indeed green."
The surprised tiger asked:
"Then why are you punishing me?"
"It has nothing to do with whether grass is blue or green. The punishment for being a brave and intelligent animal like you must not waste time arguing with a donkey and then wasting my time with this stupid question.
The most terrible waste of time is to argue with a fool and a bore who cares neither for truth nor reality, but only for the victory of his beliefs and illusions.
Do not waste time with useless arguments.
There are people who can't accept the truth because it doesn't fit into their worldview, they prefer to defend the lie and mock the one who points out the lie.
They just want to assert themselves. At the same time they are blinded by hatred and the discussion is accompanied by insults.
When ignorance cries out, the spirit is silent."
And the moral of the story:
I will be silent now.
If you think I keep calling your links you are wrong.
There are only false claims, sick projections of you and lies in your texts anyway.
Stop finally to spread bad mood on Blurt!
You are hurting Blurt with that!
In your big effort to slant the truth and discredit me, you notice he has yet to respond to comments about it, he knows he dun fucked up and has no respond that won't make him look bad, even in his own kingdom.
Sometimes the smart choice is to allow/trust the onlookers to determine for themselves the
credibility of the attacker.
the credibility of the assertion.
whether someone else replied in a manner sufficient to display the fallacy.
It's wise in many charged situations to allow another to have the last word, or in this case I'm assuming he may have felt your reputation preceded your words and would hold little value to many here. I can't speak for him though. All I can do is share what my looking into your assertions uncovered. As well as my own observations of irony in your self professed claims to neutrality and being one whose actions are from a noble position.
An example is the other leg of this discussion between us. I am content letting you have the last word(s). There is nothing more that I could add, and feel content leaving you the last words.
I did? I distinctly remember burning his 60 STEEM he used to upvote plagiarism for over $400 with bid bots. My terms of service for buildawhale clearly stated no plagiarism and no abuse will be upvoted.
I was the only bid bot owner with ethics and stood up to the endless wave of abusers. I banned my biggest most lucrative customers (spammers/plagiarists) to prevent abuse when everyone else just turned a blind eye.
But spin it anyway you like buddy, I never saw a dime of his 60 STEEM.
Again, ignorance is bliss. His response to this? Spamming more comments per day than the entire blockchain combined (over 32,000 per day) for months. Yeah, let's talk ethics and principles.
This is what you consider ethics and principles over about $20 that I didn't see a dime of?
My discussion in Slack is what prompted lordbufferfly to actually reach out to megadrive.
Most trolls don't like me and it's clear I have no love for lordbutterfly. You should look in the results of that "marketing". It was a complete failure, even he said he gave up on trying to onboard people.
"He deemed Thecryptodrive an easy target and bullies love those. The 10 cent spammers and those marginalized by the inner group are Markys favorite target. He can go after those publicly."
"The bigger fish? Well he deals with that behind the scenes. He wouldnt want to look bad and his witness to suffer, would he? lol."
That's comical because I am behind taking down the most abusive users and scammers. Big fish like Haejin. I am not afraid of anyone and I have been downvoted with $400 downvotes yet I still did anti-abuse.
You seem to be full of shit, if you view what I post I use facts instead of pulling shit out of my ass.
Good attempt though, slow golf clap.
Oh well that clears things up. The old
I find it an interesting (always have) position to claim that so called spammers can exist in a system if they pay their fees (RC credits in this case) and can only receive any form of compensation either from their own stake pull on the pool or others who disagree it is spam and appreciate it.
But then I never understood this idea that some equivalence to RAPE had occurred because folks placed their stake claims on posts that those with more stake disagreed with. Seems to me a clear cut case that either the math is at fault and misrepresented to those investing, or an excuse for those with the most stake to shift rewards from those with less stake back to their own claims.
Speaking of which
While I wasn't a fan of his doing that, he clearly had the RC to do so. I'm pretty sure that most of us who were in his circles had endured that same dynamic only most often with obscene subject matter from the Berniesanders account as it trolled him and many others mercilessly. Amazing how so many of you self proclaimed heroes of the reward pool looked the other way on that one. I always thought that he did that for two reasons.
To display the hypocrisy from those pretending to be some stalwart defenders of the chain but in reality only spoke up if they could either crush the account in question or had the support of those who could
To find out how many fake ass people had only pretended a community with him and would choose to bail and worse, attack him once the larger stakeholders made clear this was smiled upon. Just like Lordbutterfly says in his description of yourself and a few others.
It was a strong case study in how easily folks fall into the
mentality and were quick to not only abandon the one who had the ethical position on their side, but to join the mob attacking that person and begin feigning outrage when before they cowered from the constant barrage of it from the more powerful account. Shame on all of those who allowed the lolcows campaign from you and Bernie to distance themselves from him, worse for those who began attacking him because those of questionable character with lots of power said they should.
Seems eerily similar to what is taking place here now at Blurt. Many so called critical thinkers, many of whom constantly attack liberals for being incapable of using critical thinking quick to pick up any falsehood and run around setting fire to all of it while the few solid points quickly get obscured. Especially when they ignore anything written that addresses both their valid questions and more often, their ludicrous views not based in reality.
Has been interesting (and disappointing) watching this dynamic play out once more.
I find it interesting that one such as yourself who on the one hand will run with this idea the reward pool can be raped and it is the fault of the stakeholders and not the math, can then on the other hand run a bidbot and it somehow wasn't a rape taking place. Seems like you are quick to switch lanes on this depending on how it fits with your preference.
I'll look when I have more time, but seemed the last time I read he had pushed a marketing campaign and made some form of documentary. Regardless if my understanding was wrong, at least he wanted to do something to bring in folks. Kudos to him for making the effort.
It seems to me as many influencers that are driven off by the large stakeholders that it is desired by them that Hive (and Steem before that) not grow to large as a blogging platform. Or else these large influencers would be embraced for the folks they could bring.
I think we'll let the onlookers decide for themselves. I find it particularly interesting how a few who have come here claim it was because of your actions yet will pick up your claims with no questions and wield them as a weapon. Hence my going direct to the source (the man who actually got the funds from mega, as well as the comment sections on Steem that would seem to have been riddled with complaints from victims and not one peep) so folks can have more than your description.
In closing, I find it interesting that on Hive you claim to have no position on Blurt and little understanding yet not only does Lordbutterfly say that isn't true, your actions come across like that of a kid going to a candy store when you see an opening to stir up passion against Blurt.
For the lolcows I guess.
He used my bid bot that had clearly stated terms and conditions which he knowingly broke and knowingly broke community guidelines by upvoting stolen content for over $400. I burned it so it was clear I did not benefit from it at all. Feel free to continue your bullshit nonsense and make shit up.
RC is a flawed system that was designed to minimize spam type of abuse but it doesn't scale well and once you have over a certain amount of HP you are pretty untouchable.
It mostly affects those with little HP and those making new accounts. Like in life, if you have money the rules hardly apply to you.
Bernie wasn't even in the same boat, he had his moments but he didn't go around launching more comments than the entire chain combined.
Everyone ran a bid bot back then, I was one of the first to help push them out. I also ran my more ethically and with principals than anyone else.
In fact, I would go on to say the chain was better that I ran one and the SP used was not given to someone who didn't care about the chain and was willing to allow anyone to use them.
If it is legal to drive 80 mph, then the law changes to 60 mph, you can't go around saying people who drove 80 mph back when it was legal broke the law.
Bid bots were the norm, I did nothing no one else wasn't doing. I did however have the ethics to do it better.
You are listening to the vocal minority who love to cry and whine why they can't be handed fat upvotes.
Operative word being few. They were the worst of hive and deserved every downvote. I'm not going to cry over 4-5 abusers leaving and throwing a temper tantrum.
I know what I see, I saw what I wrote about recently but honestly have little understanding of what is going on here as I only recently started posting/commenting because of the endless bullshit spam on Hive. It's no secret I am posting here, I won't claim to be an expert here. I could give a shit what lordbutterfly thinks or says.
If it wasn't for the bullshit spam on Hive, I would have been happy dumping my Blurt back at it's peak and never go back to this shit show. But when people like world-travel-pro spam Hive with lies, I felt some correction was in order.
You really love to spin things into bullshit. No wonder why you are here.
lol Steem Potato, Hive Potato, fake Blurt Foundation, let's pretend this is not megascam