This shot is from a recent walk..
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I don't know who is over here and how things are going
I'd love to hear your experience and find some people to follow.
This shot is from a recent walk..
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I don't know who is over here and how things are going
I'd love to hear your experience and find some people to follow.
I am glad you're also on blurt.
Maybe you can join us in running a witness node on blurt,how about that?
Currently it costs only about $25 a month to run nodes on blurt
I don't know how to run a witness node.
I remember you! Very nice lake you got there.
I was aka l0k1 or elfspice, you and I had a fair bit of interaction a few years ago.
I live in Sofia, and we barely even have a river within 50km, but we have seagulls here too, not so many. I was surprised to see them when I lived in Novi Sad also. But more understandable, the Danube is a pretty huge river full of fishies.
Hey, good to see you. I remember you.
Welcome to Blurt, nice pictures.