Travel Pro State of The Blurt Address + Major Announcement!

in # blurt •  last year • 4 min read

Dear fellow members of Blurt! It's been far too long since I've made a post. So, before I go any further, I'd like to thank all of you who have supported me over the years and especially those who continue to do so. A special thank you to @primeradue for coming over to Blurt in recent months, powering up nearly six million Blurt and voting for my roll as a Blurt Witness. Much appreciation.


Over the past year my attention has gone to another business/hobby of mine, and that was the cannabis industry in Thailand. Well, I've built and sold a company in about a year and I'm very pleased with my efforts. However during this period, I've had almost no time for Blurt other than taking on a business consulting roll in the witness chat on Discord.

That being said. I can tell you that Blurt lacks leadership, but it is improving. The founders of the platform, are just that. They never committed to building a business; they just used their tech skills to spawn a "no down vote" fork of Steemit. Over the past year their lack of activity, communication, time and effort building and growing the platform demonstrates this, and it that is totally okay.

@megadrive still participates and plays a very important roll while dealing with hardships in his personal life that severely limit his time and commitment. It's totally understandable as he does not "own" Blurt, and Blurt does not "own" him . Any attention and upgrades he can bring to Blurt are greatly appreciated.

That being said their is room for new witnesses to join the top twenty. There is room for new leadership to step up, assist, propel and speed up Blurts inevitable massive growth.


Some of you may have noticed I've powered down half of my 800,000 blurt holdings (recently re-power most up). This was done, BEFORE the logo was upgraded and the recent hardfork was initiated.

Unfortunately I watched most of the the summer months go by, with little to no productivity coming out of almost everyone except a few select witnesses. There was a lot of talk but no action.

So I let everyone in the witness chat know I'll be powering down and capping the price if words do not turn into action soon. What do you know, suddenly we have a new logo, and a hard-fork coming which will be of great benefit to the platform.


After a year of following and participating in the witness chat there are some stand out members that pull there own weight and much more.

If you are not sure who to vote for here is a list of Blurt Witnesses who have value and bring something to the party. @saboin (original tech) @megadrive (tech/founder) @khrom (polish community rep) @outofthematrix (team player/ major curator/ successful business consultant) @kentzz (tech), @nalexadre (tech/business/team player/smart/mature/experienced professional) @freakeao (tech/blurt.latam) @randula (PR/team player).

What all of these witnesses have in common is that NONE of them bring a service to self attitude to the table...not one. These people want to see others do well knowing that is the only way for the platform to succeed. Most others have demonstrated nothing at all, or the complete opposite.

So, the state of the Blurt is improving and we need more qualified witnesses to join the ranks. There are clear openings for some talented people to pop right into the top twenty and start making a difference.

If you feel like you are that person. Please leave a note in the comments and we'll have one of our tech specialists help you out setting up a server to join witness ranks and strengthen the Blurt Blockchain!

Major Announcement

I personally will do my own Blurt delegation referral program. Anyone who Influences live accounts on Hive and Steemit to purchase Blurt, power it up, and start blogging on the Blurt Blockchain will be handsomely rewarded.

Upon these accounts reaching out to me on this post, and mentioning who did the referring; I will delegate 50% of the total amount purchased and powered up to the new blurt member, and 50% to who referred them for one month up to 200,000 Blurt total (100,000 each).


In conclusion, Blurt is slowly taking shape into an organized and viable operation loaded with opportunity for those who have something to offer. If that sounds like you, reach out to me in this post and we can all grow Blurt together!


Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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  ·  last year  ·  

Hello!! 👋 It has been a while :)

Nice to see you over here. I actually stumbled upon your thesis long post re. hive not so long ago after having a similar ending in that space as it appears so many others have had. Anyway, am really happy to be in a far less toxic space. Looking forward to seeing the positive changes here continue taking shape.

Also thanks for the witness advice as I had no real idea where to even begin - except @outofthematrix and mostly he won me over because his post intros are super cool, lol 😜 just kidding... partly haha!

For real. I had no clue what was going on with Hive, as I just did my own thing win my own cirlcles. Then all of a sudden these mega accounts with demon faces start down voting me to zero. Knew something was up right away.

Welcome to Blurt. This places does not have DC money. But at least it's not infested and controlled by the worst of the worst.

Enjoy and Blurt on!

  ·  last year  ·  

But at least it's not infested and controlled by the worst of the worst.

Definitely a good start, lol

  ·  last year  ·  

Welcome back @world-travel-pro we’re so happy to have you back on blurt platform we have missed you 😊..happy new year to you sir

Thank you Hossy! Happy New Year to you as well!

  ·  last year  ·  

There is a talk recently about the economics of Blurt and I am hoping that it will improve the Blurt experience and maybe attract new users from the sister chains @world-travel-pro but there is still a coercion about those users about losing support from their curators which is why they cannot just simply join Blurt which is a pressing issue that I see. But we shall see if the Blurt improvements can make something better in the coming months. @world-travel-pro

Welcome again and I hope you continue to enjoy life and also with Blurt on your side.

Thank you @cryptopie, always appreciate you taking the time to comment. Best wishes in the new year.

Lovely to hear from you my BWFAM!!! It is good to read that you are doing well and are back on Blurt!!! 🌞💕🤙🏽 Happy new year buddy!!! 🍀🥂🎉❤️

Thank you brother. Happy New Year to you as well!

  ·  last year  ·  

Welcome back. Happy New Year too.
Blurt to the Moon in 2024 …. 😊 🚀 🌙

Thank you Offgrid! Happy New Year and wishing you the very best!

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Congratulations on the success of your Business. That’s how it’s done. Build something great from scratch then sell it for Millions…. And then create something new. Over and over again.

Exactly ;)

Blurt is a challenge....too many in a position of influence rowing the boat in circles going nowhere.

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Tip : Share your Travel Photography on Bilpcoin ….

Appreciate the tip, but I'm retired from that. I'd rather put my time into building Blurt and see the price and user base explode.....or another business....we'll see what comes my way :)

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Diversification is the key. I earned lots of cheap Dogecoin watching movies on Cointiply and bought a car when it jumped to .70 …. Imagine if Blurt and Bilpcoin do the same. … from blogging ???

All good brother. You rock those coins. I'm gonna rock the beach and chill. Just my style ;)

Welcome back again. Great initiatives 😁

Thank you so much. You're support is greatly appreciated.

  ·  last year  ·  

Well, thanks for not crashing the price.

  ·  last year  ·  

I did try setting up a Witness node a couple times since starting on Blurt. Each time, I was surprised by 2 things:

  1. How complicated it is.
  2. How little guidance there is on how to do it.

I'm simply not able to do it! I have 30 years of experience with using computers for a variety of reasons every day, but I've never done any programming or networking.

Glad you're using the platform again though, you're a positive influence around here. Here's hoping 2024 is another successful one for you, and for all of us!

  ·  last year  ·  

You tried with docker or without it ?

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Maybe @tekraze @imransoudagar @zahidsun or @sagarkothari88 can reach out to you and help you live online or something....they are all tech savy and should be looking for something to do of value to earn their keep. Help @drutter set up a witness please. That is a huge deal. Whoever reaches out and helps him first gets my support in general.

By the way you are a lock for top 20 if you join. Hope you know that.

Keep me posted how this plays out. Thank you.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks man, I appreciate that. What it entails has been fully explained to me, and I just don't think I can figure it out! I'd be starting at kindergarten level, I've got zero ability level in all of the necessary skills. I apologize for wasting your time! I'll have to contribute with my content and curating for now.

I was at that level too. I just had my old steemit witness friend call me over the phone and walk me through every little mouse click. Then it was done, super easy and I learned something too.

@kentzz001 is waiting for you to reach out to him on discord if you have not done so yet. Once you connect with him, you'll soon be earning another 1 blurt every 3 minutes or something....permanently.

  ·  last year  ·  

Oh yeah, that reminds me of the other reason I stopped trying to run a node last time... everybody uses Discord except me! Sorry, I'm a lost cause on this.

  ·  last year  ·  

To be fair, someone was saying you couldn't even catch a flight with your family so this isn't surprising 😆

  ·  last year  ·  

I would be happy to setup a node.
I tried to use beem-blurt to play around and found lack of documentation also in discord. If you can refer me to the best documentation to setup a node it would be graet.

And happy your Thai initiative went well, welcome back.

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Awesome…. I will Vote for your Blurt Witness …
Hopefully we can get @apshamilton, @brianofLondon and a few others to join us on Blurt.

  ·  last year  ·  

You'd love to continue ruining this great place, wouldn't you?
Well if you do that, your "passive income source" (ie the place you leech from) will go away. Haven't thought that far ahead?

  ·  last year  ·  
  ·  last year  ·  

Got anything an everyday PC user could understand?

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

It can't be simpler for now. Maybe in the future. For now, I will say that if you are not able to handle it, even if someone fails you, what will you do if it breaks down? (happens sometimes).

For example, I don't understand everything like a sabion or tekaze . I just use their ready-made commands on the witness chat for re-synchronization or repair, but in general I have knowledge of how to install it and I understand what these commands do, what a condenser, docker is and how the process works installation and what happens during it because I have the basics. For me, the problem is the lack of advanced knowledge about what can be done and how, because I do not yet have good technical knowledge of the blockchain itself and the solutions used in it (I am still learning in my free time).

If you want to run a node, I suggest you familiarize yourself with these basics, and for more advanced things, you can simply contact the dev chat and someone will always help you there.

The point is that understanding these basics will give you the ground to look for advanced solutions. Without the basics, you won't even know what question to ask and you always must looking help outside.

the basics to cover are:

  • using the Linux terminal and simple Linux commands such as changing the path, installing necessary programs and libraries, text editor nano or gedit in terminal, and firewall command ufw etc.
  • configuring VPS, i.e. how to change the password to the ssh key and how to use it on your computer, and how to connect from your computer terminal to your VPS. (I will add that if you use Windows on a daily basis, it is a bit more complicated in my opinion)
  • understand what containers and docker are

There is just few days of lerning to know enough to install node.

You are capable to understand it co i encourage just to tray first ;) You always get another skills for your self ;)

The rest is in the manual and basically is simple as copy and paste.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for explaining what it would entail to run a witness node properly.
It reminds me why I gave up when I tried to do it before!
My degree was in nursing and psychiatry. I never took a single computer course. I've been using personal computers every day for 40 years, and the internet since it became available, but I have no idea about networking or programming. I simply have a knowledge hole exactly where the skills for running a blockchain node are. With enough time and dedication, I could probably get it working, but as you pointed out, would I be able to handle issues that came up? Besides, do I even have a few days to dedicate to a new skill? With my health and my young children right now, I think the answer is no.
I think witnessing is about even more than just running a node, so even if I managed to do that, there's no guarantee I would succeed at being a witness.
Anyhow, thanks for the info : )

  ·  last year  ·  

I have been following your blog for a long time and it would be good to have such a devoted Witness on the platform.

Whether it would take you a few days or less to learn it, I don't know. If you are bright, maybe even less. However, of course you need to be willing to delve deeper into the topic.

As for qualifications, I believe that there are never enough of them. You never know when something will come in handy in your life ;)

Well, maybe one day you'll find the time to figure it out. I'm here to help if needed.

  ·  last year  ·  

I can help you, set setup your fresh node. Just reach me via Discord DM please and we can chat there.

Thank you @khrom

  ·  last year  ·  


Taking notes
