Response to @Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question 🤔 How I Can Use My Khmer Cultural Knowledge & Language Skills to Mediate Disputes

in # blurt365 •  4 years ago • 3 min read

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This video is a response to the question - "Given Your Talents, Passions And Values. How Could You Use These Resources To Serve, To Help, To Contribute, To The Environment, To Other Living Beings And /Or To Different Causes?"


@Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question

Given Your Talents, Passions And Values. How Could You Use These Resources To Serve, To Help, To Contribute, To The Environment, To Other Living Beings And /Or To Different Causes?

Posting Guidelines

  • Post your answers to the question in the Abundance.Tribe community.
  • Use any form of expression that makes it easiest for you to share your Truth.
  • Post between now and the 25th March.
  • This question is open to everyone within the Hive Platform.


Mediating Cross-Cultural Conflicts In Cambodia 😠🙋‍♂️😥

     I spent roughly 10 years in Cambodia, and my Khmer family and I would both love to get back, but I'm locked out of Cambodian for the foreseeable future. Before we left Cambodia to get married abroad (not legally possible in Cambodia), we began to fall into a lot of translation and conflict resolution jobs.

facilitating an Indian-Khmer wedding party

     I never intentionally marketed myself as such, but I did teach English and Khmer language classes in a very small town, and we had a very popular restaurant and good reputation in the community. It was a due to all of these things that many people began employing me to mediate landlord disputes, help solve conflicts with neighbors and villagers, or even just basic translation services for Christian missionaries or apartment hunters.

     I really understand the Khmer psyche, and I'm acquainted with enough foreign cultures to know how their worldviews and social norms differ from that of Cambodians. I would personally love to open a conflict resolution service of my own in Cambodia when the border reopens.

helping Vietnamese tourists find fresh bread during a deluge

     If this can't work out one day, we'd love to purchase a Piaggio Ape or Bajaj RE again, and offer custom-tailored off the beaten-path vacations via tuk-tuk, where the family and I cook all the food and arrange the camping setup every night, and taking truly interested tourists to underserved communities in need of economic stimuli.


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Monkey B

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