Dedication to a course is excellence.

in # blurtafrica •  2 years ago • 3 min read
Daily the value of education is reduce and the young people sees education as a waste of time this reduction is as a result of the poor attention the government gives to education and this had over time becoming a reality that those who want to achieve academic excellence as seen as fools and in this wise a young Nigerian musician sang

Las las school na scam meaning school is a scam thing.

Is school truly a scam?

School is a place where the minds are trained to become an employer or an employee depending on the path one takes. Ones analytical powers is developed and to make rational discriminations. School hasn't for any time promised to give money but had promised conditioning the mind to make good meaning of that God given talent.


These two guys here in the photo I met them in my first year in the university while they were in their final year in the year 2019. Then they had told me about making a first class honors not minding that the government hasn't any job for her volume of graduate yearly. To them they didn't come to school to go look for job after leaving school. They finished a from the faculty of engineering. Applied and industrial physics option and they are decorated as the best graduating students in their department. For them school isn't a scam.

Know what you want.

I'm sure that any who knows what he/she wants certainly would go for it . For countries that see herself as a developing country would never joke with her education and educating her young . Laws made in Nigeria has no place to favor education and the best brains leaves the shores of the country to the west in search of a better life.
The convocation ceremony of the university has this to say down 👇

News sources

These 19235 graduands and the 161 first class honors where are they going what is their hope and mind you this figure is just only from one university in one state and imagine the number of man power produced yearly within a plan and a place.

Happy are you when you don't wait for already made.

Entrepreneurship is the way, that's why you will see lots of Nigerian young people on every social media blog site trying to make life meaningfully from the opportunity decentralization has brought. Much thanks to Satoshi Nakamato .

Studied English and currently running adverts for real estate firms and he's into content creation and cryptocurrency.

He studied human physiology and has gone on to making life good for himself.

These guys showed much dedication to why they came to the university and excellence followed.

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