What joke means to me.

in # blurtafrica •  2 years ago • 3 min read
I'm confused why some people keep living their lives as though others are not involved. It might really look like your life is your own and you're living the best of it but because**man** is a social being who interacts and relates with others consciously or unconsciously. Others are part of your journey in life and it's worth investing, tolerating and considering others in your acts .

If you are not consciously building your habits, they are unconsciously building you.

Anika J. Green,

Building the habit of considering others in your acts and actions would make you a person of charisma who others would love listen to or associate with.


Life had been described like the pages of books and you're been read every passing second yet you won't know it will clear up when something happens then you would know how much other people know you.
Recently I was having a chat with one of my very good friends who asked me what I understand as joke .
To give a one word answer was difficult for me so I decided to describe for him what I think joke really is. So I said to him

Joke is when a content creator creates a content on a blog site thinking that no one would read it

This might not really be what he wanted me to tell him but this is what I feel joke is . How can I make a post not considering my audience isn't that a big joke?

Making a blog is the teaching job when you're teaching the child at school you're indirectly teaching/interacting with the parents. As a teacher you must first understand the individual value of each family been represented in your class understanding that what is a moral value in family A in family B might be a taboo . On Thursday morning October 2022. A child's parent brought a complaint to me asking me to caution one of my colleagues that she was ready to create a scene if such happens again. I tried to find out truly what went wrong as I picked the pupils in the said class to tell me what they witnessed and all the children told me the teacher's daughter abused her class mate and the teacher who happens to be the class teacher instead of disciplining her daughter who was at fault this she won't do she rather preferred punish an innocent boy perhaps she's thinking that 8 years old children couldn't explain how their day went. This is another silly joke as a professional teacher.

In this little classroom God has blessed me with upholding acceptable values is our goal. Understanding that the kids come from different homes and background they to be understood. Same way when making your contents you ought to understand that others are reading your post because you're not talking to your self but to a large group of people.
Be a mirror 🪞 for others to see this was my grandma's daily talk . This made my siblings and I to be intentional about life.

Let your contents heal others let it not inflict wounds and pains in the heart of others.

Happy weekend Blurt family.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·