One day

in # blurtafrica •  2 years ago • 1 min read


One day I will leave the world and never return
You will cry when you see my number is off!
You will miss me when you sit alone
You won't be able to hear my laughter and voice.

There will be no more me to irritate,
Tease and make you laugh!
Tears might run out of your eyes
But I will be nowhere to be found.
I will be gone, gone long and forever!


Enjoy my company now that I'm alive
Be with me before I close my eyes to the world of unreturned and eternity silence.
Enjoy my presence now that I'm breathing
That forever you shall remember me in goodness.

Tell me if I wronged you
Declare to me if I ever hurt you
Let's live in perfect harmony and acceptance of each other
Before I carry my lockage to the world of the ghosts and spirits!...

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