What we caught: How the Rabbit exposed the innocent monitor lizard

in # blurtafrica •  2 months ago • 3 min read

How the hunters hunted

It wasn't an easy task though, we tried our best that day. Day time hunting is the best I swear. For some days now, we've been going out and out doing day and night hunting. On this fateful day, the animals were unlucky.


This was how the hunting started.

First, the rabbit

Last night we went hunting. Luckily for us, we saw a male rabbit. We chased it and it ran into a hole... We weren't happy with the result of not getting even a single meat last night, so we left there peacefully, hoping to come back again today. But before we left, we used a stone to close and trap the rabbit in it hole, so it couldn't go out. Out!!! we left!!

The snake couldn't believe what he saw

The next day was a big day for us. We went to school, taught our students the best we could and headed back home as usual. When we got home today, we changed and moved out for hunting. Now, before going out, one of our friends told us that he saw a Snake when he went out to make a call. He showed us the hole which we took 30 minutes of our time digging it until we saw the snake lying down quietly. We caught it and till, chopping off it head and moving unto the hole where the rabbit his itself.

How the Rabbit exposed the innocent monitor lizard

When we got to the hole where our precious little Mr rabbit was hiding, we removed the stone used in blocking the hole. We started digging the hole and, when we got to a point, we could see the rabbit sitting quietly. As we dug on, approaching where the rabbit was, it began looking for a way to come out from the hole but we were all ready for it. We attacked it immediately it came out and we were about leaving when we saw another thing inside the hole lying down quietly. We observed the body of the animal and noticed its a monitor lizard. Wow!!! Another meat added to our list of meat. We strengthened our force and made sure we tackle the monitor lizard before it attacks us since its also a dangerous animal.
Hunting was soft and successful and none of us was hurt.
Thanks for reading!!!!!!
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