in # blurtafrica •  3 years ago • 3 min read

Like the saying, " The tongue is the sharpest sword". Our ability to speak is for us as humans to be able to express ourselves; it is not meant to blast others and so we ought to be mindful of the words we say. There are some words spoken by someone to another that is capable of leaving a permanent scar in the heart 💘 and that moment might never be forgotten. Some people say things they end up regretting later or for the rest of their lives.

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Our tongue might make us lose the trust others have in us but it certainly won't help us to win it back. I know a friend of mine who because of a small quarrel over who contributes more to the family let out her husband's biggest investment while trying to say that she has done a bigger investment than that; forgetting that the wall has ears👂👂. They were robbed and lost expensive valuables in the process and to date, her husband has never trusted her with any of his secrets. Obviously, she's regretting the words she said that day because she has lost her husband's trust and doesn't know how to earn it back.

This is what happens when we speak without giving it a second thought, we might end up harming ourselves and the people around us mostly our loved ones. There are times we talk out of frustration and anger, then words you didn't intend to say just slip out of your tongue perhaps you have been holding for too long and when you speak out, you feel relieved like a burden lifted off you. It happens to everyone and I am not excluded because I've spoken unintended words at times. I had to control my tongue and so far the best solution which has been working for me is to THINK before voicing out and this has become part of me. Damages, as well as injuries, might occur when we react to situations without giving them a thorough thought and these can be prevented if we just THINK. Before I react to any situation; there it goes, ringing in my mind, Think, Think, Think and I find myself having a second thought 🤔. What will happen if I do this? How can I guarantee that I won't cause any damage through my actions? If I do it this way will it make me feel any better? When you feed your mind with all these questions, you will make the right decision 👍 and be proud of yourself.

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Most times we are trying to make our lives useful and our kids are busy making a mess of the home, we are bound to get angry BUT!!! ✋✋✋ don't rush into action. When you find yourself in such a situation all you have to do is to calm your nerves and make a plan on how you will get the job done and if you take a closer look, you will realize that it was nothing for you to worry your mind over, it doesn't worth the stress🤦.

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I would like us to remember one thing; the words we say can only have two effects; positive OR negative and it's up to us to decide the impact our speech will have.


Thanks For Reading.

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