A letter to Christian Pilgrim

in # blurtafrica •  3 years ago • 2 min read

Dear Christian pilgrim,

I bet by now, you know by heart that the master said the path is narrow and only few will find it. But I hope you do understand the implication of that statement. It means that the path is lonely. Very lonely. Another thing you may have missed is that it is long and tiresome. It explains why you feel like quitting every now and then.

The interesting thing about this journey is that the way and the path are a little adjacent to each other. This makes it possible for a person on either side to see what happens on the other side every now and then. But make no mistakes; the way and the path do not intersect. Dear pilgrim, your journey could be cut short if your attention is focused on the way . You shouldn’t even be throwing casual glances; your focus should be ahead.

Dear pilgrim, remember your Guide . He knows the path better than you do. Trust Him. But do not forget, He is not just your guide but also your companion. When the reality of your loneliness hits you, His presence will comfort you.


This is just to remind you of the nature of your journey_ lonely. It gets lonelier as you reach the end. Do not be perturbed by that. Keep your eyes on the path. You are closer to the end than you ever believed.

I hope this note meets you on the path.

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