Time Machine Blurt: Bringing Back Mariam al-Ijliya Astrolobe Designer

in # blurtart •  3 years ago • 2 min read


If I had the opportunity to bring a woman from the past to Blurt, I would choose Mariam al-Ijliya.

Mariam al-Ijliya is not an ordinary woman, she is able to have a great influence on the development of mankind, especially the Islamic world among influential male figures.

Mariam is a thinker who lived in the 10th century in Aleppo, Syria. Mariam is an accomplished woman in the world of astronomy. It is narrated in the bibliography by Al Fihrist Ibn al-Nadim. But sadly, very little is told in history.

Mariam is known as the scientist who designed and built the astrolabe. Because of his contributions to thought, after his name was added "al-Astrolabiya."

Astrolabe is a global positioning instrument that determines the position of the sun and planets. This instrument is used for astronomy, astrology and horoscopes.

Astrolobes are also used to tell time and as navigation by finding locations based on latitude and longitude. As for Muslims, the astrolobe is used to determine the Qibla, prayer times, and the beginning of Ramadan and Eid.

Astrolobe is known as the ancient smart phone. Today, we know the astrolobe as a modern version of the Global Positioning System (GPS).

Astrolobe crafts were highly developed in the ninth to 10th centuries. Not just anyone can master this technique.

At that time, people who were experts in making astrolobes were called mechanical engineers. Mariam was the first woman to be recognized as a mechanical engineer in the field of astronomy.

However, there are not many articles or reviews that tell the story of the first female astronomer engineer in the early days of the Islamic revival.

Although very little is mentioned, Mariam's story is quite well known in Europe. Among European scientists, Mariam earned the nickname al-Astrolobe. She is a brave and sophisticated Muslimah in the world of science.

Because of his skill and intelligence, many European scientists were oriented to him. Thus, the science of astronomy can develop rapidly as it is today.




Thus a brief review of influential female figures in the history of mankind. Thank you for visiting and reading this post.

Thank you @blurtart for hosting this interesting contest.

Power of love


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