What I'm "eating" is not crucial; what matters is what I'm "thinking."

in # blurtbooster •  2 years ago • 2 min read

What I'm "eating" is not crucial; what matters is what I'm "thinking."


Another great thing about villa is that there is always food accessible, so there is no need to worry about running out. The street food was quite delicious. There were several of them, and one could just select the one they like. My thoughts once more turned to my Dad's passing when we placed our order for dosas. I was really missing him.

But when I was eating, I was thinking about my father. I've been missing him constantly, and I'm really feeling it now. His kind personality was the cause. He would frequently inquire about my whereabouts, if I had eaten, and my anticipated arrival time at home. He would frequently inquire, but this was my first trip when nobody called or expressed concern for my well.

This is not a one-sided relationship; I also enjoy sharing other things and used to utilize video calls to show him new areas. He had his worries, and I wanted to talk to him about them. However, this was my first such journey taken entirely alone. I frequently pulled out my phone to check if my dad had missed any calls.

The fact that his absence has had such a profound effect on my life aches. He used to let me be independent, but now I had to keep everything under his control. I'm no longer cared for by anyone, thus I have a lot of responsibilities. The time has arrived to advance in life. No one can take his place, thus it's crucial to uphold his principles and carry himself with dignity at all times. Now that I'm all by myself and have had enough time to do so, a new chapter has begun with me as the main character. I also have to do them well. love you, dad

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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