Hi blurtians
Hope you all having fun and are healthy
Today I thought to put some scope on our King of vegetables🥦🥕🌽 that is brinjal
Last week I visited fields where I came across a brinjal farm in around 1/2 acre of land.
And the owner of the farm was a good guy, he allowed us to pick some brinjals for ourself without any charge.
I was very pleasant movement directly farm to home concept.
Anyway its not normal for our busy life.
Ok guys let me come to the point📍 of our topic.
Today technology has gone beyond our imagination.
When I got to see that we can graft brinjal. Because its first time I heard grafting vegetable plants also.
So being curious about to know how.
I got this video on YouTube▶️
This technology involves two different plants
First One is mother plant for rootstock
Second one is main plant of our choice.
The mother plant selected for its ability having great resistance to soil born diseases, bigger roots
The reason behind adopting this technique is to get maximum yield with minimum expenses.
Sometimes I think to have small backyard where I could grow some veggies that I need daily.
Atleast i can avoid consuming pesticides.
Let me know guys what's your opinion in comments
Thank you
In sha allah..This dream too will come true one day..